RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 20h September 2014 (2). (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 20h September 2014 (2). (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - Currencies Back on the Agenda Posted by MDJ at TNT 09/20/2014. TNT: mdj: WOW........Currencies are back on the G-20 agenda as diverging monetary policies from the U.S. to Japan threaten to increase exchange-rate volatility. Foreign-exchange “coordination” will be reflected in tomorrow’s communique in Cairns, Australia, echoing a pledge by Group-of-20 economies in July 2013 in Moscow, South Korean Finance Minister Choi Kyung Hwan said in an interview today Currencies Back on Agenda as G-20 Monetary Policies Split By Angus Whitley, Benjamin Purvis and Cynthia Kim Sep 20, 2014 6:24 AM ET Currencies are back on the G-20 agenda as diverging monetary policies from the U.S. to Japan threaten to increase exchange-rate volatility. .... Foreign-exchange “coordination” will be reflected in tomorrow’s communique in Cairns, Australia, echoing a pledge by Group-of-20 economies in July 2013 in Moscow, South Korean Finance Minister Choi Kyung Hwan said in an interview today. The U.S. dollar has climbed as the Federal Reserve edges closer to its first interest-rate increase since 2006, while easing by the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan are weighing on the yen and euro. In Cairns yesterday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew renewed a call for member nations to avoid currency intervention in a bid to gain a competitive edge. Divergent monetary policies “have the risk of increasing uncertainties in global financial markets,” Choi said. Volatile foreign capital flows “could also have an impact on the foreign exchange rates.” The dollar has climbed over the past three months against all 16 major peers tracked by Bloomberg, touching a six-year high versus the yen and a 14-month peak against the European currency. ‘Stable’ Moves “It’s important for foreign-exchange rates to move in a stable manner by reflecting economic fundamentals,” Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda, who is also in Cairns, said yesterday. “It’s natural for it to move in accordance with changes in economic fundamentals.” Kuroda said this month he would do what’s needed to achieve the BOJ’s inflation target as he continues unprecedented easing. The ECB has cut interest rates to record lows and committed to boost its balance sheet to the levels it had at the height of the sovereign debt crisis in 2012. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told the G-20 meeting today that expansive fiscal and monetary policies could risk creating a bubble in equity and property markets, according to a German delegation official, who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity in line with policy. ECB Governing Council member Jens Weidmann told Bloomberg News in Cairns that monetary policy should not be expansionary for longer than necessary to ensure price stability. Fed policy makers, who met on Sept. 16-17, increased their median estimate for the federal funds rate to 1.375 percent at the end of next year, versus June’s forecast for 1.125 percent. The benchmark target rate has been in a range of zero to 0.25 percent since 2008 to support the economy. More Volatility The JPMorgan G7 Volatility Index rose as high as 8.08 this month, a level unseen since February. South Korea’s won is up 2.5 percent against the dollar in the past six months, the most among 11 Asian currencies tracked by Bloomberg. After finance ministers and central bank chiefs met in Moscow in July 2013, they pledged: “We will refrain from competitive devaluation and will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes.” Lew yesterday revisited language from that communique. According to a statement from the U.S. Treasury Department, he told South Korea’s Choi that countries must meet “commitments to move toward market-determined exchange rates.” Carlos Cozendey, secretary for international affairs at Brazil’s Finance Ministry, said ministers and central bankers didn’t really discuss foreign exchange intervention during the first day of G-20 meetings. “We don’t really have any specific issues or problems on that right now,” he told reporters. Italian Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan said in an interview that the discussion on currencies was limited. ‘Not at All’ In a statement in April this year in Washington, G-20 finance chiefs said they were committed to “exchange rate flexibility” among other steps to help meet their goal of boosting gross domestic product by an additional 2 percent over five years. Choi said the South Korean government is “not at all” intervening in the foreign-exchange market to determine the won’s level. Lew’s comments were “reiterating the importance” of the issue, rather than singling out South Korea, Choi said. While Choi said he lets the market determine the strength of the won, it’s different when moves are extreme. “If there is a very sudden tilting toward one direction in a very short period of time in the foreign exchange market, then there would be some smoothing operations,” he said. “But that is something that is done not only in Korea but in all other countries.” He described “smoothing” as the minimum level of effort made by the currency authority in times of such extreme fluctuations. Link: bloomberg/news/2014-09-20/currency-coordination-emerges-as-g-20-monetary-policies-diverge.html ___________________________________ 02 - Tidbits from Frank26 and KTFA Members Saturday Morning. 09/20/2014. KTFA: Frank26: KTFA Family ......... You KNOW very well Iraq will not talk about things UNLESS they want You to KNOW something. There is a NEW GOI ...... A NEW CBI GOVERNOR ......... A NEW BUDGET ....... A NEW ATTITUDE ....... A RENEWED COALITION TO FIGHT .......... For a NEW RATE. To stay at Program Rate will only create a condition of self phagocytosis .......... They would devour the goals of their budget. If they showed You Ministers they have to show You GOIs Budget which means they would have to show You the new rate they use. .... Show and Tell ........... DADDY knows Best as to when and how. ENJOY todays articles KTFA Family ............ Soon they will tell You how DADDY Kerryed ..... I mean carried Iraq into THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD ! KTFA, Frank. ********** Frank26: Hmmm........ IMO ....... When it happens it may go like this: DOWN SET ......8......88.....OMAHA OMAHA !!! .......... GOI BUD ...... CBI RED...... SPLIT RIGHT ....... 386 386 ....... CHECK 1 CHECK 1 ......... 425 425 .......... FIRE ON 8 ..... READY .....SET .....GO !!! IMO ........ They just called the play but with .......... An Audible. BTW ....... We Score........ KTFA, Frank..... The BUDGET ........ Its full of Stars! ********** McDan: Thanks Frank I am glad I got my tickets to the GAME . I think we are going to the Super Bowl. ********** Frank26 Quote: “Before I go ........... Why is September 21/22 so very important to us investors of the IQD? Because it is before the 1st of October......” ********** KMeck: The 21st is also the beginning of the third week of September when IMF revalues currencies. Usually the third Thursday of the month of September or April. ********** Billuke: And I believe Delta said 9/22 is the 10 year anniversary when the IQD value was brought down to the program rate, if I remember correctly. ********** mcdan » Frank on the DATE 21/22 SEPT. I believe would be the settlement date for the BIS THANKS. ********** Frank26: WE mark 3 things of value during those days: BIS. IMF RATES. 10 years of a Program Rate. A 4th is that it is BEFORE OCTOBER THE 1ST. KTFA, Frank. ********** james49 : GOOD MORNING FRANK, IF YOURE SPEAKING OF POST 45 THEN THIS IS WHAT I SEE . OUR US DOLLAR IS ON THE RISE AND OTHER CURRENCIES ARE KEEPING IN STEP WITH IT AND IN MY NOTES I SEE IN SEVERAL PLACES WHERE WE ARE WAITING FOR THE U.S.D TO IT .86; AND THE FACT THAT YOU ARE HOLDING YOUR PIECES TOGETHER AND THAT THE/WE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ARE MAKING THEM INTERNATIONAL; AND YOU ARE SEEKING A WAY TO SHARE THE NEXT FILE # THAT MAY CONTAIN THE IR (International Rate) WITH THE FAMILY. TELLS ME THAT WE ARE WATCHING THE TRIGGER BEING PULLED. IM NOT SAYING THAT IT IS A HAIR TRIGGER JUST AS LONG AS IT GETS PULLED; AND THE U.S KNOWS HOW TO PULL WHEN IT NEEDS TO. THIS IS ALL IMO. Just As I Am Dragon Slayer. ********** Frank26: YES!!! WE............ Are NOW again back in CONTROL of IRAQ!!! KTFA, Frank. ********** Frank26: TODAY !!! ............ THE CBI is doing their WHALE SONG (look at Your notes). Try to understand it. (See Article Below) KTFA, Fran. ********** walkongstick: Unlike political economist on the deletion of zeros from the currency, and experts are putting the decision, however, the central Author: AHF, MJ Editor: AHF, HH 9/20/2014 11:58 Long-Presse / Baghdad Counting Economists, on Saturday, the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency trend sensitive and dangerous in light of the situation, which passes through the country, and while Okdakharon that the process is left to the decision of the CBI for being concerned only in the monetary policy of the country, he stressed deputies in the Parliament on the need to be the process of deletion of zeros techniques and procedures in accordance with the sound. He said the former deputy governor of the Iraqi Central Bank Mazhar Mohammad Saleh in an interview to the (long-Presse), The time is not ripe for the implementation of the policy of the central bank with regard to the deletion of zeros from the local currency, because this process needs to political and security stability, and Iraq today are exposed to terrorize large and fierce war , noting that the process of monetary reform of this magnitude take place in conditions of peace and significant economic growth. Saleh added that this issue is sensitive and dangerous and should be avoided, and can be applied at least in the medium term through the next two years. For his part, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning Mahdi Keywords in an interview to the (long-Presse), that this issue is linked to the expertise and advice that enjoyed by the CBI when it decides to delete the zeros. He explained: It perhaps this trend is not a priority for the central bank during this period, attributing it to the lack of significant effects for the deletion of zeros on the overall economic activity now. He pointed out that the relationship This measure is one of the phenomena that must pay attention to it Petrhik display the currency. For his part, President of the Association of Iraqi banks Adnan Chalabi said in an interview to the (long-Presse), The process of deleting the zeros belonging to the Central Bank of Iraq alone, noting that this process needs to techniques and technical aspects, we can not interfere with the central bank is alone on this Its because it is monetary policy. In turn predicted MP Ali Fayad said in an interview to the (long-Presse), that the coming times may provide a base for building a new economy by changing the currency and delete the zeros of some of them. Fayad confirmed that This measure will give durability and optimism strongly the Iraqi currency, stressing the need to be subject to the mechanics and relevant experts in the field of banking and monetary aspects of the economy, and must be accurate so as not to affect the local economy. For his part, former MP Abdul Xiaa Sudanese in an interview with the (long-Presse), said that it is very important that the current government to delete the zeros from the currency, noting that the previous government was not able to perform this operation, although it reached its final stages, but fell After that deteriorated the Iraqi currency in 2012. He pointed out that the Sudanese the deletion of zeros from the currency needs to stabilize the currency and this is currently available in Iraq. The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives unveiled in the former, (August 15, 2013), the postponement of the process of deletion of zeros from the currency until after the next parliamentary elections, while confirming that the government has demanded guarantees for the non-return of the currency markets and substituted falsified. The CBI emphasized, in the (April 25, 2013), that there is no intention at this time to restructure the currency and deleting three zeros of them, denying the reports in this regard. Referred to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced (April 12, 2012), wait for the application process to delete the zeros from the national currency, which had to stop all actions relating to the operation mentioned until further notice. It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is not formatted for the time being to delete the zeros from the dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to stabilize the political and security as well as stability Alaguetsada.okan CBI confirmed, (in the July 3, 2013) that Iraq is in control of his money The treasury of gold in global banks, which of acting out, denying the existence of frozen funds outside the control of the Iraqi administration, While revealed that the Bank reserves reached 76 billion dollars in the month of May last year, counting out of Chapter VII that will allow Iraqs freedom to act to attract more foreign investment. The International Monetary Fund, announced, in the (March 23, 2013), that the financial balances preventive in the Development Fund for Iraq rose in 2012 to 18 billion dollars, and the cash reserves of the Central Bank of hard currency to 70 billion dollars, and pointed out that this increase came from the revenue oil unexpected , called on the Iraqi government to end the control of the state-owned banks on the banking sector, he stressed the need for the strengthening of Iraqs public financial institutions to ensure efficiency and transparency in the use of oil revenues. Predicted USAID, in (December 3, 2012) that leads the Iraqi economy, the Arab countries during the five years, asserting that Iraq possessed all the qualifications to be a strong state Aqtsadia.oihol Iraq for years to attract foreign capital to develop its economy in the fields of industry, especially those related to oil housing and oil and gas extraction, and so need of the funds needed for infrastructure development and reconstruction, but Mariqben assert that lack of interest in the state to the private sector and the absence of investment laws which guarantees large investors and the absence of other laws are still obstacles to the development of the economy in the form required. Depends Iraq, which has the fourth largest oil reserves in the world at 95 percent of its annual budget on its oil exports and currently produces about 2.0009 million barrels a day, while the issue up to 2.0002 million barrels a day. The UN Security Council votes, Thursday (the 27th of June 2013), a unanimous decision to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, after more than two decades of sanctions imposed in the wake of which the invasion of the former regime of Kuwait in the second of August, 1990. ___________________________________ 03 - Nadita File For 9-19-14 Good evening everyone, thanks for watching Nadita File where the spin starts here J Fighting ISIS : Chess reported Pres. Obama praised Senate passage of plan to train and arm Syria rebels to fight ISIS. Measure attached to government spending bill. Army Chief of Staff says it will be increasingly hard to make precision strikes against ISIS hiding among Iraqi population. Killing civilians will be worst mistake we could make. Hundreds of muslims in Sydney suburb protesting police raids authorities say thwarted an ISIS plot. Police says ISIS planned to carry out and videotape randowm beheadings. ~~~ Other News : Kenshin7 takes a deep breath to hear Scotland votes to remain part of UK. Unprecendented 85% turnout. Scots voted 55% to 45% to remain part of the UK. Yemen says foreign airlines have halted flights into capital of Sanaa. That’s due to heavy fighting between Shiite rebels and Sunni militias. Iran and 6 world powers holding more talks today. Trying to work out deal on Iran’s nuclear program. They appear no closer to a deal. Rockfl9 heard First shipment of increased American military aid to help fight Ebola epidemic landed in Liberia. More supplies and personnel to follow. Littlesam feels bad to hear authorities in Bell, FL say a man killed six grandchildren, his daughter and himself. Identified as Don Spirit, had served time on a gun charge. San Diego’s school district to return military surplus vehicle after negative reaction. Had intended to use MRAP as rescue vehicle. California officials say huge wildfire that’s scorched 114 sq miles was started by man with a long criminal history. Calkid11 shakes his head in disbelief of what Wayne Huntsman did. He is set for arraignment today. The bull climbed 14 points on the slippery slope. Gold closed at $1,217, silver at $17.81, copper at $3.09. Crude oil closed at $92.45 Alibaba (BABA) is the talk of the day! Alibaba shares traded as high as $99.70 after IPO at $68. The stock gained 38%, closed at $93.89. Alibaba traded 100M shares within the first 10 minutes, topping Walmart’s market cap. Overallotment will be exercised over the next 30 days. Alibaba market cap will be about the size of BOA. It would be bigger than e-commerce rivals like eBay and Amazon. Annual active buyers : 279M, Annual orders : $14.5B, Q2 Revenue : $2.54B, Employees : nearly 27,000. Roughly 10% of Alibaba stock went to retail, friends of execs. Bookrunners for the IPO : Citi, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank. Uneek wonder what Yahoo is going to do with the proceed of Alibaba. Yahoo is expected to get $8.3B cash infusion from selling part of its stake in Alibaba. Genx4me is glad she is not one of the card members shopping at Home Depot in April. Home Depot says malware threat linked to data breach eliminated. May have affected 56M cards. Apple is upgraded to buy at Cowen with price target $110. Apple begins selling its iPhone 6 and Iphone 6+ in stores today, after record pre-orders. iPhone 6 uses Qualcomm 4G LTE modem, chips from Avago (AVGO) and Skyworks (SWKS). If you are lucky today, you would have been greeted by Tim Cook at San Alto, CA store. EagleEye is eyeing Fireeye (FEYE) reiterated as overweight at Piper Jaffray, price target $40. Galaxy or iPhone 6? Boosterbglee can’t decide what she wants. Samsung says wireless carriers will start taking orders today for its Galaxy Note 4 smartphone. Its screen is slightly larger than Apple’s iPhone 6+. European Commission approves Gilead’s (GILD) drug Zydelig to treat two incurable blood cancers. France’s Vivendi seals deal to sell its Brazilian broadband business to Spain’s Telefonica. Price tag is $9.3B. From Dinar Land : Captl1 reported France conducted its first airstrike against ISIS today. French jets destroyed an ISIS logistics depot in northeastern Iraq. France says other operations will follow in the coming days. France is the first foreign country to add military muscle to US airstrikes against ISIS. Pres. Hollande said France will participate in the fight against ISIL in Iraq but will not bomb targets in Syria where ISIL headquarter is. Observers predict that Britain will follow suit after Scotland ordeal. A-J516 heard security forces at Beiji Refinery foiled another attack by ISIL, destroying two of ISIL’s vehicles and sending 5 worker bees to their heaven. The Spokeman of the joint forces, Saad Maan said the attack killed 24 and injuring 90 civilians. Ministry of Justice warned that this attack was to free terrorists from prison and ordered increased security there as ISIL is planning to storm the prison. Religious authority warned against making the foreign military assistance a gateway for Iraqi security forces and the volunteers, joining them loose their focus on being the first and foremost combat team in fighting ISIL. Top Cleric Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalani said Iraq must remain independent, united, and focus on regaining all territories from ISIL occupation. Sunni and Shiite religious leaders urged Iraqis to remain united and put the country’s best interest before their personal agenda. ISIL terrorists have vacated many of its positions and abandoned their tanks and armored vehicles in oil rich Deir al-Zour province in anticipation of US airstrikes. The terroristsl mingle with civilians which make it difficult for airstrikes to hit target without hurting civilians, which ISIL may use as propaganda against US airstrikes as killing the muslim randomly. US Commanders said this will not deter them to bomb terrorists as gymrat76541 is the best person to conduct the airstrikes with the technology exists to pinpoint selected targets. Japan’s FM said Japan offered Iraq millions of dollars in humanitarian assistance aimed at helping displaced people. Japan’s investments in Iraq is to renovate and build the whole Iraqi shoreline at the tip of the gulf. Ministry of Public Works said they will continue to work in repairing and rebuilding the roads, bridges and overpasses in Baghdad. There is no lack of funds but security is the issue at times to prevent crews to work. PM Abadi arrived in Sulaimaniyah Province for a crucial and important meeting with former KRG president Talabani. Abadi is facing challenges to unify Iraq and please every sector and political bloc. His spokesman said Abadi will work tirelessly to bring Sunnis, Kurds, and Shiites to fight against ISIL and regain occupied areas, cities, and towns. A spokesman for PM Abadi said GOI and KRG are about to enter into the most comprehensive talks to resolve all major issues especially about the oil exportation from Kurdistan region. The goal is to keep the country united and provide the region with its financial needs. Similar talks with Sunni leaders are to follow where Sunnis will gain more decision making in their internal affairs and sharing the wealth which will weaken the ISIL grip especially in Anbar, Nineveh, and Diyala provinces. This is what the new government is planning to achieve in spite of objections of some powerful Shiite parties and blocs. From Rumor Land : Aggiedad77 says 2014 budget will reach parliament on the 10/10, but he thinks it will be sooner than later. Pepperoni on pizza says Iraq does nothing fast despite the outcries from everyone in the media to do so. Tman23 says another article proving the government is not seated as the Kurds have not yet agreed to participate. Poppy3 says he wants to see all banking laws passed and implemented. From the desk of Stryker says the deal seems to be completed on their oil agreement, close on Article 140 and the rest will follow nicely. DC says everything is planned again and ready to go. Exogen says UNSC meeting is the game changer. Iraq is officially has the full support of planet earth. Full Santa suit alert now. The spin stops here J send your comments to #naditafile, Dinar Thug is next, good night everyone J Have a blessed week with your family J ___________________________________
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 23:53:02 +0000

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