RUSSIA & CHINA GOLD BUYING FRENZY - A Global Currency Shift is - TopicsExpress


RUSSIA & CHINA GOLD BUYING FRENZY - A Global Currency Shift is Underway. (1-21-15) ~ https://youtube/watch?v=BI250wVaZHs A larger global currency shift is underway. And it may be happening much more quickly than anyone has realized. Things are definitely in motion. Call it a game of musical chairs, or an exercise in rearranging chairs on the Titanic, or just that a tilting balance of power. Just don’t make the mistake of thinking this is all routine. The absolutely stunning decision by the Swiss National Bank to decouple from the euro has triggered billions of dollars worth of losses all over the globe. Put China at the top of the next generation of rule makers, then. China has been quietly stockpiling gold for years now. In fact, it is stockpiling so much gold that many have speculated that it may be building a gold-backed yuan currency that would make the Dollar pale in comparison on the global market. Bottom line: no one knows just exactly how much gold China has amassed: Lots of other countries are rapidly buying up gold, too, including – Serbia, Greece, Ecuador, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. But reportedly no one is buying gold at a faster pace than Russia. There is little doubt that gold plays a major factor in Russia’s posturing during a global showdown that involves proxy war and military tensions in the Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and other parts of the globe. More than that, Putin has been positioning his motherland to team up with China to solidify the emerging BRICS system which aims to thwart decades of Anglo financial dominance with a un-dollar currency system that will also include a development bank. Russia is also increasing its gold reserves. China and Russia have been exchanging their U.S. dollar reserves and buying physical gold. Last year we speculated that this dynamic would create a shortage in gold leading to much higher prices. Russia and China now rank in the top ten countries by gold reserves. To that end, Russia has been amassing as much gold as possible, in a bid to outmaneuver its enemies in a silent economic war to hold onto its independence and further project its status. Nearly every bit of gas and oil that Russia sells to neighbors in Europe and Asia is converted from dollars into gold reserves – and even with the collapsing oil price, that amount could still be staggering. gold silver bullion currency forex trading reset global switzerland russia china u.s. usa america united states game power swiss bank banking euro bank account savings trading stock market collapse crash oil oil price energy finance economy investment sell gold cash for gold prepare survival gold coin silver bullion greece mexico europe 2015 brics warning future humanity gold vault tax free silver asia elite nwo agenda alex jones rant infowars max keiser glenn beck marc faber jim rogers lindsey williams jsnip4 demcad g4t rawdogletard montagraph daboo7 david icke anonymous gerald celente Alex Jones talks with Reagan insider and economic expert Paul Craig Roberts about the coming collapse and when he thinks it will happen. It almost happened in 2008… but as this excerpt from Casey Research’s Meltdown America documentary notes, it appears the US military is preparing for the potential collapse of the US dollar. As Scott Taylor warns, “…if the carrot (of credit worthiness) is fading, and the stick (of military threat) is weak, that empire is going to come down in a hurry…” which leaves a serial economic mis-manager only one option to ‘secure’ the empire. Fed Chairman Janet Yellen is playing footsie with our interest rates. As the looming derivatives bubble expands, we take a look back at the real message quietly given to the U.S. economy by the privately owned Federal Reserve. From the monetary side, the Federal Reserve’s response to this unprecedented crisis has been to simply “print” more money as is necessary. On top of the trillions in dollars already printed thus far, the Fed continues quantitative easing to the tune of about $80 billion per month. It’s the only arrow left in the Fed’s quiver, because failing to inject these billions into stock markets and banks will lead to an almost instant collapse of the U.S. financial system. Unfortunately, the current strategy is chock full of its own pitfalls, the least of which being the real possibility of a hyperinflationary environment developing over coming months and years.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:47:12 +0000

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