RUSS It is with a heavy heart that Jacobs Pound Dogs UK have to - TopicsExpress


RUSS It is with a heavy heart that Jacobs Pound Dogs UK have to inform you that on Monday 16th Russ was murdered under the BSL law. He was taken from the kennels and assessed by the DLO and deemed type. We are all heart broken for our lovely boy who by all accounts was one of the nicest sweetest boys they have had to let go. Russ did nothing wrong, he did not bite, he did not fight, he did not injure, hurt or kill........ He wagged his tail and gave you a good morning kiss and any time of the day kiss. He nudged his head between yours for a cuddle, he gave you his paw to say hello! he rolled over on his back for a tummy rub......... He did nothing wrong!! So Why ...... In human terms Breed Specific Legislation would be called racist. It is a national disgrace that dogs lose their lives simply because of how they look. Sadly Russ humans let him down when they did not claim him from the pound and fight for him to be exempted. They are a disgrace, their dog died needlessly and this is a tragic waste of a life. Breed Specific Legislation is fundamentally flawed, the DEFRA type guidelines describe half of the dogs in the country. Ironically the majority of pit bull types that are seized are exempted because of their good nature. Russ was murdered because of his looks, maybe his red nose or a measurement on a tape measure. Over the next couple of weeks I will be talking to rescues and the relevant authorities with a view to staring a new petition to ask the government to review Breed Specific Legislation and stop the killing of innocent family pets and dogs like Russ. Please comment below if you would like to be part of this and once I have done some research and got a template organised I will set up a PM and we can work together to try to change things. I havent been able to tag everyone I want to as there is a limit! For Russ and all the other dogs who never put a paw wrong. Gutted for this boy, he did not deserve this, Russ your death and all the others will not be in vain we will do our best to change things :-( x
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:02:10 +0000

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