RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 20h September 2014. (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 20h September 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). EXOGEN FULL SANTA SUIT ALERT NOW!!!! EXOGEN THIS MEETING IS THE GAME CHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXOGEN EVERY DELAY AND MANUFACTURED EXCUSE IS BEING EXTERMINATED BY THE WORLD LIVE RIGHT NOW AT THIS MEETING.......................... EXOGEN IRAQ OFFICIALLY HAS THE FULL SUPPORT OF PLANET EARTH!!!!!!!!!!! . EXOGEN: That’s all folks! Link: youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gBzJGckMYO4#t=0 ********************** 01 - Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members: While You Were Sleeping 09/20/2014. Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN September 19, 2014 at 9:59pm GROUPS ARE ON HIGH ALERT!!!!! Joanne > EXOGEN September 19, 2014 at 10:10pm That means were on High Alert....Thanks EXO... EXOGEN September 20, 2014 G20: https://g20.org/news/video_gallery EXOGEN: While You Were Sleeping EXOGEN September 20, 2014 at 3:06am THE NEXT WAVE OF GLOBAL PARALLEL & INTERSECTING GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENTS IS TAKING PLACE RIGHT NOW..........................LIVE IN REAL TIME!!! EXOGEN September 20, 2014 at 3:08am SPEAKING ON RESTRUCTURE OF THE GLOBAL TAX SYSTEM!!!! ********** SATURDAY INTEL UPDATE!! Posted by EXOGEN on September 20, 2014 at 2:07am Guesses to Picture Intel: Arvin September 20, 2014 at 3:13am Exo am I close? Ok I will take a shot.... Part II Parallel announcements intersected at a junction (NY-UNSC) G20 Finance ministers and Central bank governors next up to bat!! Start for G20 the button could be pushed within HOURS! Come on Exo bring out that jolly guy in the red suit!!! (Preferred Complete photo). EXOGEN September 20, 2014 at 3:30am Santa Clause is coming to Town. LINK: youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VCEZEOYdfwo#t=0 ********** G T September 20, 2014 at 3:38am CLUES...... While we are SLEEPING. Parallel Announcements By the G20 & CBI have been made & are still Being Made. Within Hours we should see the BEGINNING in Australia. The SNOW is Coming Down Hard.....AGAIN. Santas Comin. Its Confirmed!!! EXOGEN > G T September 20, 2014. SANTA CAN NOT BE STOPPED FOR GLOBAL DELIVERY NOW!!!!!!!!! NO MORE DELAYS!!!!!!!!!! Arvin September 20, 2014. Confirmed, Snowing really, really, really, really hard. Happy time Santa is coming to town. Are you really ready??? EXOGEN: Mission Accomplished EXOGEN Completed EXOGEN Done!!! G T September 20, 2014 at 3:57am More Clues.... Worldwide Signatures are FINALLY COMPLETED & Finished !!! Mission Accomplished (Finally) We Made It ......Finally!!! The Storm is Over!!! Santa & His Reindeers are ON THEIR WAY (First Time I EVER SAW THE REINDEERS)!!!! ********** EXOGEN > September 20, 2014 at 4:40am WHEN YOU SEE THE FULL SUIT (Santa) IT MEANS GO TO THE BANKS!!! robert September 20, 2014 at 4:10am do we have hint when the full santa will make an appearance ? EXOGEN > robert September 20, 2014 at 4:38am HE IS ALREADY HERE (HINT HINT) Serendipity > EXOGEN September 20, 2014 at 5:27am Does HINT HINT mean that the RV already happened, but Santa wont appear until the banks are ready for us? Sunshine62 > Serendipity September 20, 2014 at 8:41am No, if the RV had happened, you would already see the full santa suit The hint hint is that he is ready, however. EXOGEN September 20, 2014 at 4:54am FINAL S3A CONFERENCE CALL OUTLINE IS NOW COMPLETED!!! EXOGEN September 20, 2014 at 9:38am G20 CONFERENCE IS TALKING ABOUT PUTTING END TO WHAT THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS HAVE BEEN DOING. Doogie Houser > EXOGEN September 20, 2014 at 9:50am Buh-bye off-shore labour and off-shore corporate tax havens.. Buh-bye corporate welfare.. Effie September 20, 2014 at 10:04am Good morning all! Looks like we have an amazing life ahead of us....hope you all got some sleep (besides Exo of course)... Happy Saturday! ______________________________ 02 - Stevel Update To Members. 09/20/2014 Greetings, I know you all are looking for updates regarding the budget, but the first thing I am looking for is the final two Ministers to be set in stone and voted on. Then look for the budget after that. I think October 6th is the next voting of the ministers so we can just sit back and let the new PM get the job done. He is being pressured by many so, they are not just sitting there doing nothing. ~~~ The rest will fall into place. If you are looking for a time, mid October is looking very good to have all of this done by. I really do not see it going into November as they (Parliament) is looking to start the 2015 budget, so this means getting the 2014 done, passed and opened and disbursed. This is when you will see a possible rate increase in the value of their currency. When we here something substantial, I will for sure post the news to help you better understanding the timing or next move and what to look for. So, enjoy the fall days and enjoy life. Blessings to all. Steve ______________________________ 03 - Reader Comments On Federal Reserve. 09/19/2014. Post Brought From JC Collins Blog -- Reader Comments From Recent Post: Separation of US Treasury and Federal Reserve Begins Roger Parness: September 17, 2014 at 11:50 pm Exciting complex times. A true audit of the Fed would yield charges of treason. An audit of Fort Knox would be yield interesting data. If we could just learn the truth. If government and leadership were to be held accountable and transparent there would be an epidemic of PTSD and the hypnotic fog that informs most citizens would rapidly dissipate. Truth is required in a free society. Roger Parness: September 17, 2014 at 11:53 pm The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. John F. Kennedy ~~~ Daneackerman: September 18, 2014 at 12:01 am Did you see “The bill was overwhelmingly passed with a margin of 333 to 92.” 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 and 9 + 2 = 11 so 9 11 just popped out. JC Collins: September 18, 2014 at 12:05 am I did notice that and was waiting for you to pick up on it. The coincidences don’t come much better than that. John Beck: September 18, 2014 at 3:48 am I also see 666as well Stacy Kampa: September 18, 2014 at 10:01 am Also just to add here – wasn’t it Ron Paul whom for x amount of years tried to get this bill to pass? How interesting all of a sudden w/ no public debate most of Congress is backing it. What a joke this system is! Tyberious: September 18, 2014 at 12:10 am The NEXT Reserve Currency “The U.S. dollar is dying an ugly death. The U.S. government knows it, and the bankers who run the U.S. government are certainly aware of it – since they are the ones who have (already) undermined its value to worthlessness. Naturally, the dollar’s ugly death is never mentioned in the Corporate media. Even with the manipulation choke-hold which this banking cabal has over our so-called “markets”; it would be extremely difficult to pump-up the value of the dollar to its present, absurdly fraudulent level if everyone knew that this was a dying currency – which will be obsolete (and thus officially worthless) in a few year’s time. All this is carved in stone. What has (previously) been the subject of considerable debate and speculation is what currency will replace the U.S. dollar as the world’s “reserve currency”. The crooked bankers and corrupt governments of the Western bloc have already floated several trial-balloons, in their efforts to attempt to maintain control over the global economy by being in complete control of the principal money supply for the global economy.” “The result of this obsession of the Old World Order with attempting to maintain control of the printing press for the global economy has been several pathetic attempts to cobble together some (corrupt) replacement paper for the USD. First we had “the Amero”. The “Amero” (as the name implies) was to be launched in North America as the official currency for that (new) bloc, and (if the banksters had succeeded in their conspiring) would have coincided with the launch of a “North American Union”. However, despite having complete control over the Corporate media (and thus all mainstream “news”); the banking cabal’s puppet politicians couldn’t sell either the Amero or a North American Union. The next attempted replacement for the USD was even more pathetic. The bankers and their Western governments attempted to take an ordinary credit instrument (the “special drawing rights” by which the International Monetary Fund extends credit), and convert that (somehow) into a currency. This would have entirely eliminated the distinction between “money” and “debt”. But it was such outrageous monetary voodoo that even the One Bank’s puppet governments wouldn’t embrace the scheme. In part; this was due to the simple fact that there would have been no way to portray this instrument of financial fraud (and infinite debt) as “money” to the masses of Sheep in our societies. Lesser, and even sillier schemes have been put forth by the bankers and their minions, but none of them ever achieved enough significance to merit mention. Meanwhile in the Rest of the World (i.e. its less-corrupt regimes) there has been a steady, inexorable move toward at least a quasi-legitimate replacement for the USD: China’s renminbi.” Link: bullionbullscanada/intl-commentary/26557-the-next-reserve-currency JC Collins: September 18, 2014 at 12:18 am Tyberious, I’d much rather see you write your own thoughts as opposed to copy and paste from the opinions of a bullion site. The article does not not take into account the raise in US dollars in foreign reserve accounts this year and nor does it consider the official statements of support of the SDR from the BRICS countries themselves. Renminbi swaps and arrangements are increasing because the currency will be added to the SDR basket and everyone is diversifying their foreign reserve accounts with renminbi beforehand. Time is, and will continue, to prove this scenario to be the correct one. John Beck: September 18, 2014 at 3:56 am Almost all countries have a federal bank note. That is the core issue. Not the U.S or Canada, etc. It is looking like saving face (and a noose) is the name of the game here. The 100 year fed run ( which was not the first time the bankers were in control) is over, the contract fulfilled. Now the ones planning this and have been planning for decades on how to transition back to gold/silver backed system. Awaken as many brother and sister sheeple as possible to the highest truth. A monetary based system whether it be fiat based or metal backed still allows for power and control to reign. There are many ware of this and have been aiding this to occur. H.R 24 is still a partial truth which makes it a partial lie. Seek only absolute transparency and we will all be better for it. Blessing jb Cramley: September 18, 2014 at 2:15 pm Very odd action in the gold miners. Stock prices get knocked down, but money flows are positive for some. More money coming in on upticks than downticks. It’s really anomalous when a stock gets monkeyhammered for 3% . tvidmar (@vidmartomaz): September 18, 2014 at 2:54 pm what a “strange” coinsidence. slovenian central bank is already subject to criminal investigation. Alegedly for bad commercial bank supervision. :) what a joke all central banking is…. thx JC for all you do. Because of your posts I was able to find many logical explanations/ answers concerning reasons for financial mess we are all in on both sides of atlantic.Vitorio toknowyourenemy : September 18, 2014 at 3:57 pm While reviewing events seems so logical, I struggle – and fail, to foretell the future. I get the big picture, and that was enough for me for a long time, but now I want to know more about the machinations of the events to come, in specific relief. No way in hell this ends good for the US of A and its inhabitants – in a world where living within your means is still living beyond your means – when the reserve status is lost spells bad things, man. The pure evil at work ensures it – the declassified deeds and the reality of such yet-to-be-proven and accepted theories like the towers, the crushing loss of purchasing power of FRN’s, and on, and on……to believe that a soft landing or conversion could be had is just illusory and ranks right up there with such disgusting expressions as ‘if your gonna get raped baby, might as well try to enjoy it….’. As we continue to sacrifice altitude for air speed we should take a moment and look around – its in the fall when we can see things best if we can keep our wits about us. For you utopian plantation unicorn ranchers-to-be out there… good luck. The elites arrogance will be their undoing and the steadfast love of linear thinking leaks out into a war on religions, decency, all things non-scientific, and the useless eaters….. Fourth Turnings have history on their side. Numerology is interesting – but only as a parlor trick. If I light a fire in the forest, and I know which way the wind is blowing, I can guarantee you where to see lots of wildlife running for their lives. In layman’s terms, its referred to as nothing more than ‘goal seeking’. The love of science and man’s imagination – applied or otherwise, is not enough to overcome the cyclical nature of events. For the elites, a new ponzi to replace the old ponzi is just pushing it thinner and thinner – till it wears out….and it will wear out. Global solutions, global problems, global currencies, global bull***. Nobody’s ever pulled it off and their hatred of others makes them blind to reality. Their global governance is not derived from nobility but a falsehood they have told so many times in so many ways they only hope you believe it too. Facts do not cease to exist because you ignore them the man said….so true, so true. Still, I fear their power to push a bad plan into action, and all that goes with it. All of it. ______________________________ 04 - Frank26: She Will Be There At The End!. 09/19/2014. Frank26: Hmmm.............. I was having TINK type a BLUE POST for You KTFA Family .......... Then it hit me. Our TEAMS have too much to share and I would only serve them an injustice if I butchered up our work with ......... Emotions right now. So I took over........... This is what I should say instead for now. If You look at Your notes You will find buried in them a quote from me originating 3 years ago: SHE WILL BE THERE AT THE END !!! Why? .... Because she has some audit reports to wipe out the GOIs pass. Lets just say DADDY is willing to Forgive and Forget in order to go .......... Forward. ONLY ......... DADDY ........ Can give them ARTICLE 8 and an IR for their Future as a country. She was to bring it at ......... THE END. Three years ago when I started to shout this to the internet world that laughed at my suggestion .......... I kept silent. Three years ago ....... What was she? Secretary of State. Who ............. TODAY TOLD THE WORLD THAT DADDY IS TAKING IRAQ BACK TO WHAT SHE WAS ......... BACK TO THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD.........? You mean like back to the 90s Frank26? Yup. Ah????????? ........ John Kerry. Yup. What is he? You mean John Kerry? Yup. Ah......... Secretary of State. The DELTA and ITEAM and I only have TWO things to say to THE INTERNET: TA DA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sr and Jr are like The USA Troops. They did ALL the WORK. But had to give All the Credit to o and Iraqi Army. Before I go ........... Why is September 21/22 so very important to us investors of the IQD? Because it is before the 1st of October........... Take care ....... Aloha .... KTFA, Frank. ********************** w8tn4it2rv : FRANKS POSTS FROM THE LAST THREAD Frank26: I do not normally do this KTFA FAMILY but.......... I wish to express that it is important for You to read my last postings on our last thread. Wink. Love You ....... Very much. KTFA,Frank ********************** Frank26: BTW ........ Dont tell anyone but we ....... The USA is making Iraq INTERNATIONAL. WINK. ********************** Frank26: Indeed Friend ........ I have plans of inviting him (Eagle1) for this Ms CC. Based on what is occurring with the USD ........ And many currencies being pegged to it ........ It would behoove us to bring in E1. I seek a way to share a file number (time frame) with our KTFA Family that is for an IR.(International Rate). KTFA, Frank ********************** Frank26: I really like that the GOI has settled almost all of their debt with DINARS! I especially now like that they are auditing and clearing THEIR OWN DEBT NOW! KTFA, Frank. ********************** 05 - More Tidbits from Exogen and Stage3 Alpha Members Early Friday PM. 09/19/2014. EXOGEN September 19, 2014 at 5:58pm THE WORLD IS NOT DOING ALL OF THIS FOR FREE. THE NEW IRAQ WAR BILL HAS TO BE ENORMOUS. AND THERE IS ONLY 1 WAY IRAQ CAN PAY THIS BILL, AND THIS PANEL IS THE GROUP WHO GAVE IRAQ THE SANCTIONS.............WHO IS YOUR DADDY? T.O.T September 19, 2014 at 5:54pm Did you hear what he just must happen at the end of this meeting? june > T.O.T what what T.O.T > june When this meeting is over we must take action. When this meeting is over we must take action. .... EXOGEN OFFICIALLY OVER 50 COUNTRIES HAVE AGREED TO PARTICIPATE!!! EXOGEN September 19, 2014 at 6:51pm Foreign Minister John Kerry in the UN Security Council meeting Iraq will return to the international community after that remained isolated for a long time and were going to fully integrate into the family Atah..itba Abundant Clarity > EXOGEN OMG. There it is EXOGEN > return to the international community EXOGEN > fully integrate into the family Carden This has been an amazing day. We had the remarkable turn of events where now, every country has the right, and justly so, to buy oil and gas, in their own currency and without exchanging first to USD, controlled by USD and monitored by UST. They now have the right to deal fairly and in a free market environment make their best deal and with their own currency which will have a value confirmed by SDR/IMF and verified with the rate of SDR and with oversight by UN. Its a landmark and important step for the international community and a TRUE BENCHMARK OF FREE ENTERPRISE AND DEMOCRACY IN ACTION. I applaud these events and am proud to be a part of this grand event. EXOGEN :THE MEETING JUST GAVE OUT EVERY GLOBAL ANNOUNCMENT. EXOGEN: check iraqs new credit rating. june : JoshEarnest wh press sec has just stated Iraq has a unified government. EXOGEN > june yep. EXOGEN: DONE. FINISHED. COMPLETED. Dr. Mark > wilbur grodan September 19, 2014 at 6:59pm Wilbur, You said 8am Iraq time Tuesday....what are you saying? wilbur grodan > Dr. Mark September 19, 2014 at 7:08pm Activation of international publicly tradable rate IMO. ______________________________ 06 - Waiting for Global Announcements. 20.09.14. The UN Security Council meeting was historic. Many of the anticipated global announcements were made, and are expected to continue at the G20 and Central Banker Summit in Australia, this weekend. •g20.org/news/live_streaming Live webcast will be available on Sunday 21 September from 12:45pm AEST (Saturday, 20 September from 10:45pm EDT) •g20.org/news/video_gallery G20 Video Gallery •skynews.au Extra police for G20 meeting AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT/UTC +10) – Sydney/Cairnes EDT = Eastern Daylight Time (GMT/UTC -4) – Toronto/New York If this is really it, we should see changes at the banks in the next few days. Share this Link: 2012thebigpicture.wordpress/2014/09/20/waiting-for-global-announcements/ ______________________________ 07 - “It’s done; we’re waiting on the reveal.” (20.09.14). DC: ALL our contacts in Parliament say that everything has been voted on four times! They are frustrated that they keep running it on television when the people in the chamber say that it’s been settled! That’s the kind of intel we’ve had all this week. Many have said “It’s done; we’re waiting on the reveal.” The public announcements and the budget would be nice to have lined up, but not essential to the release of the RV. Our understanding is that all technical issues have been resolved and they are ready to pull the trigger. They tried to put it out last Friday and they had a painful technical issue that they didn’t expect. So now we are in the same place we were in last Friday, with everyone ready and telling the CBI to get it done by a certain date. The CBI has been testing the system, and tentative celebrations are planned for Saturday night and Sunday night. There are dignitaries in Baghdad, and there are international teams helping the CBI now. The banks are ready and all their staff are cued up to work at the weekend if needed. Security, call center and exchange centers are all set up across the US. Banks have been put on alert, and they have alerted their staff. Everything is planned again and ready to go. There is a lot of pressure both inside and outside to get this done correctly and quickly. ______________________________
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:18:06 +0000

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