RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 16th August 2014. (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 16th August 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - Hi, Folks - Found here, link: dinaresgurus.blogspot/2014/08/the-meat-of-todays-tnt-cc-by-dallasdiva_15.html?m=1 ===== THE MEAT OF TODAYS TNT CC BY DALLASDIVA: CBI SENT OUT A MEMO ANNOUNCING AN IMMINENT CURRENCY RATE CHANGE ON THEIR SUNDAY, 15 AUGUST: 1. Definitely a SUPERFANTASTIC day - all OBSTACLES that theyve said were delaying factors are gone. 2. Maliki is for sure gone because of the freedom of the people to protest against him by throwing shoes at his billboard - (referring to the tweet link) and is currently out of the country after publicly standing beside Ahbadi on TV and pledging his support to the new PM. 3. ISIS is being pushed back due to British airstrikes - and is being dealt with. 4. Cabinet fulfillment was scheduled for this morning but got pushed back a day. So the GOI is almost complete. 5. Iraq Finance Minister has been on TV announcing the renewed strength of their currencies. CBI has sent out a memo announcing an imminent currency rate change on their SUNDAY. (whoohooo). 6. Celebrations for the RV and all are scheduled this weekend! 7. Major countries have done a 180 on their outlook of the viability and stability of Iraq since last week-end. Very pleased. 8. Troubleshooting was NOT needed for procedural operations on the public rollout process and that was surprising in a good way- the trial run went exceptionally smoothly. 9. And, even people who formerly dragged their feet are working very diligently to get this completed. (They were delaying because of Maliki and not wanting him to have the money from the RV and now that hes gone they are full steam ahead.). 10. First caller is exceptional! Well worth listening to. _______________________________ 02 - Exogen: 15 Saturday Morning Intel Snacks Exogen: 15 Saturday Morning Intel Snacks08/16/2014 (15) SATURDAY MORNING INTEL SNACKS 9:53 AM EST Posted by EXOGEN on August 16, 2014 at 9:56am. 1. IRAQ IS MOVING AT LIGHT SPEED. 2. MEETINGS HAVE BEEN TAKING PLACE DAILY TO FINALIZE THE NEW GOI 3. LAWS THAT HAVE BEEN DELAYED ARE PASSED AND ARE BEING PASSED. 4. WHAT YOU SEE ON NEWS MEDIA IS A 100% DISTRACTION. 5. IRAQ IS NOW POSITIONED TO DO BUSINESS INTERNATIONALLY. 6. THE OFFICIAL PARADIGM SHIFT IS IN MOTION TODAY. 7. IRAQ IS NOW RECEIVING INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT. 8. THE CBI IS READY AND THE BANK INFRASTRUCTURE IS NOW COMPLETED AND READY FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS. 9. OFFICIAL CARD ACTIVATIONS ARE NOW IN MOTION. 10. CARGO SHIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD ARE UNLOADING DAILY. 11. PREPARE FOR THE EVENT & HAVE YOUR PLAN READY. 12. GROUP EXCHANGES ARE PROJECTED TO START WITHIN DAYS. 13. THERE ARE NO MORE DOCUMENTS REMAINING TO BE SIGNED OFF ON. 14. FINAL BAD GUY CLEAN UP IS NOW LIVE. 15. THE FINAL BUTTON HAS BEEN PUSHED. *********** Carol August 16, 2014 EXO If the groups are going to go first, will that delay a Santa suit on Sunday or Monday? The news sounds encouraging thank you! EXOGEN > carol THE DINARIANS ENGAGED AND IN THE KNOW ARE CLASSIFIED AS NON PUBLIC dinardiva > if groups exchange in days ( which we heard was happening now) we will not be exchanging for another week.. EXOGEN > HERE IS A BIG FAT CLUE ITS THE GROUP WE DID THE 50 QUESTION CONFERENCE CALL FOR (HINT HINT) THAT IS 1 OF THEM EXOGEN > READ THE WORDS CLOSELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coffeeone Soooo non publiic equal or same as group now? Cause ....... ? What.....? EXOGEN > Coffeeone IT IS EXACTLY AS TYPED DINARLAND IS NOW CLASSIFIED AS A GROUP NOTE: PEOPLE ON BOARDS, CALLS, ETC.......WHO ARE ENGAGED Coffeeone Soooo non publiic equal or same as group now? Cause ....... ? What.....? Are most of us part of that? We need a poll? Who is non public here , many told no need to engage in groups but ? EXOGEN > Coffeeone THE PUBLIC IS THE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ENGAGED AND WILL NOT EVEN KNOW THE RATE HAS CHANGED IE, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE Fierce1 This is wonderful news and a great way to start the day......Im expectant! Thanks Exo! Link: dinarrecaps/our-blog/exogen-15-saturday-morning-intel-snacks _______________________________ 03 - More Tips and Tidbits from Exogen and Stage2Alpha Members Saturday Morning - 08/16/2014. RE: dinarrecaps/our-blog/exogen-15-saturday-morning-intel-snacks LifeTalk > EXOGEN This raises an issue for many people who need to pay off reserves first.We initially thought that it would be released to the general public as well as the Dinar community at the same time. This would allow people to convert enough dinar prior to appointments. Any thoughts? EXOGEN > LifeTalk August 16, 2014 WE POSTED 35 WAYS TO PAY OFF RESERVES THE OTHER DAY Dennis B. Drake August 16, 2014 Monday is Big News Day and the initial rates are $3.71 IRD $2.11 VDN Pay Attention Folks NewEarthNow EXO - ZAP mentioned that someone should perhaps be brave enough to mention a 50x return on the Dinar which would be around 4.5 cents per Dinar. Could that be the rate the public will be paid due to the hundreds of trillions of dinar printed by the French, etc????Thank you!!! .... EXOGEN > NewEarthNow THEY ARE ALREADY AT 1/8 OF A PENNY DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY CAN OPERATE A COUNTRY AT 4.5 CENTS IN ADDITION TO THAT BASED ON IMF ARTICLE 8, AND A FEW OTHER THINGS IT HAS TO BE A MINIMUM OF A 1:1 ** Exogen: 35 Ways to Pay Off Reserves: NOTE: THERE ARE NO RULES SO PLAN CAREFULLY AND ALL OF THESE 35 TIPS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE & TERMS & CONDITIONS MAY CHANGE ANY MINUTE 1. PAY RESERVE WITH CASH 2. BORROW THE MONEY 3. EXCHANGE A NOTE WITH A BANK, CURRENCY EXCHANGER, OR TRAVEL AGENCY 4. HAVE THE BALANCE DEDUCTED FROM RESERVE 5. CONVERT AN IQD NOTE OR VND NOTE TO AND SKR AND BORROW AGAINST IT 6. LEVERAGE 1 RESERVE TO PAY OFF ALL RESERVES & HAVE DEALER SEND YOU CASH BALANCE 7. DO A BANK LINE OF CREDIT 8. DO A COLLATERAL LOAN 9. USE A CREDIT CARD AND TAKE CASH OFF 10. EXCHANGE 1 RESERVE IN FULL AND PAY OTHERS OFF WITH CASH/CERTIFIED CHECKS 11. BUILD A RELATIONSHIP WITH A BANKER TO DO FAST EXCHANGE 12. USE A HOME EQUITY LOAN OR LINE OF CREDIT 13. DO A GROUP LEVERAGE AND MEMBERS HELP TO PAY 1 RESERVE OFF 14. STRUCTURE A TRANSACTION WITH AN INVESTOR & PAY THEM A ROI 15. CONTACT A NON PROFIT TO HELP & DONATE TO NON PROFIT 16. ASK FRIENDS OR FAMILY MEMBERS FOR HELP 17. DO A REAL ESTATE LOAN WITH HARD MONEY LENDER 18. MEET WITH A HIGH NET WORTH INDIVIDUAL OR BUSINESS OWNER 19. CONTACT A CHARITY IN NEED OF HELP & STRUCTURE A GIFT TRANSACTION 20. DO A PAY DAY LOAN 21. SELL A VALUABLE ITEM 22. CONTACT A SAME DAY LOAN COMPANY IN YOUR CITY 23. STRUCTURE A SHORT TERM PRIVATE PLACEMENT 24. SPEAK WITH YOUR PASTOR 25. SPEAK WITH BANKER AT YOUR APPOINTMENT 26. SELL A NOTE AT A DISCOUNT 27. CONTACT THE PERSON WHO INTRODUCED YOU TO IQD/VND 28. PUT A HELP REQUEST IN THE PRAYER CORNER OF OUR WEBSITE 29. DO A PROMISSORY NOTE 30. LEVERAGE A DEED OR A TITLE SHORT TERM 31. GET A CASH ADVANCE FROM IQD DEALER AND ONLY DO A PARTIAL EXCHANGE 32. LEVERAGE MULTIPLE RESERVES WITH IQD DEALERS. TELL THEM YOU NEED HELP 33. EXCHANGE 1 RESERVE WITH A DEALER AND MAXIMIZE THE OTHERS 34. LEVERAGE YOUR RESERVE/LAYAWAY EXPIRATION DATES 35. DO A PRIVATE FRA AGREEMENT NOTE: ONLY USE THESE STRATEGIES ONCE THE RV IS LIVE & CONFIRMED AS A LAST OPTION NOTE: THERE ARE NO RULES SO PLAN CAREFULLY AND ALL OF THESE 35 TIPS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE & TERMS & CONDITIONS MAY CHANGE ANY MINUTE ************ RICH DAD POOR DAD THE COMPLETE AUDIO BOOK (ENJOY) Posted by EXOGEN on August 15, 2014 at 8:30pm _______________________________ 04 - News, Rumors, and Humor Saturday Afternoon08/16/2014KTFA: aggiedad77 » August 16th, 2014, 10:52 am Good Morning Family Have a number of errands to run today, so not sure when but will try to gather some of the news together later this afternoon Just a quick heads up about what we are seeing thus far It all looks and sounds good....especially about the formation of the new government. Abadi appears to be looking for input from others....Monday/Tuesday look to be very promising days. Other blocs are coming forward in support of him and his efforts to form the new government. Meanwhile the ISIS forces up north keep getting pounded....and I suspect some very quiet Special Force efforts that so often go unnoticed....are putting ISIS members on notice...special notice....you havent paid your rent....off you go. ....Maliki is being somewhat quiet....his future still remains a bit uncertain at this point....just dont forget he lurks nearby somewhere More news later....enjoy your Saturday. Prayers for the many requests last night and today.....God is in control Randy. ******************************* Stage3Alpha: wilbur grodan August 16, 2014 at 11:53am Markets think MONDAY the new system activates. ********************************* Posted by John MacHaffie: Omegaman TIDBIT Omegaman:Sunday looks to be live for new rates on FOREX...we expect...Bonds to begin trading monday (if Forex is live Sunday). we got boots up the cabals asses...thats why were gonna rv...sunday..monday for PBX imo...expectations are high, lets not let em move the cheese for the 100th time... ****************************** GET: Topic: He that can have patience can have what he will. Benjamin Franklin. [.MikeH] 8-16-2014 Millionday THE STUDIES TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE ECONOMIC REFORM HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. THEY ARE PREPARED TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE DIVERSIFIED MARKET AND THEY EXPECT SUCCESS IN IRAQ`S SELF SUFFICIENT PLAN FOR ALL CITIZENS AND THE COUNTRY... THEY HAVE DECLARED THAT THEY ARE PREPARED TO SEE THE ECONOMIC REFORM ACTIVATED – THE LAWS ARE READY AND THE COUNTRY IS READY THROUGH ADMINISTRATION AND ALSO THE DEPARTMENTS AND CHANGES THEY HAD TO GET DONE. THEY HAVE COMPLETED PREPARATION AND ARE READY FOR THE NEW POSITION TO MONITOR THE EXCHANGE RATE – THE PRICES - AND ALL OTHER REGULATIONS PUT IN PLACE FOR THE ECONOMIC REFORM AND BANKING REFORM – CBI HAS MANY THINGS IN PLACE TO ENSURE SUCCESS AS THEY ENTER THE GLOBE...THEY EXPECT THAT DUE TO THE QUALIFIED EXPERTS, INFORMATION, AND ALSO ALL THE STEPS THEY HAVE TAKEN THAT THE ECONOMIC TRANSITION IS EXPECTED TO BE A SUCCESS. ****************************** I4U: [BigDog-OH] Building infrastructure with BRICS [BigDog-OH] ZIM: Inflation rate increases Bailey2: 8-15-2014 lojak Iraq has been broke for sometime, and needs this RV themselves to survive. Their currency has been placed in a worthless position for over ten years...We all know its worth a hell of a lot more. Bailey2: [wmawhite]: Article quote: Maliki to leave the family to Beirut 47 mins ago Lebanese sources said at the airport in Beirut, said several flights carried out by close family and members of the al-Maliki to Beirut during the five days with large loads of bags. Mentions that the family of al-Maliki and Abu Ahmed Rehab and son left Iraq a few days ago. ************** [BigDog-OH] This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was this important job to be done and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was everybodys job. Everybody thought that anybody could do it, but nobody realized that everybody wouldnt do it. It ended up that everybody blamed somebody when actually nobody asked anybody. _______________________________ 04 - A Message From Dinar Recaps: Post-RV/CE Plans - 08/15/2014. We would like to take this time to thank all the Intel Providers over the past several years who have sacrificed their time, personal lives, resources and health at times to try to help us all, and keep us informed and encouraged. We would also like to thank YOU - our loyal readers for your kind words, support and dedication. It appears that our roller coaster ride could be coming to an end shortly. Many people have asked us if Recaps will still be here Post-RV? At this time we are thinking that shortly after the RV is released, we will switch to a once a day Email for a short time before we eventually close our doors. We will of course let you all know as soon as our plans are finalized. .... We believe many of the other Forums and Chat rooms Recaps now get material from will be scaled back and/or closed immediately. Everyone of us are about to embark on wonderful new adventures and lives and our days of sitting in front of a computer screen for the latest news, rumors and opinions on Currency Exchange will become a thing of the past. Your Dinar Recaps Team are also investors and we will be doing the same as you and just as busy in the days after the RV has finally happened. We hope that the Post RV advice and strategies we have posted will be beneficial to you all and be sure to go to our Archives and Post-RV section and make copies of anything you feel will help you in your new lives. (Each page shows 10 stories. When you get to the bottom of the page, press Previous which is in the bottom left corner, and it will display 10 more posts.) We also have our Bulletin Board page, which has many note worthy posts we have made. Thank you all so much and we pray that all your dreams come true VERY SOON. Sincerely ~ The Dinar Recaps Team _______________________________ 05 - Conflicting Reports: CBI is reporting the Market Rate at 1217? (16.08.14) Kaperoni: Article – “More than 186 million dollars in sales the central bank auction today Saturday, 16 August / August 2014 13:19″ The CBI is reporting the Market Rate at 1217 for the past 10 days or so. _______________________________ 06 - Sunday looks to be live for new rates on FOREX? (16.08.14) Omegaman: Sunday looks to be live for new rates on FOREX…we expect…Bonds to begin trading Monday (if Forex is live Sunday). We got boots up the cabal’s asses…that’s why we’re gonna rv…Sunday..Monday for PBX imo…expectations are high, let’s not let em move the cheese for the 100th time. _______________________________ 07 - Deadly for many. (16.08.14). Chattels [If he is offered a seat, is he still immune?] there is no ABSOLUTE immunity…immunity depends upon the nature and proof of the offense. I have been saying that there may not be alot of difference in the PM – designate and Maliki, both are Dawa party…i have not been calling for an rv just because Maliki will not have a third term…we have got to abandon this “culture ” of near/immediate expectation on the RV. it is deadly for many. _______________________________ 08 - The Plot. (16.08.14). Chattels [Did you see...Maliki may have position in new parliament. Apparently hes still there?] i never thought that Maliki was “gone”. He is still the incumbent Prime Minister, a true “lame duck”, but still the chief executive officer. He did not resign…as i understand the parliamentary system, Maliki is entitled to a seat in Parliament. He got more votes than anyone by a wide margin…now, whether he is appointed or elected by Parliament to a more “sovereign” position remains to be seen. He has agreed to abandon his bid for a third term and step aside in “due course”, meaning when there is a duly elected/seated government.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 02:50:25 +0000

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