RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 28th September 2014. (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 28th September 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). Note: This IS it amigos, this is THE week!!! The deadline is 1st October, when many things must be in place, paid for, WITH the new IQN, meaning, Iraq MUST RV BEFORE Wednesday! Fingers crossed!! (R. Seraphico). ________________________________ EXOGEN It’s the Final Countdown! Link: youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9jK-NcRmVcw#t=0 ________________________________ 01 - Frank26 and Exogen: Things are Happening. 09/28/2014. KTFA: Frank26 » September 28th, 2014, 4:29 pm KTFA FAMILY............ We are expecting a major event in Baghdad. Not the RI. It may be the GOI. It may be something else......... Watch inside of Baghdad. It should not take too long. Just WATCH Baghdad. Main thing IMO ........... It will be a good thing. KTFA, Frank Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN September 28, 2014 at 3:53pm NOTE: Something very significant just took place with one of the 3 letter agencies/entities tied to the GCR/RV. EXOGEN: Read Between the lines! LVegas > EXOGEN I would think it would have to be CBI if they are releasing funds to pay workers/Kurds/police. All taking place in Iraq right now. Mr. Chen > LVegas thats what I was thinking Danny > EXOGEN T R Ns from U S T? Lonewolf Something negative has moved upwards to a positive..something magicially has changed from old to new again. Vinman > Lonewolf Youve got it. Just think IQD value raised. And new global financial system moving from old to new :-) ________________________________ 02 - More News, Rumors, and Opinions Sunday Afternoon. 9/28/2014. Stage3Alpha: G T September 28, 2014 at 12:09pm More CLUES...... The IRAQI POLICE HAVENT BEEN PAID (Past Due) The IRAQI PEOPLE are TAKIN IT TO THE STREETS (Their Disapproval of PM Abadis Promises to get Paid the last two weeks ....Without Any Results) IS THE HOLLYWOOD SCRIPT WORTH ALL THIS!!! Michelle > EXOGEN Military hasnt been paid either! smh Sunshine62 > EXOGEN Due to delay after delay, and not able to make decisions independent of USAs controls, Abadi is swiftly losing his credibility. It is a slipperly slope now! Will he regain his popularity and the confidence of the people? That is the question ..... Don: Let this sink in...MALIKI, FROM REPORTS,, WAS PHYSICALLY REMOVED FROM THE PM PALACE RESIDENCE THIS MORNING. Lonewolf September 28, 2014 at 12:26pm Clues: The USA/IRAQ each mirror each other in their common goals. The Iraqi citizens are getting restless. The costs of the bills due are rising. Salaries go unpaid. These are a ticking timebomb. Look for 2 parallel announcments. The BRICS have started the final countdown, lines are drawn in the sand to complete the RV. Watch PIMCO and other investment firms as there appears to be a shakeup of top management. Watch the Wells Fargo credit score. October 1st is going to be an interesting day, the world is watching. Pressure is on as there is no money forth coming to pay salaries until the Govt opens and approves the budget. The pressure is intense but order comes out of chaos. Military and civilian salaries are past due. Abbadi is on a slippery slope and his credibility is on the line.. SoCal Cutie EXO, my gut is telling me that Wells is/may possibly going to be the BRICS bank in the US since they have the Chinese backing. ********** G T EXO ....So whos correct??? Your clues this morning or the Intel Information your posting?? Because your clues this morning are Indicating that the BRICS are ready to push the button for Plan B (And of the BRICS take The Wheel....Thats not good for us (unless their forcing the Hands of Iraq & The US to stop playing games & get this RV Live now) And we ALL KNOW Wednesday is the DEADLINE!!!! So which is it??? EXOGEN > G T BOTH…PLAN A AND PLAN B ARE RUNNING SIMULTANEOUSLY. *********** G T > EXOGEN So Whichever gets to the Finish Line on October 1st Goes??? Will one of them cross the Finish Line before October 1st??? This KICKIN THE CAN fURTHER DOWN THE ROAD is RIDICULOUS!!! And WHY Are they waiting Until OCtober 1st to DO ALL THIS??? It makes NO SENSE!!! They just want Chaos or NOT DO NOTHING AT ALL!!! Because releasing the RV this weekend made TOO MUCH COMMON SENSE Maybe thats their problem....No Common Sense or they STILL HAVE No intention of releasing this RV At ALL. ********** Happiness > G T The iraqi citizens will not stand for it. They have been told for weeks they are about to be paid and now promised everything by Oct 1. If we go past Oct 1 and NOTHING happens. I bet they start rioting. They are the best thing we have right now to make sure this happens. Abadi is losing credibility and his people are starting to think he is another Maliki. I am sure. ********** L Klempke > From Exogen Earlier: EXOGEN > G T September 28, 2014 at 11:21a PLAN A AND PLAN B ARE RUNNING SIMULTANEOUSLY EXOGEN > L Klempke THERE IS ALSO A PLAN C AS WELL Gonna retire > EXOGEN Please elaborate on plan C steph > EXOGEN Is Plan c bad??? Is what everyone saying about Plan b correct? We wont be able to exchange in US? Thanks! Thought I understood now Im just confused SoCal Cutie > EXOGEN and that is probably the one nobody suspects and the one that will be implemented and will be good for all Michelle > SoCal Thats what Im BELIEVING for!! ALL WILL BE WELL FOR ALL!!!!!! ********** Mr. Chen September 28, 2014 at 11:24am I love these lines of reporting from Millionday HAVE THE BUDGET DONE WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS SO DISTRIBUTION OF MONEY DUES WILL BE MADE BEFORE THE EID FEAST...AND BY THE OCTOBER 1ST BUDGET DATE. THEY HAVE STATED THAT THEY ARE PLANNING ON OPENING THE BUDGET ON OCTOBER 1ST FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS. THE THREE PRESIDENTS DONT GET THEIR MONEY UNTIL THE BUDGET IS DONE AND THE IMF IS PUSHING FOR THE BUDGET TO BE DONE BEFORE EID DUE TO MONEY NEEDED. **************************** TNT: Don: Iraq is out of money. Budget is big deal cyndisaintsfan : If plan B goes are there gonna be clawbacks... havent heard anyone talk about that lately ?? Don : WE are still in Plan A but BRICS is putting pressure on USA to GO NOW otherwise it will be Plan B Don: From EXOGEN > G T September 28, 2014 at 11:24am THERE ARE 2 PLANS RUNNING SIMULTANEOUSLY 1 PLAN WE WANT, AND THE OTHER PLAN WE DO NOT WANT. ********************* GET: [arizona49] Well, and I think this man needs to be next also, but tared & feather in my opinion: (*) 9/28/2014 Early Afternoon… tman23 Rumors are saying maliki has planned a demonstration against Abadi on Sept 30th and protesters will be carrying banners for Abadi to go (leave office)... ************************* OOM&F: [Papajack] As we all know by now nothing in Dinarworld is etched in stone but if you are paying attention there are suttle hints that we should cause us to pay attention. The Dark Cabal is still in control in America and England, they are keeping Iraq from moving forward with the RV, unless you live in a cave you have probably figured out that ISIS is a Cabal operation. These clowns are sick, demented, and evil. Speaking of evil, politics is evil, it hides the truth and panders to weak minded people with smoke and mirrors. When you take the time to learn REAL history you can begin to understand just what is a stake here. Judge Dale clearly gave us a hint not to expect a smooth transition with the Global Reset and RV. Just what does that mean? dinarrecaps/our-blog/judge-dale-a-major-change-coming-oct-1st I believe and this just my humble opinion that we need to expect PLAN B which means forced RV through the BRIC nations. We know O wanted it delayed until January for his own political agenda, This could have been GOOD and maybe it will be, but please dont let your guard down. Remember Yahveh does nothing without first telling His servants the PROPHETS. The TRUTH will make you FREE!!!!! ________________________________ 03 - News, Rumors, and Opinions Sunday Morning. 09/28/2014. Dinar Updates: Poppy3 4 days till deadline date for all to be complete and be prepared for the rate change. THEY HAVE SET THAT GOAL AND VOWED TO MEET IT. TIME WILL TELL AND I AM SURE THEY WILL USE EVERY MOMENT TILL IT IS COMPLETED. MALIKI, FROM REPORTS,, WAS PHYSICALLY REMOVED FROM THE PM PALACE RESIDENCE THIS MORNING. THIS IS JUST ONE MORE STEP TO THE COMPLETION OF THE GOI. THEY ARE TOTALLY DISREGARDING ALL RELIGIOUS DAYS AND WORKING TO COMPLETE WHAT HAS TO BE DONE TO IMPLEMENT FINANCIAL REFORM . ALL I CAN SAY IS OUR MONEY IS COMING.... TNT: Iko Ward : Well guys, putting on the Forèx hat, for TNT theory to work means they have to push the button before 5PM EST this afternoon. We may not see it til tomorrow, but it has to be pushed today or the bad guys will be able to do their voodoo.... but Im thinking we are all already blessed. Iko Ward : Guys, they need to push the button first, then it is done and the bad guys cant do any last minute super trades. Then it will show on the various screens. Im guessing this is all orchestrated and put to bed but makes sense to be done before the normal market is open Normanros : i hope they press the button before forex opens Airam: Norman ....do u think they are ready to go sooner than later ??? Normanros: The time is now. iraq has got bills to pay and promises of salaries to peeps. ************************* GET: Topic: Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. Napoleon Hill. ************************* KTFA: DLR » September 28th, 2014, The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -- Eleanor Roosevelt The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you think you can only do a little. There are no foolish questions, & no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions. -Charles Proteus Steinmetz. **************************** I4U: [xyz] KRG announces one week holiday for Eid al-Adhha alliraqnews/en/index.php/general-news/58696-krg-announces-one-week-holiday-for-eid-al-adhha.html [xyz] The government is seeking to approve the operating budget for three months ,,,The Finance Committee of the interim may gave ministries to amend the budget and the inclusion of revenue and expenditure and the actual exports, while urging the central bank to send cash budget and the balance of the Development Fund for Iraq account. Before more than a month, it was revealed a member of the Committee MP Haitham al-Jubouri told / JD /: the existence of a deficit in the budget is not acceptable is 56%, dananernews/News_Details.php?ID=5160 Chattels Article quote: on Sunday, the fifth of October next, will be the first day of Eid al-Adha. the Eid al Adha holiday is four days according to the CBI website. ************************* Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN September 28, 2014 at 12:36am MANY PATENTS THAT HAVE BEEN LOCKED UP ARE BEING RELEASED Michael September 28, 2014 at 10:07am My source tells me that the RV will definitely happen when the Dragon Family pushes the button. It will happen regardless of the nonsense going on. Please dont get disappointed if the RV takes longer. All this Iraq crap is a distraction and smoke and mirrors. robert > G T September 28, 2014 at 9:19am iraq is being used as a pawn with the usa petrodollar dying gt , until they get what they need there will be no rv, they are playing a dangerous game as a little birdy told me the brics are about ready to let leash and use the asset backed currency very soon .blessings. *********** shanaynay Why is iraq stalling? Sunshine62 > shanaynay Because the USA is still in control shanaynay > Sunshine62 So when is enough enough? Why noy just roll out plan b. Im sure the brics know and see the usa controlled stalling Louie67 > shanaynay Yep, I have the same question, now Like I always said the US snake have to be decapitated before we finally see something, our own government hate us. *********** SUNDAY INTEL UPDATE!!! Posted by EXOGEN on September 28, 2014 at 10:19am Guesses to Picture Intel: D.K.C. September 28, 2014 at 10:45am the Bills and Salaries in Iraq are past due and the situation is a ticking time bomb.....Brics nations are in a final countdown to pushing the on button because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! ********** G T : CLUES (So Far) The USA & Iraq are PLAYING GAMES (flipping a coin) with these Parallel Budgets The Iraqi People are unhappy & now are demonstrating in the streets their disapproval......TENSIONS RISING!!! Salaries are PAST DUE.....$HITS READY TO EXPLODE!!! BRICS are getting frustrated....(Ready to Implement Plan B) We MAYBE IN THE FINAL COUNTDOWN to TURN THE SWITCH ON!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! ********** EXOGEN: This is going to be an interesting day! ********** Mr. Chen September 28, 2014 at 11:19am looking in the mirror, USA is starting to show similarities to Iraq Iraq still needs a budgets look for 2 parallel announcments iraqi protest are skyrocketing because of past due salaries and they are ticking time bombs the whole budget scenario is a ticking time bomb BRICS has turned on the final countdown enough is enough, lines drawn in the sand to complete the RV watch what is happening at PIMCO and other investment firms watch how wells Fargo credit score is down currently October 1st is going to be an interesting day the world is watching it. ********** robert > Mr. Chen September 28, 2014 at 11:24am well phrased mr chen.This week looks interesting indeed something has to give either iraq rv,or brics go alone i think. blessings ********** G T September 28, 2014 at 11:23am New Clues...... Start Looking at the activities of the Bond Markets Check out the Credit Rating of Wells Fargo October 1st is the BIG DATE (either PAYDIRT DAY or $HIT$ Gonna HIT THE FAN The Worlds WATCHING (So disregard the SNOW & THE ARTICLES EXO POSTED THIS MORNING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)!!! EXOGEN > G T THERE ARE 2 PLANS RUNNING SIMULTANEOUSLY 1 PLAN WE WANT, AND THE OTHER PLAN WE DO NOT WANT. ************ Aloha Leslie September 28, 2014 at 11:23am The last two clues jumped out at me: The whole world is watching. These global leaders are all under a microscope, every one of their moves being carefully watched. The citizens of the world are hungering for righteousness and democratic principles, values many have never experienced having been under the thumb of oppression. CABAL, you are officially TOAST!!!! ********** Eloisa > EXOGEN Parliament approved their budget, but under a ton of pressure. EXOGEN > Eloisa Basically the FAT cats in GOI, VPs, MPs cannot get their money either until BUDGET is passed, so there is now additional PRESSURE added. ________________________________ 04 - Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN September 27, 2014 at 8:41pm IRAQ IS NOW OFFICIALLY RUNNING OUT OF TIME EXOGEN September 27, 2014 at 8:39pm 9-27-2014 tman23 An interesting fact...Volunteers who are fighting terrorism in Iraq are displaying signs of low morale because the state has not paid them as promised and their families are suffering due to their absence... The government must pass the budget for these volunteers to get paid...The same message from Kurdistan as workers are not happy as Eid arrives and money to celebrate is held back... Simply put...Iraq needs to advance payments next week!!! Susan > EXOGEN My understanding is that Iraq has had this finished, completed; have for weeks; and that the US had Iraq held up this event from happening until last Turs. (9/18. And yet the window could go until October 5th..... BREAKING NEWS: Council of Ministers: the budget and the salaries of the region before the feast Posted by EXOGEN on September 27, 2014 at 10:19pm 09/28/2014 0:00 Back negotiations between Baghdad and Erbil, Baghdad morning Alaa al-Tai Shaima Rashid discusses the Council of Ministers at a meeting held prior to the holiday of Eid al-Adha budget 2014 file employees salaries Kurdistan region, while up on Sunday, a delegation from the Kurdistan region to Baghdad to meet with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and complete negotiations formation of the government and discuss the outstanding issues between the center and the region. said Mahdi Keywords director of the Office of the Prime Minister, in a press statement: that the Council of Ministers may hold its extraordinary to discuss the budget and the salaries of the Kurdistan region today or tomorrow, Monday, before Tuesday where will convene the regular session of the Council , adding that it is possible to hold special meeting on budget, ahead of the Eid al-Adha. Meanwhile, a leader of the Kurdistan Alliance, Mahmoud Othman, morning: that the Kurdish delegation will arrive in Baghdad today to meet with al-Abadi and talk about the outstanding issues between the center and the region. added that the region identified For his part, a time limit of three months to resolve the differences in the interaction of light with the demands of the provincial government and positive messages to solve problems that are related to the budget and export of oil and the Peshmerga forces and others, which are in accordance with the Constitution. alsabaah.iq/ArticleShow.aspx?ID=78647 Mr. Chen Well I sure hope Exo that they get this done before the 1st. It would be ideal that they get it done by Monday. And have it announced Monday or Tuesday. EXOGEN before Tuesday Robert Smith > EXOGEN Well, Exo, this is dandy! EXOGEN may hold its extraordinary to discuss the budget and the salaries of the Kurdistan region today or tomorrow, Monday, before Tuesday EXOGEN complete negotiations formation of the government EXOGEN a delegation from the Kurdistan region to Baghdad to meet with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and complete negotiations formation of the government and discuss the outstanding issues between the center and the region. EXOGEN the Kurdish delegation will arrive in Baghdad today to meet with al-Abadi and talk about the outstanding issues between the center and the region. ****************************** I4U: [Dinarian77] Ive got a close friend of mine who calls me out of the blue . . .hes been working for a brokerage firm what sets up bank to bank currency trades . . . hes been in the business for over 30 yrs, as long as Ive known him . . . [Dinarian77] he said buy Zim after asking me if I knew anything about the dinar. at any rate I talked to him again yesterday, fully expects this to happen by the end of this month. [Dinarian77] I thought it was very interesting he didnt ask me if I had any dinar, nor told me to buy any, just emphatic about Zim, so I bought it . . .found out he expects the Zim to out perform all the other currencies. [HIGHERGROUND] Dinarian77 that is truly great news okieoilman also stated that regarding the zim [Dinarian77] I told him how much I bought . . . he said, Youre going to be a very wealthy man when this is over [Dinarian77] he figures each 50T note will be worth about 1M [HIGHERGROUND] Dinarian77 that is awesome... I take it you invested in more that one 50T note eh?? Roflmao [Dinarian77] when this whole thing is over, Im disappearing. [HIGHERGROUND] Dinarian77 many of us are ..... [Dinarian77] my friend is very business like, very un attached emotionally on this, guess because he deals in this area a lot.. . . he thinks this is the calm before the big thunder clap! **************************** KTFA: smorris » September 27th, 2014, LESSONS FROM THE TRAIL: AN OLD COWBOY IMPARTS WISDOM: Howdy pardner, thanks for stoppin on by. Ive learnt a few lessons in my life and Im sharin them with you. Youll do a heck of a lot better in life than I did if you learn these simple lessons! • If you think youre too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with an active mosquito. • Always take a good look at what you’re about to eat. It’s not so important to know what it is, but you should know what it was. • Red meat is NOT bad for you. Blue-green meat, now thats bad for you! • People who are tough never have to tell you that they are. It’s the same with people who are honest. • Never miss a chance to shut up. Well-timed silence has more eloquence than speech. • The easiest way to eat crow is when it’s still warm. The colder it gets the harder it is to swallow. • Don’t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t botherin’ you none. • Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance. • If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. • If it don’t seem like it’s worth the effort, it probably ain’t. • It don’t take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep. • Never ask a barber if you need a haircut. • If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some considerable influence, try ordering someone else’s dog around. • Don’t worry about bitin’ off more than you can chew, your mouth is likely a whole lot bigger than you think. • The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket. • When you’re throwing your weight around, be ready to have it thrown around by someone else. • Telling a man to get lost and making him do it are two entirely different propositions. • Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. • When you give a personal lesson in meanness to a person or a critter don’t be surprised if they learn it. • Generally speakin’. You ain’t learnin’ nothing when you’re the one doin’ the talkin. • Lettin’ the cat out of the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back in. • The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with watches you shave your face. ________________________________ 05 - Judge Dale: A Major Change Coming Oct 1st. 09/27/2014. Judge Dale (retired) – Currency RV / GCR (Global Currency Reset) Friday, September 26, 2014 3:46 (Before Its News) From what I have been able to deduce and conclude regarding the RV / GCR and this is purely an educated opinion: The London financial district is part and parcel of a world conglomeration involving the Federal Reserve System; the Bank of International Settlements; IMF, CBI’s, World Bank, and Vatican Bank and they have been manipulating the price of “gold and silver” for many years now by keeping its actual value very low. ~~~ The reason for manipulating the value of gold and silver was to keep the value of the US Dollar and petrodollar high, in that the conglomeration controls the dollar, which has been the Worlds International Currency since WWII. China and Russia initiated the formation of the BRICS Alliance around 2008, which now includes roughly 185 Nations, with one motive in mind and that was to create a new transparent and incorruptible world financial system to replace the “dollar and petrodollar” and the totally corrupt Federal Reserve Bank and Bank of International Settlement conglomeration. China recently established a new gold and silver trading platform in direct competition with London. Their reason for doing this I will explain next. The BRICS have been capitalizing on London’s price fixing platform by buying up gold at the corrupted low fixed value rate. China has been buying the lions share and when China accumulates 5,000 metric tons of gold, their new gold and silver trading platform will revalue the Worlds gold and silver at its true market value. This true market value will probably be (5X) five times higher than the London market and will be the knockout punch that will bury the US Dollar; the US Military Industrial Complex (Wall Street); the Corporate USG; the FED, BIS, CBI, Vatican and World Banks. I believe that China is about to revalue gold and silver on or about September 30, which will place the BRICS Alliance in control of the Worlds monetary system. This is a good thing because the BRICS will force an RV and GCR. I have three reliable independent sources who are predicting a major change come October 1, 2014 (So I guess we shall see). The five largest US Banks are currently holding derivatives totaling 40 trillion dollars each, meaning that these five banks are holding the bonds or paper assets that created roughly 200 trillion US Dollars. When China revalues the Worlds gold and silver at five times its current value, the derivatives of these five US Banks will increase exponentially by (5X) five and will finally bankrupt this corrupt conglomerate that has been controlling the World through debt. We will probably witness a bank holiday that will last about one week to ten days in October and then the announcement of the RV / GCR. Things will get a little tight for us all during this banking holiday. There may be some looting and other craziness so be prepared for the worst. The Bank of New York is currently the only BRICS Alliance Bank in the USA and I am thinking that the BRICS Alliance will take over one or more of the five major US banks; fire the ranking personnel and install new software before announcing the RV / GCR and foreign currency exchanges. D~ Source: nesaranews.blogspot/2014/09/judge-dale-ret-currency-rv-gcr-global.html, beforeitsnews (P.S. Some think that China controls/owns a big part of Wells Fargo Bank with, by far, the Least amount of Derivatives). ________________________________ 06 - Tidbits From Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members Early Saturday Evening. 09/27/2014. SATURDAY INTEL UPDATE Posted by EXOGEN on September 27, 2014 More Guesses to NEW Picture Intel: G T September 27, 2014 at 5:34pm MORE CLUES..... They worked on the budget (Now its in Stone) They examined the Dollar....Its being cut out completely from the budget Stardash BUDGET COMPLETE! CUT THE DOLLAR AND USE STRICTLY A REVALUED DINAR! :) GODBLESS!! Aloha Leslie > Stardash I think you are onto the Truth there. And that has been the intention, to cut the U.S. dollar from the budget. You and Oilrat rock! .... OilRat Final calculation being made to budget. USD is losing pulse. Past bills breaking bank. Dollar being cut from 2014 budget as IQN takes its place. Showstar1 > OilRat If the U.S. is running Iraq, why would the US let Iraq cut out the dollar???? Makes no sense! Ariel Toliver > Showstar1 First you have to ask yourself who is the US? Its not the people paying taxes to it I can assure you. The US is not letting Iraq do anything, the world coalition is seeing to it that it gets done especially when it comes to the Dragon Family who is facilitating this whole thing. The US has no choice in this matter as the dollar that has been used to control Iraq is not longer accepted as a valid currency for oil trades anyway. Which is why China set up Currency Swap Lines to bypass the dollar. Which is where the Dragon Family is located. I cant see how this does not make since. Because the people that will behind the TRNs has no interest in controlling Iraq which is why they are in your words allowed to disregard the dollar. EXOGEN > Showstar1 BASED ON IMF PROTOCOLS A COUNTRY TYPICALLY ONLY HAS 1 NATIONAL CURRENCY OilRat > Showstar1 Iraq will still keep the USD/USN in their currency basket as all global countries have a currency basket, but it wont be their primary currency. Ariel Toliver > OilRat It might not be their primary currency, but in time it will no longer be a currency for them once the TRNs take their place officially once we start to trade them in when its time to exchange. Which is why everyone is watching the currency index. bookman oldstyle > Showstar1Since the remaining days of the cabals dollar Ponzi scheme were widely known among the financial elite to be winding down, their original plan was to transition to the Iraqi dinar as the means to control the world economy should their planned takeover of Chinas economy fail them. But the Good Guys co-opted that plan and incorporated it as the foundation for the Global Currency Reset (GCR). Of course safeguards against corruption and defeat of the cabal needed to be engineered into the whole transition plan. We are almost there! ************** Aloha Leslie There are still many inconsistencies in the budget. Bills are DUE!!! To get to the heart of the financial matter, and bring their economy back to life, it’s imperative that The United States Dollar be cut and no longer be used as valid currency. When that finally happens (very soon), we will see a RV of IQN aka IQD Yayyyy! *************** Mr. Chen September 27, 2014 at 6:05pm budget is being calculated budget is being diagnosed and analyzed to pay for past dues and for future bills they have to calculate for 2014 and for 2015 the 2014 budget is being cut, so that the 2015 budget has less expenditures previously Maliki allocated money to a bunch of different sections in the budget to his cronies and it is now being revealed that the numbers dont match. *********** Ariel Toliver September 27, 2014 Portia: You have heard about the Chinese Dragon Family. They are your mentors, friends of peace and prosperity for all. They are trying to make it possible to separate you from your slave masters, to help you in removing those slave masters so that you can establish a new way of life for yourselves. You can imagine the intricacy, and the delicacy with which the changes have been orchestrated. It is as if the leaders of the Western cabal have been holding you hostage, with a gun to your heads, and the Dragon swat team is to remove you from the situation without causing damage to you or any of the other hostages. As some of your brave whistleblowers have revealed, the current ISIS group is nothing more than a costume change from the old Al Qaida which was nothing more than a gang of thugs trained and led by the cabal CIA, Mossad of Israel and their Saudi counterparts. As you may already know, there are no terrorists, there never were any terrorists except those secret government black ops whose job it was to create fear (terror, yes) to control and profit from their dirty projects across the planet. The next stage of these announcements I think will involve a series of proclamations which permit the new gold-backed currencies to formally terminate prohibiting the age of fiat money and end the tranching mechanism designed to help the few to accumulate vast riches over the backs of the many to never happen again.. This, however, is merely one of numerous reforms which are incorporated within the new financial system. We are so insulated from global reformation movements that people that are in the know does not know that N.E.S.A.R.A has been spoken about numerous times on Prime Time television in other countries like Austrailias ABCs The Space withs Steve Beckow explaining what NESARA is who runs the very popular site called (Golden Age of Gaia). The new financial system’s core reason-for-being is to provide universal prosperity and to break the back of the private banking cartels. Which has already been done when it comes to the Federal Reserve as you can see a new USD note has not been printed since 2009. Ever since that year we have been using reshuffled money that has already been in the system just reused and renewed as if it were new money. Our world, there have always been those who used the banks to gather great wealth to themselves and sequester it in the hands of a favored few. The powers that used to be lead us to believe everything has a cost, that nothing is free, and that everything can be transformed into a product to be peddled over: land, water, even air ie carbon foot print which they actually tax you for walking because your daily stroll and saunter is polluting it, crafty little bastards arent they?. Money was never meant to be horded or amassed, it was meant to be circulated as a way of uplifting the community. The crux is that money is to humans as water is to fish. A human is just as unlikely to question the concept of money as a fish is to question the concept of water. This is now to end and to be transformed into a system which produces wealth for all. This new system is to take us swiftly beyond our present theories of the physical universe and your limiting philosophies of the past, and demonstrate actively the universal law of abundance by bringing wealth to each one on your planet. By so doing, it will create a wholly new reality that has no need of money as such. Ariel Toliver > lightworkers.org/channeling/205180/portia-and-after Ariel: This was not written by me! But if you want to read it in its entirety click on the link above. lup1 > Ariel Toliver I knew it.... none of this is true. .... its all the same NESARA carp some people are so in to it, or at least they think they have figured it out!!!! Not... Ariel Toliver > lup1 : If you think NESARA is not real. Why was it discussed on a Prime Time network ABCs The Space in Australia? Here is the link listen for yourself.. Nesara has been discussed in multiple countries on open media including Iceland. Link: https://youtube/watch?v=VPfor7Hjy-I ________________________________ 07 - Riddles, Rumors and Clues Sunday Evening 09/28/2014. Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN > HealthyDoc September 28, 2014 at 5:48pm WE ARE NOT KIDDING, SOMETHING HUGE DID HAPPEN, LIKE MEGA GIGANTIC 4 REAL!!! Brandi > EXOGEN Well if youre not gonna tell is what it was can you at least let us know if its in our favor or not? EXOGEN > Brandi 100% IN OUR FAVOR-YES HealthyDoc > EXOGEN How about a hint? EXOGEN > HealthyDoc ITS NOT HARD TO FIGURE OUT 1. WE POSTED UP AND DOWN ARROWS 2. WE POSTED NEW CAR AND AN OLD CAR 3. HOW MANY AGENCIES ARE TIED TO YOUR INVESTMENT THAT 1 & 2 APPLY TO AND THERE IS YOUR ANSWER ....EXOGEN: FORGOT THE MAGIC WAND AND HAT EXOGEN > HealthyDoc CROSSED THE POINT OF NO RETURN NOW IT LOOKS LIKE Pat > EXOGEN Sounds like IMF to me. BaNDiTo.RoX > EXOGEN I would think IMF UST. And after the article from yesterday that Iraq wants to make IMF very happy. D.K.C. > Pat ..I was thinking down with the Fed and Up with the UST......... Old Monetary system (fiat) versus new Monetary system (Asset Backed) R.J. > EXOGEN Sounds to me like the Dollar hit its target 0.86 cents and then there was a wave of the magic wand and the FRN worthless Notes were all magically converted/exchanged into TRN/USN Notes bookman oldstyle > EXOGEN The IMF has hoisted the TRN up the flagpole and lowered the FRN down. Wilbur indicated that possibly if there was a rate change it might first present itself at 8 am Iraqi time. ... Happiness > wilbur grodan and ?? wilbur grodan > Happiness THEY ARE SLEEPING Happiness > wilbur grodan lol and when they wake up what happens? They go to work like we do. So why make the comment? wilbur grodan > Happiness The MOMENT the dinar activates ALL EYES will be on IRAQ ...Will they be in PJs? ________________________________ 08 - Millionday says everyone is excited. (28.09.14). Millionday ALL THE CITIZENS THAT ARE TO RECEIVE PAY ARE NOT IN IRAQ — AND ALSO THE FUNDS ARE REPORTED TO BE ON A VISA CARD AND USABLE IN AND OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY — SO IF THIS IS COMPLETED THEY WOULD HAVE TO APPLY WHAT RATE THEY ARE GOING TO EXCHANGE AT AND SET VALUE AND INTERNATIONAL RATES FOR THE AGREEMENTS THAT ARE DUE WHEN THE BUDGET OPENS AND ALSO FOR THE CITIZEN AND PROVINCE DISTRIBUTIONS. SO THIS IS WHY EVERYONE IS VERY EXCITED RIGHT NOW…THE DINAR WILL HAVE TO MOVE FROM AN IMPOSED RATE TO A REALITY RATE.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:54:43 +0000

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