RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 12th October 2014 (2). (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 12th October 2014 (2). (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - China Using Gold & Pricing To Force GCR. 10/12/2014. China Will Use Gold And Gold Pricing To Force Global Currency Reset By Kenneth Schortgen Jr Finance Examiner On Sept. 30, statistician and economist Dr. Jim Willie was a guest on the Caravan to Midnight radio show to talk about current financial, economic, and geo-political events. During his three hour interview, Dr. Willie stated that one of the purposes behind Chinas creation of the new Shanghai gold exchange is to eventually take over global price controls for the monetary metal away from the Comex, and then force a global currency reset by raising the price of gold to its true or actual value. The way this will come about in the near future according to Dr. Willie, is that China will re-price gold to near or above twice the current price, which will have a devastating effect on derivatives and ongoing use of the Comex futures market to suppress gold prices, and protect the dollar. And based upon supply details for the Comex over the past two years, Americas primary gold exchange no longer settles their contracts through the delivery of physical gold, but instead settles in cash payments or through the hedging of gold using derivatives. Subsequently, once this failure to deliver takes place, then China, through the Shanghai gold exchange, will become the default market for price discovery, and at that point will re-adjust gold to its true value, instantly causing massive chaos in the fiat currency markets and leaving the world little alternative but to implement a complete currency reset. “Dr. Jim Willie: When we get this next global currency reset, its going to be a complete reset. It apparently will happen predominantly in the gold world. They are going to change the price of gold, and jam it down the U.S.s throat. Take a look at the Comex. Since the middle of 2012 or so, theyve been forcing gold contracts to settle not in metal, but in cash. And if you dont like it, theyll ban you from the Comex. Theres been very little if any settlement of gold futures contracts for two years in gold metal. Theyre not a gold market anymore, theyre a derivative market for gold instruments. So, in late September... about a week ago, Shanghai started offering a gold and futures contract, and theyre settling in metal. And this is rabidly threatening the United States and London. And interestingly, you will notice shortly after this new exchange opened there are now uprisings in Hong Kong. But this is the final phase... the end game of the next reset. They are going to do this in Shanghai and with their global gold contracts, with the real big event thats going to create mass disruptions in the currency markets. And those disruptions will be from the Asians declaring what the gold price is, and with the Asians delivering and supplying physical metals at that gold price. - Caravan to Midnight, Sept. 30” Several economic analysts, including John Williams, Peter Schiff, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and Gerald Celente all gave predictions earlier this year that a global currency reset event was going to take place in 2014, with most believing it would come before the end of summer. However, with the U.S. not on board with the rest of the world, and instead seeking military conflicts to delay the end of the petro-dollar system, both Russia and China have had to accelerate their efforts to create infrastructures that will allow a more fluid transition for global trade once a currency reset actually takes place. Over the past several weeks, the dollar has grown in strength at the same time the rest of the worlds currencies have been collapsing. And because of this, global accumulation of physical gold at depressed levels is running at or near historic highs in an attempt to hedge sovereign currencies that have run out of muster from years of low interest rates and slow money velocities. And as several global financial indicators begin to reach a nexus, and threaten once again to bring the world into another economic crisis, China is recognizing that physical gold is the ultimate catalyst to force an end to the domination of purely fiat finance, and that by revaluing gold to its rightful price will have the effect of both protecting their own currency, and wresting financial control away from the West and the system of dollar hegemony. Bold n Courageous China to force GCR through gold pricing... actual words GCR used in news article... Link: examiner/article/china-will-use-gold-and-gold-pricing-to-force-global-currency-reset ____________________________________ 02 - Rumors and Opinions from Exogen and Stage3alpha Members Late Sunday AM. 10/12/2014. Stage3Alpha: R.V. / GCR October 12, 2014 at 11:22am THE WORLD BANK AND THE WTO ARE JOINING TOGETHER TO HELP COUNTRIES IN TRADE TO BE BETTER CONNECTED WITH THE GLOBE AND ALSO REDUCE ANY BARRIERS THAT DEVELOPING COUNTRIES MAY BE FACING WE HAVE REPORTS THAT PARLIAMENT IS PLANNING ON HAVING THE BUDGET VOTED IN BY THE 14TH OF OCTOBER TO MEET SOME TYPE OF DEADLINE/GOAL. I know you understand this is an educated guess. We have a possible target date of Monday / Tuesday. The Chinese are going to push the reset button and the BRICS nations are joining together and once they have their own SWIFT capability, then adios amigos!. .... LOOK For a global event that levels the playing field. Parliament will be in session on the 14th and it will be dealing with the reading of the Budget along with many other laws...IMO it does appear that a host of laws will be passed in a one day - two day voting session. GENEVA, THEY ARE HAVING THE UNITED NATIONS this was secretively moved up to Oct 14th. CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT, PROSPERITY FOR ALL OCTOBER 13TH – 16TH THIS CONFERENCE IS TALKING ABOUT UNITING THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND INTERNATIONAL LEADERS TO KICK START INVESTMENT. THE TOPIC OF THIS CONFERENCE TO BE RIGHT IN LINE WITH THE RESTRUCTURING OF THE BANKING LAWS TAKING PLACE NOW IN IRAQ. IN NEW YORK OCTOBER 14TH AND 15TH WILL BE THE MIDDLE EAST NORTH AFRICA (MENA) PRIVATE SECTOR CONFERENCE ON CORRESPONDENT BANKING.. IRAQ USING STANDARD CHARTER TO HANDLE INTERNATIONAL BANKING FOR IRAQ. SUNDAY MORNING QUESTION.......Posted by EXOGEN on October 12, 2014 at 10:50am WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE PLANNED BANK SIMULATION WAR GAMES AND CRASH TESTS PLANNED THIS WEEK? Britain and the US will stage the first transatlantic simulation of a crisis in a large bank on Monday, in a sign of growing confidence that the authorities can now deal with the failure of large institutions. All of the main players who would need to be involved in a failure of companies such as Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Barclays or HSBCwill gather in Washington DC to make sure they would know what to do, who to call and how to inform the public. ************ G T I believe this MAYBE The Mechanism to Hide the GCR (Under The Publics Nose.....IN PLAIN SITE)??? The GiVEWAY IS......EVERYONES GATHERING IN DC!!! What Day EXO??? D.K.C. > G T MONDAY John R. I believe, while it may be being billed as assimilation, it is the setting of the stage for the Creature from Jekyll Island to exit, stage left and, it will be brought out that what they learned was how messed up the old system is and that, theres only one way to truly fix it and, thats by doing what the Constitution says that they should have done, all along. I also believe, this new found conscience of theirs, will usher in the exit stage left for all the criminals. I say, get ready for a very loud SWOOSH! sound. It may be like watching butter on old Oklahoma hot tar and sand road, in the middle of August...but, that swoosh sound will be unforgetable Olewiseone Sounds like they are planning to crash the banks soon as the GCR goes through…where are all the sovereign banks in the country? Would people please post those they are aware of? Yes, the GCR could be a possible deterrent to their crashing immediately but they are not talking about if but rather when so there is a game plan in place. Strange they feel a need to do this just when the GCR is ready to go…or is it??? Im still smelling skunks in the woodpile. Joanne The rich rule. Like it or not. As bad as they dont want a GCR they are being forced. The BRICS is gradually overtaking and they will be left behind. So they have to come with a good evil plan to trick us so we will have less $$$$ as possible. Money is power. But God....is bigger then all their power. We won. Eloisa A distraction for the rest of the world, while we RV and world GCRs. James J. What are they testing and drilling for are they not planning on doing the right thing for the world. We dont wanna be under this system anymore. tweetabird This is whats going to cover what we have been waiting for! Blessings a coming! ********* EXOGEN: Read between the lines! Vinman Good way to hide a massive reset of currencies and an unwinding of derivatives. Can anybody say...GCR! Linda > Vinman I believe you are right. GCR! Janie Perfect cover for a switch in systems. Purge out the derivatives, clean up the system, brokerage accts tank, and notice the list of possible failures in the article. Huge derivatives issues there. If I had the chance to go to the bank tomorrow (as in currency exchange), Id stay in bed all day and wait for the dust to clear - then go to the bank on Tuesday. Jed Clampett It depends who is really in-charge. If the good guys are in charge, we might see the GCR/RV, and a lot of other good stuff. If the bad guys are still in-charge, we could see Cyprus-style bail-ins or worse. Since this drill has been announced, I tend to think that the good guys are running this show, but with the Ebola distraction, it seems that the bad guys are not completely gone. Maybe Super Typhoon VongFong will hit Japan, and well have yet another distraction and excuse for a mishap with this banking drill. ********** Ben W. These is all stage, they are planning to implement the next phase, which is the second financial crisis, now since the banks will not get a bail out from the government, they getting it from somewhere else? That is call BAIL INS, which is,theyre going for everybody accounts. You dont believe me? just wait and see. Guys you better get your money and put it somewhere else as soon as you do your exchange or you will end up the same way you were before? The reason for all the delays of the RV and GCR are done because the banksters are getting ready for THE BAIL INS. ********** R.V. / GCR There is no such thing as an RV / GCR.....ask a banker EXOGEN > R.V. / GCR CORRECT THE WORDS DO NOT EXIST IP > R.V. / GCR So what do they call it? EXOGEN > IP WORDS LIKE: RE-BALANCE OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE OR IMPLEMENTATION OF MECHANISMS D.K.C. > EXOGEN So, Those are the terms we should look for in the Public that is code words for GCR! Got it! and Thanks. ************ More Guesses to NEW Picture INTEL: Vinman October 12, 2014 at 12:24pm The BRICS SWIFT system detour is loading..... This will be centered in Shanghai and will be the crushing force to push through the reset and level the playing field. bookman oldstyle > Vinman YES! Linda: The BRICS are starting a parallel system of digital money transfer, detouring around the SWIFT system. G T October 12, 2014 at 12:48pm New Clues..... The BRICS / China alternative SWIFT system is Preparing to go live to level the playing field The IMF & China are ready To STAND UP!!! ********** EXOGEN Glad more people are now awake and REALIZE the PTB/AOP do not want Dinarland to have this MONEY. This week should be very Interesting!!! IP: Yes, we know they dont want us to have the money. But can they prevent us from cashing in, thats the real question... Sharon > IP If they could prevent our participation and exchange they would have. They cant prevent it so the next best thing is to delay. They can only delay for so long. IP > Thank God! R.V. / GCR > Sharon CORRECT. ********** Chinas economic rise challenges the IMFs relevance Posted by BaNDiTo.RoX on October 12, 2014 at 12:27pm AFP By Jeremy Tordjman 3 hours ago Washington (AFP) - The International Monetary Fund was launched in 1944 with the worlds new superpower, the United States, in position as the key force and shareholder in the global crisis bank. Today, China is on the verge of becoming the worlds largest economy. But its voice at the IMF -- wrapping up its annual meeting this weekend in Washington -- remains that of a minor country, and some worry this could undermine the crucial, 70-year-old institution. The IMF estimates that by the end of this year, Chinas economy will surpass the US in size: $17.63 trillion versus $17.42 trillion, based on the purchasing power parity standard. On a more traditional basis, linked to current prices, the clearly much more affluent United States still leads by a wide margin. But there is no debate about Chinas rise to power in the industrial world. And its growth rate, at 7.4 percent this year, still far outpaces that of the rest of the advanced economies. The IMF has had difficulty conforming to this new global power balance. The US holds 16.7 percent of the voting power in the Fund, which gives it an effective veto over any major changes in its structure and activities. China meanwhile has a 3.8 percent voting share, not far from Italys, which has an economy one-fifth the size. And the US Congresss repeated refusal to ratify a four-year-old set of reforms that would boost China, India and other emerging powers at the institution is beginning to cut into the Funds stature. The risk for the IMF is that it will become less and less relevant and increasingly illegitimate, said Paulo Nogueira Batista, the IMF representative of Brazil and 10 other countries, speaking on his own behalf. - Overdue IMF reform - The 2010 reforms would change quotas, effectively their voting power, for shareholders and also sharply increase the IMFs overall financial resources, crucial for conducting huge operations like the rescue of Greece and Ireland and, most recently, support for Ukraine. The reforms have been endorsed by all other major economies. But to be implemented, they need US backing. The administration of President Barack Obama has endorsed them from the beginning, but repeatedly has been unable to persuade Congress to ratify the pact. The problem has gone on for so long that some are talking of seeking an alternative to the current governance. Clearly frustrated, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Thursday that she would perform a belly dance in front of the US Congress if they were to ratify the reforms. It was due in 2012. It is overdue in 2014, she said. Agustin Carstens, Mexicos central bank governor and a former IMF deputy managing director, highlighted the importance of the Fund maintaining legitimacy. Its important because the IMF provides policy advice. And for it to be followed, it needs to come from a legitimate institution, Carstens said. Another former IMF official, Peter Doyle, told AFP: The rise of China and India have rendered the IMF voting rights allocation not just unfair and illegitimate, but ridiculous. Lagarde stressed that, even with the skewed voting rights, China, India and other emerging powers are generously represented in the top management circle of the Fund. That includes Chinese economist Min Zhu as a deputy managing director. Some say even the 2010 reforms wont rectify the situation. For one, Chinas voting share will only rise to 6.1 percent. Even the delayed 2010 quota reform represents only a modest step towards changing the governance structure of the IMF to reflect shifting economic realities, Eswar Prasad, a former IMF official, told AFP. According to Nogueira Batista, there is still stiff resistance to change inside the institution, including from Europeans. The US has been incapable of delivering, and the Europeans have been hiding behind this lack of delivery on the part of the US to postpone the other elements of the process, he said. Link: news.yahoo/chinas-economic-rise-challenges-imfs-relevance-114730269--finance.html ____________________________________ 03 - My Ladies- News and Commentaries from KTFA Sunday Morning 10/12/2014 0 Comments MY LADIES » October 11th, 2014, 11:33 pm WHAT A FABULOUS DAY THIS HAS BEEN RIGHT, MY LADIES, AND THATS ALL 3 OF THE LADIES PIF AND FRANK HAVE REALLY BEEN BUSY ON THESE PHONES AND WRAPPING ALL THIS UP SO HERE WE GO.. HERE IS WHAT OUR OPINIONS ARE, WE SHOWED YOU BEFORE HOW THINGS WERE GOING GLOBALLY NOW IT SEEMS THE CENTRAL BANK HAS ITS ACT TOGETHER ALONG WITH THE GOI AND THE NECESSARY LAWS FINALLY! WE ARE SEEING HERE FUNDS MOVING INTERNATIONALLY AND WE ARE SEEING HERE WHAT WE BELIEVE TO BE THE CLOSEST THEY WILL EVER SHOW US (UNTIL THEY SHOW THE WORLD) THAT THEY HAVE REINSTATED THEIR RATE. FOLLOW BELOW AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. I THINK FOLKS THIS IS REALLY GOING TO BE A BIG WEEK. WE HAVE BEEN STEERING YOU HERE AND SHOWING YOU ALL THIS FOR WEEKS ALREADY AND NOW THEY ARE SAYING IT. ENJOY YOUR ARTICLES WE WILL GIVE YOU MORE TOMORROW AND WHILE YOU CAN LET YOUR SPIRITS SOAR, PLEASE KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND …LOL.. ********** WELL HERE WE GO WE JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS ON THE LAST POST. MORE FUNDS ARE MOVING FOR DEVELOPMENT, AND AGAIN THIS TIME WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BASEL 2 AND 3 AND THE IMPORTANCE OF CURRENT BANKING SECTOR BEING MORE EFFECTIVE FOR THE NEW PRIVATE BANKING SECTOR SO NOT TO GENERATE NEGATIVE EFFECTS WITH THE TRANSFER OF IRAQI ABROAD TO INVEST. SO WAIT THEY ARE SENDING 1 /10TH OF A PENNY ABROAD TO INVEST??? REALLY?! I DON’T THINK SO! Assurances directing the movement of funds for development 10/12/2014 0:00 BAGHDAD morning Mokhtassan economic affairs stressed the importance of the advancement of the financial sector at a time of cash reserve upsurge continuously, arguing the importance of the development of the banking business and to enable the joints to be supportive to the stage of economic development sought by the country. And stressed the competent affairs in the banking Samir Alnasiri the importance of strengthening foreign exchange reserves of Iraq and reserves of gold and maintain the dinar exchange rate and raise the credit rating and focus on attracting Alasttmarat.ofatt in an interview for the morning to the importance of activating the application of Basel Committee (2,3) and follow-up implementation with banks and focus on risk management and the application of what can be applied to the minimum capital requirements and the supervisory review process and market discipline. The Basel Convention, the new third developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision aims to enhance the hardness of the banking systems by addressing many of the defects revealed by the global financial crisis unveiled, which poses new standards for capital and debt and liquidity to strengthen the capacity of the banking sector in dealing with the pressures of economic and financial and improve risk management and increase transparency, and will contribute to significant financial stability and long-term growth. either economic expert Tawfik Ali lost between in an interview for the morning that the role of the current banking sector requires to be more effective for the activities abused by the private sector, pointing out that cooperation between the beneficiary and public banks and mixed private and is required during the current phase, indicating that the imbalance in the relationship between these parties generate negative effects consequent transfer of Iraqi funds abroad to invest, operate and saved, either in the home owner of capital preferred Aktnazha rather than saved or invested, which the size of the role of the private sector for decades. pointed to activate the role of the private banking sector and make it more effective in assigning economic sectors, stressing the importance of regulating the relationship between the central bank for the banks according to the vision can be taken from recent actual role in the processes of investment and development. Link: alsabaah.iq/ArticleShow.aspx?ID=79005 SO WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT HERE? THE QUESTION IS ASKED IN A NUT SHELL HOW ARE WE EXPORTING AND IMPORTING GOODS WITH A CURRENCY THAT HAS NO VALUE. AND HOW MANY DINAR AT THE CURRENT RATE NEED TO BE PRINTED TO PAY FOR ANYTHING. THEY ARE SAYING IT OUT LOUD RIGHT HERE THE CENTRAL BANK IN ITS DAILY AUCTIONS SELLS MOST OF THE CURRENCY IN THE FORM OF REMITTANCES AND EMPTY THE COVER OF HARD CURRENCY! Link: sotaliraq/mobile-item.php?id=169768 WOW!!! SO LET’S READ THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL WE UNDERSTAND IT! WE SHOULD ADOPT TRANSPARENCY RIGHT? OK WELL LET’S START AT THE END WITH WHERE IN HORSE FEATHERS DID 77 TRILLION DINARS COME FROM, HOW ABOUT 228 TRILLION…OH NO NO NO!! THEY ARE PRACTICALLY TELLING US THAT THEY HAVE ADOPTED THE OLD RATE. LET’S DO MATH 101…READY AT THE REINSTATED RATE 77 TRILLION IS NOW 25.666 BILLION, THAT SOUNDS MORE LOGICAL IN THE FORM OF ADVANCES AND HOW ABOUT 228 TRILLION IN PROJECTS IS NOW 75.6 BILLION FOR 6000 PROJECTS MAKES BETTER SENSE. Invitations to the adoption of transparency in the financial rules 10/12/2014 0:00 BAGHDAD morning escalate days after the last calls to follow the principle of disclosure and transparency of financial rule in Iraq and the application of laws in this area in a scientific manner and methodology, which called on the government headed by Prime Minister Dr Haider Abadi to adopt provisions in its program to overcome this international concepts in financial management system to mobilize money and direct it to the resources needed, especially that some citizens do not trust the work of the organs of Finance and Banking, both in the public sector or private, so it tends Most of them to keep their money at home or in special funds, while retains the lowest rate with their money in banks, and these are called phenomenon of compactness banking, so that lead to the achievement of high liquidity in banks without investment and the creation of appropriate credit to her, especially as the proportion of credit in the financing of development in Iraq does not exceed 3 to 4 percent, while that of other countries beyond the 90 to 100 % OK HERE YOU HAVE THE LAST AND FINAL STEP!! CONSIDERABLE PROGRESS REFORMING THE BANKING SYSTEM TO MAKE WAY TO LAUNCH SERVICES TO COMMENSURATE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MARKET ECONOMY! ORGANIZATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS AND COOPERATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING!! WOW!! FINALLY. WE HAVE WATCHING THIS SINCE WE DISCOVERED THE POOL BALL SITE DO YOU REMEMBER? THE CLASSES IN LEBANON THEY WERE ATTENDING WITH THE WORLD BANK, THE WORK SHOPS DO YOU REMEMBER THE EMPLOYMENT ADDS THEY HAD FOR NEW TALENT IN THE FINANCIAL PAPERS, AND NOW THEY ARE READY TO ACTIVATE, JUST FANTASTIC! Central tends to activate cooperation with the world Link: alsabaah.iq/ArticleShow.aspx?ID=79003 ____________________________________ 04 - Millionday Saturday Night News Part 1. 10/12/2014 Millionday: NOTE -- CBI HAS MADE HUGE PROGRESS TO MOVE TO THE GLOBE FOLKS Millionday: THAT IS WHAT WILL SHOW US A RATE Millionday: technical requirements and between Walid Idi Abdul Nabi, in his speech for the morning that create technical requirements help to practice his works and make payments and services its customers with ease as well as ordinances control commensurate with the regulatory standards of international and in accordance with the best practices used in the central banks of advanced accompanied keep him out of the money is clean and Millionday: NOTE -- THEY HAVE MADE THE TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENTS NEEDED AND ARE USED BY OTHER CENTRAL BANKS ~~~ Millionday: finding institutions chock him to provide services is fast and safe and sophisticated. payments system and said Idi that the banking system will see during the next developments in concrete at the organizational and operational relationships and cooperation of the international banking to serve the requirements of the development of the upcoming stressing quest central to the development of the payments system through the project of Payment retail and managing national distributor (National Switch) as well Millionday: NOTE -- THEY HAVE PREPARED THE ABILITY TO MOVE MONEY AND WORK WITH ALL THE INTERNATIONAL BANKS Millionday: NOTE -- THEY ARE ABLE TO DO THE ENTIRE PAYMENT SYSTEM FOR ALL DISTRIBUTION -- WHOOOPOW Millionday: as seeking to revive the Centre for Banking Studies, pointing out that the central and since the year 2013 to prepare courses and training programs, workshops and lectures Chirfah and Finance , and administrative, economic, and information technology, and the development of language indicating that the number was (47) cycle and participation (1149), an employee of the employees of the central bank and the government and private banks. credit information and noted the Director-General of Statistics and Research at the Central Bank to the determination of the central activating system, the exchange of credit information Millionday: NOTE -- THEY ARE ABLE TO TRADE ALL DATA GLOBALLY AND HAVE ALL FIGURES THAT ARE PART OF ALL ACCOUNTS AND AGREEMENTS ECT Millionday: similar to neighboring countries, pointing to the formation of a working group for the experience of the Bank of Lebanon and the preparation of the necessary instructions to this effect, revealing a group of companies specialized advanced to the completion of this project was chosen as one for this purpose, referring to compel central banks approved the acquisition of the banking systems overall order to complete the calculations quickly and accurately and confidential. He noted obtaining more than 40 foreign banks and branches on this system leaving only government banks and some small private banks, which began studying the offers and contracted out, he said. Millionday: SO WHAT THEY DID WAS INVOLVE ALL THE BANKS THEY HAVE IN THE SYSTEM AND HAVE ALSO USED THE BANKS IN THE REGION AS WELL -- THEY HAVE COMPLETED THE CALCULATIONS OR AUDIT NEEDED – THIS IS THE BANKING REFORM AND PREPARATION FOR THE MARKET ECONOMY MOVE FOR THE MARKET OF BANKING -- Millionday: THIS IS HUGE AND HUGE PROGRESS -- CBI IS READY TO ACTIVATE THE MOVE TO THE GLOBE AND INTENDS TO DO SO MGM: So have they been working this whole time cbi was closed? Millionday: YES IT WOULD SEEM SO AS THIS IS A HUGE PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT MADE Millionday: THEY DID NOT ANNOUNCE WHAT THEY WERE DOING BUT YES THIS IS DONE karl4: So they intend to go global within the same time window? Millionday: WITHIN THE SAME TIME WINDOW AS WHAT HUN? karl4: This week? Month? Millionday: I WILL SAY THE TIMELINE IS BEAUTIFUL WITH WHAT WE HAVE BEEN SEEING -- WE DONT HAVE INK ON IT BUT WE HAVE BEEN SEEING A RUSH TO GET THINGS DONE RockinRV: so, MD, is this really the last step you see the CBI has made in order to move to the market economy. And nothing else. Millionday: LETS READ JUST THIS PARAGRAPH AGAIN Millionday: SO IT SAYS THAT IN THE GOV PROGRAMS THEY HAVE PLANNED TO GO TO A MARKET ECONOMY AND THIS IS PART OF WHAT THE CBI HAS TO GET DONE AND ACCORDING TO THIS THEY HAVE MADE THE STEPS TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE – LOOK AT WHO IT IS FROM -- STATISTICS DEPARTMENT -- THEY DO THE AUDITS AND CENSUS AND ALSO KEEP UP WITH ALL THE NEEDS ACCORDING TO THE PEOPLE COMING IN AND OUT ECT tank: are they waiting to go global for the esx and the isx-are they fully trading now? Millionday: THE FIGURES THAT THEY HAVE ARE USED FOR ALL PROGRAMS SO THEY ARE STATING THAT LEGISLATION HAS BEEN DONE TO MOVE TO A MARKET ECONOMY --THE REQUIREMENTS Millionday: THEY ARE READY TO GO AND WILL WHEN IT IS TIME WITH EVERYTHING ELSE – THEY HAVE MADE IT CLEAR THEY WILL NOT WAIT FOR THE BUDGET AND WILL USE THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT MONEY IN THE BANKS TO DEVELOP BUT --- THIS WAS NEEDED TO BE INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED AND THAT WOULD MAKE IT POSSIBLE WITH REALITY RATES FOR THE ISX AND ESX TO GO GLOBAL Millionday: THE STOCK MARKET HAS TO HAVE REALITY RATES AND VALUES FOR FAIR TRADE FOR THE GLOBE Millionday: THIS WAS A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT MADE BY CBI FOR EVERYONE -- BRB WITH MORE kenster: was CBI announcement made today? Millionday: YES TODAY kox: WHERE IS OUR WHOOOP POW/// Millionday: WHOOOPOW -- WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THE MONEY AND THEY ARE SAYING THEY ARE READY WITH LAWS AND AUDIT FROM STATISTICS AND ALSO THE ENTIRE PAYMENT SYSTEM -- THAT IS FOLLOWING THE MONEY Royal: So this will tie in to all the great news coming on the 14th Millionday: YES I WOULD SAY THIS IS THE RUSH BECAUSE THE WHOLE NIGHT OF NEWS IS ALL ABOUT WHERE WE WANT TO GO -- THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE NEWS WHOOPOW : IT IS ALL GREAT GREAT Millionday: HERE WE GO >> Mokhtassan economic affairs stressed the importance of the advancement of the financial sector at a time of cash reserve upsurge continuously, arguing the importance of the development of the banking business and to enable the joints to be supportive to the stage of economic development sought by the country Millionday: NOTE -- THE STAGE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -- SMILE Millionday: And stressed the competent affairs in the banking Samir Alnasiri the importance of strengthening foreign exchange reserves of Iraq and reserves of gold and maintain the dinar exchange rate and raise the credit rating and focus on attracting Alasttmarat.ofatt in an interview for the morning to the importance of activating the application of Basel Committee (2,3) and follow-up implementation with banks and focus on risk management and the application of what can be applied to the minimum capital requirements and the supervisory review process and market discipline. Millionday: NOTE -- THIS IS THE DIRECTION OF THE ACTIVATION OF THE ECONOMIC REFORM (BANKING REFORM) A HUGE PORTION OF IT Millionday: NOTE -- MARKET DISIPLINE WOULD BE INTERNATIONAL COMPLIANCE Millionday: The Basel Convention, the new third developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision aims to enhance the hardness of the banking systems by addressing many of the defects revealed by the global financial crisis unveiled, which poses new standards for capital and debt and liquidity to strengthen the capacity of the banking sector in dealing with the pressures of economic and financial and improve risk management and increase transparency, and will contribute to significant financial stability and long-term growth. Millionday: NOTE -- BASEL III WAS INTRODUCED FOR ECONOMIC ASSURANCE AND EACH COUNTRY`S COMPLIANCE IS REQUIRED -- IRAQ WAS INTRODUCED IN BANKING AFTER IT WAS APPLIED AND ARE COMPLIANT Millionday: either economic expert Tawfik Ali lost between in an interview for the morning that the role of the current banking sector requires to be more effective for the activities abused by the private sector, pointing out that cooperation between the beneficiary and public banks and mixed private and is required during the current phase, indicating that the imbalance in the relationship between these parties generate negative effects consequent transfer of Iraqi funds abroad to invest, operate and saved, either in the home owner of capital preferred Aktnazha rather than saved or invested, which the size of the role of the private sector for decades. Millionday: NOTE -- MANY BANKS HAVE JOINED WITH INTERNATIONAL BANKS AND THEY NEED TO ASSURE THEY ARE ACCOUNTABLE WITH BASEL III AND ALSO TRANSPARENT IN THEIR PROCESSES – ALSO THE WAY THAT IRAQ WILL BUILD THEIR AMOUNT OF FOREIGN CURRENCY FOR RESERVES IS TO TRADE THEIR DINAR AS WITH US AND ALSO THROUGH TRADE AGREEMENTS ECT – THEY WOULD BE INTERNATIONAL ACCEPTED TO RAUSE THEIR AMOUNT OF FOREIGN RESERVES Millionday: pointed to activate the role of the private banking sector and make it more effective in assigning economic sectors, stressing the importance of regulating the relationship between the central bank for the banks according to the vision can be taken from recent actual role in the processes of investment and development. Millionday: SO CBI WANTS TO HAVE PRIVATE BANKS BOOKS AS WELL AND COMMUNICATION WITH THEM AS THE CENTRAL BANK AS OPPOSED TO A PRIVATE BUSINESS -- WHOOPOW Millionday: LOOKS LIKE DEVELOPMENT TO ME -- LOVE IT -- BRB WITH MORE Millionday: HERE WE GO WITH MORE OF THE SAME -- Millionday: THIS IS THE ACTIVATION OF COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DUE TO BANKING REFORM FOR IRAQ Millionday: said the Federation of Chambers of Commerce that the activation of economic relations with the countries of the region and the world at the forefront of the agenda of the family business, through joint business councils formed in collaboration with the organizations and unions in many countries of the world, at a time urged the government program to activate relations with various countries in the region. joint responsibility Federation President Jaafar al-Hamdani said in an interview (morning): Millionday: NOTE -- THE GOV PROGRAMS ARE ACTUALLY LAW AND THEY ARE MOVING FORWARD WITH REFORMS WITHIN Millionday: ACTIVATE THE RELATIONS WITH THE GLOBE AND REGION IS BUSINESS - WHOOPOW Millionday: The development of business in the country is one of the priorities of our work, pointing out that commercial traffic represents the axis is important in the economy of the country, noting that government program focused on the development of the commercial private sector and that this puts us in front of new responsibilities where Taatzafar our efforts with the government effort to bypass the determinants of work that was confuse the reality of the business. Millionday: NOTE -- A FREE MARKET ECONOMY IS BACKED BY A COUNTRY`S BUSINESSES Millionday: adding that the committees Union sustained in the implementation of its action plan to follow up the local markets, especially in the detailed prices, which chime The citizens life, as well as the reality of supply and demand, and the commitment of the family business to reduce prices by 20 percent, which contributed to maintaining a constant level of prices in light of the security situation experienced by the country. banking services Hamadani stressed the importance of the promotion of sectors in support of the development of the commercial sector and contribute to the smooth flow of the business process, and in the forefront of the development of banking services and reach out to the world in products Millionday: NOTE -- THE LOCAL PRODUCTS SHOULD BE LESS AS PLANNED FOR THEM SO THEY BUY MORE MADE IN IRAQ AT HOME Millionday: NOTE -- THIS OBVIOUSLY SAYS THEY ARE REACHING THEIR PRODUCTS OUT TO THE WORLD Millionday: SMILE>>>to enable the merchant to complete financial transactions as soon as possible and that do not adversely affect the mechanism of action, pointing to the importance of the transfer of successful international experiences and adoption in our banks that need to develop all the joints and raise the ceiling on the products they offer, especially After entering the branches of international banks have clout on the global economy and this requires that compete with our banks these banks. open market and said that what came in the government program is clear and aims to develop the commercial sector and this is an achievement for us and sends a spirit of hope for the family business in the application of what came by the Constitution transformation of the Iraqi economy toward the open market, Millionday: NOTE - DUE TO THE BANKING REFORM THEY ARE NOW ABLE TO MOVE TO A MARKET ECONOMY BY HAVING THE ABILITY TO RECIEVE FUNDS AND COMPETE IN THE GLOBAL TRADE ARENA Millionday: adding that this approach will work on the development of the local private sector and the advancement of all his joints. economic council , said: What was the government program requires the formation of the higher economic funding from the government is working to support the private sector, the requirements of success and of often in aspects of legislative and regulatory supervision of federations and organizations discreet formed the laws governing the work as a union of Iraqi Industries and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, indicating the possibility of such unions in the activation of international relations for the existence of bilateral cooperation agreements with many countries of the world, Millionday: NOTE -- THEY WILL BE USING THE UNIONS TO ADVANCE TO MANY COUNTRIES THROUGOUT THE WORLD TO HAVE SUCCESS FOR THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR MARKET ECONOMY – THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HAS STATED THE POSSIBILITIES OF HAVING GLOBAL UNION TIES AS WELL FOR ADDED SUCCESS Millionday: as well as the ability to prepare studies that develop the economic sectors different. managing the economic file and pointed out that the road map for the union supports the statement in the government program, especially what came orientation is useful tactical withdrawal of the state from the administration of the local economy and handed over to the private sector, which should have an active role in economic decisions through the involvement of his actual working in the field and can diagnose weaknesses Legislative processed and Booze can develop the economy in the form of stages virile. trade policy Hamadani called on the Ministry of Commerce to take the role of a real trade policy formulation in the country and oversee the mechanics of application according to the economic feasibility that must be achieved. Millionday: NOTE -- THEY ARE SAYING THEY NEED FEEDBACK AS THEY ENTER THE GLOBE FOR THEIR LEGISLATION TO MAKE SURE IT IS ALL WORKING TO GROW THEIR ECONOMY IN THE FASHION THEY HAVE PLANNED AND THAT MEETS THEIR GOALS Millionday: pointing out that the current role is disproportionate and objectives such as the Ministry is the commercial reality in the country waits for the economy a lot of development work as well as the need for the international effort, which has the development and here highlights the role of ministries and policy by providing the requirements of the country as quickly as possible and that do not adversely affect the atmosphere and action plans Millionday: NOTE -- THE GOV PLANS AND THE COUNTRY`S PLANS REQUIRE THE MOVE TO A MARKET ECONOMY BECAUSE THEY HAVE ALL THE DEPARTMENTS SET UP AND READY TO GO -- THE PLAN IS FOR THEIR ENTRY TO THE GLOBE Millionday: pointed out that economic relations with Turkey will enter the stage New Cooperation check the economic feasibility of the parties to the process, especially as the period witnessed muted in some joints, where he met the delegation of the Union of Chambers of Commerce with officials of the Turkish government and has been discussed a lot of things that do economic cooperation between the two countries. stressed the importance of working on the establishment of the Bank of developmental aims to support strategic projects and development in the country, funded from the allocations Sioah through the general budget to finance important projects across the bank. Millionday: SO THEY HAVE PLANNED THAT TURKEY IS GOING TO WORK WITH IRAQ WITH SOME PROJECTS AND THEY ARE WAITING AS WELL -- THEY REQUIRE THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY AS WELL Millionday: SO AS WE SEE THEY ARE PLANNING ON MOVING TO A MARKET ECONOMY AND IT LOOKS AS IF THEY ARE CALLING FOR THE ACTIVATION AS WRITTEN IN THE CONSTITUTION AND GOV PROGRAMS. ____________________________________ 05 - Thoughts from Jester and Friends Late Saturday Night. 10/12/2014. Jester’s Place: [Jester] U.S. and UK to test big bank collapse in joint model run [Jester] SAY WHAT THE &*%^$&%????? [Jester] Oct 10 (Reuters) - Regulators from the United States and the United Kingdom will get together in a war room next week to see if they can cope with any possible fall-out when the next big bank topples over, the two countries said on Friday. [Jester] SO LETS JUST STOP THERE FOR A SEC.... NOT IF... WHEN... THE NEXT... NOT AWARE THERE WAS ONE... BANK TOPPLES... NOW LULU... THAT IS SCARY... [diditrvyeet] Jester so when it happens they can say they warned us? .... [Jester] diditrvyeet NOT IF... AND THERE IS A NEXT ONE... NO ISSUE ABOUT IT BEING JUST A WHAT IF.... [Jester] NOW.. HERE IT COMES... HOW THEY WILL FIX IT... [Jester] Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and the UKs Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, on Monday will run a joint exercise simulating how they would prop up a large bank with operations in both countries that has landed in trouble. [diditrvyeet] Jester you think they know when also [Jester] Also taking part are Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, and the heads of a large number of other regulators, in a meeting hosted by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. [Jester] We are going to make sure that we can handle an institution that previously would have been regarded as too big to fail. Were confident that we now have choices that did not exist in the past, Osborne said at the International Monetary Funds annual meeting. [Jester] Six years after the financial crisis, politicians and regulators around the globe are keen to prove they have created rules that will allow them to let a large bank go under without spending billions in taxpayer dollars. [Jester] THANK YOU I SAY... LET THE RAT BARSTEDS GO DOWN THE TUBES.... [Jester] They have forced banks to ramp up equity and debt capital buffers to protect taxpayers against losses, and have told them to write plans that lay out how they can go through ordinary bankruptcy. The plans are so-called living wills. [Jester] Because the failure of a big bank is such a rare event, regulators may not be used to talking to each other. There have also been suspicions that supervisors would first look to save the domestic operations of a bank, and would worry less about units abroad. [Jester] THERE IS A LITTLE MORE.... READ THE REST HERE.... reuters/article/2014/10/10/banks-regulations-collapse-idUSL2N0S52LK20141010 [MotoXR] Jester that is the part i do not understand, why let Yellen and Carney there The wolves so to speak? to make sure they are in favor of it going their way? or am i lost? [Jester] MotoXR THEY ARE THE FED... THEY ARE NOT BEHOLDEN TO ANYONE... THAT IS THE ISSUE... [MotoXR] Jester ok got it [Hannah] I did find an article this morning that I found interesting: Link: examiner/article/russia-dumping-dollars-to-use-to-protect-currency-and-falling-oil-prices [Hannah] As the United States expands its proxy war against Russia and the BRICS nations through a newly discovered secret deal with Saudi Arabia to force down global oil prices, Russia is firing back to this monetary attack against their currency and economy. On Oct. 10, a new report on Russian currency outflows shows that during the third quarter ending in September, the Eurasian state paid off a near record $53 billion in foreign debt, and sold off dollars to use as capital to stabilize their declining currency, [Hannah] and to protect their primary resource industry from the deflation America has caused through the dumping of excess oil into the market supply.. [Hannah] Some of this money was used earlier this week to support the declining Rouble as President Putin authorized the transfer of over $2 billion to be used directly to support the Russian currency. Additionally, the Russian central bank has already authorized funds to be set aside to supplement Russian corporations and oil industries should the need arise for liquidity and capital. [Hannah] Despite the reassuring narrative from The West that Russia faces costs and is increasingly isolated due to sanctions for its actions in Ukraine, the most recent data suggests reality is quite different. First, capital outflows slowed dramatically in Q3 (from $23.7 billion in Q2 to $13 billion in Q3) with September seeing capital inflows for the first time since Sept 2013. [Hannah] Second, Russias current account surplus was significantly stronger than expected ($11.4 billion vs $8.8 billion expected) driven by increased trade. [Hannah] Third, and perhaps most crucially, Russia paid down a massive $52.8 billion in foreign debt as Putin de-dollarizes at near record pace, reducing external debt to the lowest since 2012. – Zerohedge [Hannah] Russia is not the only Eurasian nation de-dollarizing at a fast pace. Earlier this week as well, long time U.S. economic ally South Korea disseminated that their foreign reserve holdings had grown in the Yuan over the past year, almost doubling its prior total of 13.7% which was the amount they held at the end of 2013. [Hannah] These reserves replace former dollar holdings, and rise a huge red flag that the Far Eastern manufacturing center is quickly moving into the Eurasian Trade camp, and away from Western hegemony. [Hannah] Americas gambit to force down the price of oil is a ploy the U.S. used in the late 1980s to destroy the Rouble, and tear down the old Soviet Unions economy. However, the Russian leadership is not stupid, and have realized for a long time that this was an Achilles Heel in their economic system, and this time, the tables are quickly turning against the U.S. as Russia simply dumps more and more dollars to use as capital to supplement their currency and industry during these short term attacks by the West in [Hannah] their attempt to cripple them monetarily. [Hannah] end [clange] Hannah Great article [Americana] Hannah good research and article [lulu] Great article and Im sure Russias shaking as America has no gold [Aunt B ] Hannah big smile! when I read articles like this... it makes me realize were getting closer to our goal thank you for bringing it in! [SoldierofChrist] did you see the article in Reuters World economies warn of global risks, call for bold action ____________________________________ 06 - News, Rumors, and Opinions Sunday Morning. 10/12/2014. Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN October 12, 2014 at 9:34am NOTE: IF YOU JOINED A CERTAIN LARGE EXCHANGE GROUP.............THE NAME OF THE GROUP HAS CHANGED, AND THE EMAIL AND INSTRUCTIONS MAY GO TO YOUR SPAM, SO BE ON THE LOOKOUT. robert > EXOGEN gen 64 it take it exo not sure what it has changed to think wells fargo so maybe someone could correct me if wrong.Thanks for intel NewEarthNow > Hi Robert!We were told previously that Gen64 list has been turned over to Wells Fargo and that Wells Fargo will be sending out the email notifications. EXOGEN > NewEarthNow YES ********** Aloha Leslie > October 12, 2014 at 5:33am (Recap of Saturday Night Picture Clues) Where are we? Well, it would seem that this is the weekend weve been waiting for. The snow is falling fast and deep...we are supposedly going to be seeing the release of the 800 numbers (possibly as soon as within the next 24 hours) or get an understanding that theyve been right in front of us the whole time and we will know where to find them. Theres a bit of a mystery around this. More to be revealed. After the 800 numbers, the public may be able to exchange by Tuesday. ********** SUNDAY INTEL UPDATE!! Posted by EXOGEN on October 12, 2014 at 8:27am Guesses to NEW Sunday Picture Intel: G T October 12, 2014 at 9:51am Sunday Clues..... Lucys MOVED THE BALL AGAIN AND THE BANKS ARE SETTING MORE BOOBIE TRAPS, SLIP UPS & MIND FIELDS FOR US They NEVER GIVE UP!!! Watch for the A-Holes hiding behind the MASKS Offsite Exchange Centers are Playing HIDE & SEEK in front of us UST is paying off debts (with what money)!!! Dont fall asleep with these banks at exchange TRNs are live RV Activation is required to pay debts ********** Vinman October 12, 2014 at 9:46am Watch out for new tricks, deceptions, and traps. Banks running simulations on games. Booby traps could be waiting for you. Be prepared for all scenarios....expect the unexpected. Read between the lines...is your banker offering you a trick or a treat. Never give up! Be careful of sociopaths hiding behind the mask. Offsite exchange centers are hiding in plain site. U.S. Treasury is writing checks to the world to pay off debt. (Hmmm...where did the get the money for that?) Dont fall asleep.....TRNs are live for the world. Activation is required for debt to be paid. ********** NEW CLUES: Vinman October 12, 2014 at 10:13am There are sociopaths in congress (both parties) that are angry that you are in their sandbox . Follow the clues...bankers and officials are being arrested globally. Their numbers are piling up now. ********** Jon B. October 12, 2014 at 10:12am 10-12-14 Millionday: CBI HAS MADE HUGE PROGRESS TO MOVE TO THE GLOBE...THAT IS WHAT WILL SHOW US A RATE. THEY HAVE MADE THE TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENTS NEEDED AND ARE USED BY OTHER CENTRAL BANKS. CBI IS READY TO ACTIVATE THE MOVE TO THE GLOBE AND INTENDS TO DO SO. THE TIMELINE IS BEAUTIFUL WITH WHAT WE HAVE BEEN SEEING -- WE DONT HAVE INK ON IT BUT WE HAVE BEEN SEEING A RUSH TO GET THINGS DONE. THE MOVE TO A MARKET ECONOMY AND THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IS WHEN WE WILL SEE THE REALITY RATE AND THE IRAQI VALUE OF IRAQ. (Isn’t the plan to open the budget on Oct 15 and begin payments?) YES THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED THAT THEY HAVE MANY AGREEMENTS THAT THEY MADE THAT REQUIRE THAT THEY BEGIN PAYMENT ON THE 15TH AND WE ALSO KNOW THAT THEY HAVE BEEN HUSTLING TO GET THE BUDGET DONE AND SAY THEY ARE MEETING FOR THE READING AND VOTE ON THE 15TH -- THEY COULD RELEASE THE RATE AT ANYTIME -- THEY ARE ABLE TO DO THAT DUE TO THEIR INDEPENDENCE AND POWER _______________________________________ 07 - TNT CHAT WITH ALREADY BLESSED, 12 OCT Already Blessed : I think they would still make an announcement to inform the world that they have taken their rightful place in the global economy but NO...I dont think that we have to wait for it now. Already Blessed : absolutely YES...IT could roll out today or monday Already Blessed : YES...I think the stage is set and the us is ready for roll out 1nanaof3llp: ALREADY BLESSED....Is Tony still expecting the 800# today? Already Blessed: 1NANA - WE ARE LITERALLY ON AN ANY TIME NOW SCHEDULE .... ASN: IMO... The earliest we will see this will be between 6PM tonight till 9AM Monday Oct 12th. The reason being the US Markets will not be opened till Tuesday, traders around the world will have an extra day to prepare waiting for the biggest markets in the US to ring the bell at 9:30AM Tuesday morning. I can guarantee back office trading will be going on around the world during this shut down period, the IQN intl rate will come out around $3.45-$4.05 JMO JUJU: on CNN now Iraqi kurdish pm Salih stating iraqi army has evaporated. mentioned corruption with former government.. Already Blessed: JUJU - DO YOU FIND IT INTERESTING THAT THE US MEDIA SEEMS TO SPIN THE IRAQ SITUATION AND ALWAYS HAS? WE NEVER SEE THE WONDERFUL HOMES, SOPHISTICATED, WELL DRESSED CITIZENS, MALLS, NEW BUILDINGS WITH ALL THE INTERNATIONAL BANKS, COKE, PEPSI, HARLEY ETC???? WE ONLY SEE BOMBED OUT BUILDINGS AND BIRKAS? _______________________________________ 08 - I4U: xyz] IMF, World Bank 2014 fall meetings in Washington on Saturday Link: reuters/article/2014/10/12/us-imf-economy-highlights-saturday-idUSKCN0I00QL20141012 [5150] FX Rate Rigging Scandal Boiling Up After UBS Revelation Link: forbes/sites/rogeraitken/2014/10/08/fx-rate-rigging-scandal-boiling-up-after-ubs-revelation/ [5150] Banks accept derivatives rule change to end too big to fail scenario Link: cnbc/id/102080240 xyz] MP called the Council of Ministers to expedite sending budget law of 2014 to the House of Representatives for approval. Link: ninanews/english/News_Details.asp?ar95_VQ=HHFFIK [xyz] Urgent …. Abadi to start anti- corruption campaign Link: alliraqnews/en/index.php/political-news/59197 ********** [xyz] Parliamentary Finance: Iraq will pass a financial crisis if the budget approved …Revealed the head of the parliamentary finance committee Magda al-Tamimi said Iraq will pass a financial crisis within the next two months if I passed the budget as presented [xyz] presented by the Council of Ministers because the ratio of the deficit has reached to more than 45 trillion dinars because of the recent spending. Tamimi stressed on the cancellation of excess expenditure of the ministries and the three presidencies as they enter the country in a financial crisis may overwhelm the economic situation in the country. On a related matter, MP for the National Aalthalv Tawfiq Al-Kaabi, the Iraqi government to speed up the preparation of a new budget fit in with the current situation in Iraq was. Kaabi said that the Council of Ministers held an emergency special session budget to be re-drafted in line with the development of oil exports and general expenses and presented to the House of Representatives in the next meeting scheduled to be held in the next week. The figures are prepared in the first draft of the general budget for 2014 does not fit with the current situation in Iraq does not match the reality of the situation, as the expenditure on military issues and oil exports are quite different from what it was 9 months ago. ____________________________________
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:45:40 +0000

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