RUST AND ANTIOXIDANTS Tips To Feel Better, Look Younger, - TopicsExpress


RUST AND ANTIOXIDANTS Tips To Feel Better, Look Younger, And Live Longer By Dr. Brian Wilmovsky Wellness expert and best-selling author On January 23, 2011, America lost a fitness legend. Many of us grew up watching him on television every morning in his workout clothes, exercising with a chair or a towel or other household items to the sound of organ music in the background with his faithful dog right beside him. Of course, I am speaking of Jack LaLanne, the godfather of fitness, who was responsible for getting many generations of Americans off the couch and into regular fitness routines. An interesting fact about LaLanne that many people do not know is that he was a doctor of chiropractic who received his Chiropractic degree in 1936. Not only was he famous for his daily televised exercise routines, he was also famous for the many world records he set - including the record for greatest number of push-ups (1,033 in 23 minutes done at the age of 42). LaLanne was also well known for his quotes or LaLanne-isms as they are often called. One of my favorite LaLanne-isms is this: It is better to wear out than to rust out. This, of course, speaks of the benefits of exercise on the body but it also speaks to the problem of free radicals and the effect they have on our bodies; that is, rust or oxidation. That is what I want to discuss this month - Rust and Antioxidants. When most people hear the word rust, they think about something that happens to old cars or tin cans. But did you know that the human body can also rust on the inside? It is a similar process to the kind of rust that happens to old cars because it is a simple chemical reaction. Chemistry 101 To better illustrate how rust works, heres a quick refresher course of the chemistry class you may had in high school or college. Remember that an atom consists of a nucleus (neutrons and protons) and electrons. The neutrons have a neutral charge, the protons have a...
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 00:36:07 +0000

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