RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 5th October 2014 (2). (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 5th October 2014 (2). (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). Video Link: youtu.be/y6Sxv-sUYtM 01 - More News, Rumors, and Opinions Sunday Afternoon. 10/5/2014. Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN FULL SUIT IMMINENT!!!!!! Carolina Girl 1016 SANTA......IS READY.......RIGHT NOW!!!!!! By golly, I believe we are going to see that Jolly Ol Elf before this day is over!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!! RSR > Carolina Girl 1016 YES !!!!! Love the smell of Christmas in October.... J Dan Gregg > EXOGEN Can you put a timeline on Imminent? A. 24 hours; B. 48 hours; C. 2-4 weeks; D. 1-5 years; E. Unknown. .... EXOGEN > J Dan Gregg FROM INFORMATION RECEIVED THIS MORNING, IT WOULD ELIMINATE C & D FROM YOUR LIST…..WHICH NOW LEAVES YOU WITH A,B, & E oso_mama > EXOGEN Alert!!! Santa is getting ready to show himself!!!! EXOGEN > oso_mama YEP!! R.V. / GCR > NewEarthNow October 5, 2014 at 2:10pm The secret meeting of the worlds bankers will be concluded in a little while this is a minute by minute situation as of right now this is OPERATION DONT BLINK.........................TIMBERS kaydondada > R.V. / GCR October 5, 2014 at 2:22pm There is a secret meeting of world bankers today? EXOGEN October 5, 2014 at 1:46pm Happy! Dinar Updates: Poppy3 it beginning to look a lot like we are going to have a great Christmas and a BIG TIME THANKSGIVING PERIOD. ********************** GET: [.MikeH] (FAO) will host international talks on global commodity markets Independent) .. ministers meet from all over the world on Monday, October 6 to discuss the management of international commodity markets and regulation, as an issue for policy steadily gained worldwide attention with the fluctuation of food prices and volatility in recent years. And based on international governance of agricultural commodities on the institutional foundations laid about 40 years ago, and since then major developments have taken place in the global value chains in a manner resulted eased votes vulnerable small-scale farmers, who make up the actual producers of primary commodities along the main developing countries. The aim of the ministerial meeting expected to move the debate beyond the modes of response only on volatile prices to cover broader issues of good governance, which includes all aspects of the rules of formal and informal, institutional, and organizations, and processes through which decisions markets, control and application. The meeting will be held on Monday issued a peak data, and conducting open dialogues, and making statements by the Director General of the Organization FAO Jose Graziano da Silva, and hold a press conference attended by ministers and officials. Until now ministers stressed that exceeds the 20 countries participating, and will also attend a large number of high-level officials from the capitals of the countries delegated representatives. The CCPs oldest technical committees of the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture FAO, and consisting of more than 100 member countries; established this device first in 1946 to review and revise aspects of international commodity production and trade and distribution, and meets the technical committee from Tuesday 7 to Thursday October 9. ********************** TNT: KiwiInOZ: Interesting Tid bit of info from Down under On our national news here tonight Sunday 5th: Australian Airforce in Iraq have not as yet been given the go ahead from Iraq to join the coalition air strikes against IS. They do expect to get this from The GOI byas early as tomorrow and be striking same day. So this is telling me that the GOI are indeed busy working through EID. ************** Gingerale: Tetrad Red Blood Moon Wed. Oct 8, 2014 Blood moon returns, and this time its bigger CNN iReport By Ben Brumfield, CNN A lunar eclipse will turn the moon a burnt reddish orange This blood moon will be the size of a super moon, 5.3% larger than the last blood moon It will be the second in a sequence of four -- called a tetrad Tetrads can be rare; for a 300-year stretch, there were none (CNN) -- Blood moon, Act II, opens soon in the heavens near you. And it will be bigger than Act I. If you live in the western half of the United States, youll have a front-row seat on a lunar eclipse that will turn the moon a burnt reddish orange for about an hour Wednesday, October 8, creating the second blood moon in relatively short succession. The full eclipse will start at 6:25 a.m. ET, NASA says, and last until 7:24 a.m. ET. Because it happens right after the perigee, the closest point to Earth in the moons orbit, this blood moon will be nearly the size of a super moon -- appearing 5.3% larger than the previous blood moon on April 15. It will be the second in a sequence of four -- called a tetrad -- that are occurring in roughly six-month intervals. The next one will appear on April 4, 2015, and the last one on September 28, 2015. The brilliant hue comes from the edges of the sun peeking out around the periphery of the Earth through its atmosphere in a global sunset shining on the moon, which has to be in just the right position to catch those rays. Lunar eclipses -- penumbral, partial or total -- occur in random order, NASA says. Getting four total eclipses in a row is like drawing a rare lunar poker hand of four of a kind. The most unique thing about the 2014-2015 tetrad is that all of them are visible for all or parts of the U.S.A., said NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak. People in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, for example, will not be able to see Wednesdays blood moon. In the 21st century, there will be many such tetrads, but look back a few centuries, and youll find the opposite phenomenon, NASA says. Before the dawn of the 20th century, there was a 300-year period when there were none, Espenak says. Zero. That would mean that neither Sir Isaac Newton, Mozart, Queen Anne, George Washington, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln nor their contemporaries ever had a chance to see such a sequence. _________________________________ 02 - News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning. 10/5/2014. Stage3Alpha: SUNDAY INTEL UPDATE Posted by EXOGEN on October 5, 2014 at 10:38am Guesses to Exogens Picture Intel: EXOGEN: (Picture saying) We GO NEXT! knight rider NEXT IMPLIES SOMEONE HAS GONE FIRST. WHO WAS IT? Hale Alii > knight rider As long as were next!! oso_mama There are touch downs being made in Reno and Atlanta exchanges are being made.. Danny S. Activity pivots from Reno to ATL. TDs being scored at will on those audibles last night. We got our tickets and are at the turn style poised to move on thru! Lets watch Shanghais open..... see what the SGE says G & S are worth. Some are expecting an earth shaking fall. (Dr Copper too). Prosperity pkgs 100% funded. .... Vaughn > EXOGEN Global Prosperity Packages being released on the 7th, 100% Funded oso_mama Its done and its flying! Be patient Get ready Keep calm this road is ending and a new road is ready to be traveled.... ;) Eloisa Looking for Shanghai to open Vinman October 5, 2014 at 11:12am The GCR is stretching over the goal line. Much work going on in Atlanta behind the scenes. The public exchange is next Watching for Shanghai to open. Then.....timber! It appears that prosperity packages will be delivered around 10/7...and are 100% funded. Its snowing again. Watch for word from Janet Yellen this week after Fed meetings. ********** EXOGEN October 5, 2014 at 11:02am Central Banks Watch: BoE, RBA and BoJ to Set Rates; FOMC Minutes to Be Released By Boby Michael October 5, 2014 10:40 BST Many currencies are down because of the dollar rally.Reuters Rate decisions by the Bank of Japan, Bank of England and the Reserve Bank of Australia and the release of minutes of the last FOMC meeting are the major G10 central bank events in the upcoming week, while rate setting meetings in Indonesia and Poland will also be keenly watched. None of the developed market economies in the list are likely to alter the key rates this time and so are the emerging market ones. The FOMC minutes and the policy statements by the G10 apex banks will be the most watched in the forex market for interest rate cues and exchange rate outlook. The dollar rally in recent months will most likely be a common topic of discussion for almost all the central banks scheduled to announce their credit policies this week. The big jump in the dollar will affect emerging markets as the cost of local assets will increase for a foreigner who makes payment in dollars, triggering imported inflation in most such countries. At the same time, the fall in currencies like the Australian dollar is likely to help offset the impact of the drop in the prices of commodities, traders say. The BoJ will decide the rates at 3:00pm on Tuesday and the RBA half an hour later. The BoJ rate now is 0.1% and that of the RBA 2.5%. Both the announcements will follow press conferences by the heads of the banks. The fact that the yen is trading at a six-year low and the Aussie dollar at an eight-month low will provide the respective central banks some cushion as a stronger domestic currency could weaken their export outlook. The BoE will set rates on 9 October and the consensus is for keeping the rate at 0.5%. Indonesia is expected to keep the main rate at 7.5% on Tuesday while Poland may leave it at 2.5% on Wednesday. If the FOMC minutes due on 8 October add up to the jobs data on Friday, the greenback will move up further. Speeches by former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke at various events from 7 September to 9 September in and around Bangalore will also be watched. The ECB monthly report on Thursday and the Bank of Canada business outlook survey for the third quarter scheduled the next day will be among the key releases after the rate decisions. I4U: [BigDog-OH] 10-5-2014 tman23 Jabouri and Ismail (acting CBI governor) along with 3 other representatives are scheduled to be in Geneva Switzerland...(Geneva just also happens to be the home of Shabibi)...Jabouri and Ismail is solid information and consider it confirmed!! ************************* TNT: Lou: Rumor from last night RV/GCR POST FROM S3A:.This was the last report put out in the middle of the night, 5 OCT RV/GCR: Obamacare was defunded by the federal judge this may mean the republic has taken bigger baby steps? Also someone said unconfirmed canada exchanged? well there was an exchange of money to Canada today from our treasury to theirs… also the TRNs not being made available as in moving money around, but actually went live at 5:32 eastern today … the rest of the world is now being shipped to all countries who hold a foreign currency reserve of fiat dollars The TRNS / usn are being switched out with a deadline finish time of Wednesday… See the g20 treaty for more info on this …also unconfirmed and we dont have confirmation on this information this is 20 minutes old TRN exchange for dinar, zim ,dong, and rupiah in Reno NOW. Whats wrong with this picture? The Admiral had one last signature to do for witness of the release of funds to mandates and platforms are they doing the backdoor dance...um maybe..... See you all in the morning. I would check out other sites I have everyone looking for our confirmations welcome to the good life.. . This was the last report put out in the middle of the night..Happy Sunday ********** Meleana: CONVERTING TRNS- ALL CONVERSIONS BY WEDNESDAY (RUMOR) Aloha, Didnt hear the TRNS needed to be converted??? 10-4-14 Omega Man: One source states the following: The G-20 Tax treaty HAS BEEN AMENDED TO INCLUDE STERLING AND EUROs. Banks are in process of CONVERTING ALL THE TRNS to these new currencies - all conversions will be done by Wednesday!!!!! All the banks around the world have their money in place - it just has to be converted so they can begin. Platforms will be contacting sellers on Monday, sending out contracts, they can begin all their closings on Wednesday. ********** Kermit53: You are correct. This is extremely important. The Chinese Historical Bonds are all gold backed and therefore the currency used to buy them back automatically becomes gold backed. The original plan was to pay in TRNs only (gold backed digital currency). Now the banks have the approval to convert TRNs to the Sterling Pound and Euros which will now make those gold backed as well, but only for the amounts involved in these transactions (think high trillions). The end result is that most of the major currencies will be partially gold backed (asset backed). This is one of the most important ways for funding the RV/GCR and other global projects. My above comments are based on sources involved in these transactions. ********** Trapdoor: Kermit- I appreciate your post and have heard and agree with this as well. The original post is poorly worded as it makes it sound like ALL TRNs are going to be converted into foreign currency, not be able to, and that would NOT make sense. What few seem to understand, is that the TRN is going to act financially more as a certificate of holding (sort of like a bearer bond) and will not be a concurrent, traceable currency like the FRNs. I have heard that one possibility is that part of monitizing our dinar will be by converting it into TRN and it will all be digital. This way, the world governments will be able to track and seize what is ill gotten or evading taxes (See original post). Much of the world wide currency and banking reform is being done to cooperatively collect taxes from the giant corporations that are evading paying their legal share (see Apple for an example) and also to shut down the laundering and illegal use of legitimate banking entities by criminals. There will be a time in the very near future where cash will be a thing of the past. And just to add, this has NOTHING to do with the timing of the RV. It is just an indicator that things are moving in the right direction. ********** SiestaKeyGal: IMHO: This looks to me like the left coast news Okie was pointing to What I get from it is the money is in place and being converted for digital use - Platforms are the call centers that will reach out to those with contracts (groups) and will get 800#s beginning Monday and start completing transactions (exchanges) at banks on Wednesday. That is just me reading between the lines of this soft rollout, .....but humbly, what do I know, not much. _________________________________ 03 - Bits and Pieces Sunday Morning. 10/5/2014. TNT: Nana: Northern California WF Bank Story This just happened and I couldnt wait to share it with you. I almost never post and this is the first topic I have launched. My son is a farmer and has begun to doubt that the RV/GCR is real and would ever happen. He has been thinking that perhaps his elderly mom was losing her marbles! That may be so but not in this regard! I have cautioned him not to talk to his local WF banker about this until the announcement so he hasnt. Today his Branch Manager came out to his farm to buy some vegetables and he felt that he had the perfect opportunity to bring up the subject so he did. .... He posed the question as follows: My mom and I are heavily invested in some foreign currencies and I would like you to tell me if there is any validity to what she believes about the revaluation of many of these foreign currencies. The Branch Manager asked him, What currencies do you hold? He replied We have the IQD, Dong, Rupiah and Zim. The Manager got very excited and didnt hesitate to reply, Yes, the revaluations are very real and coming very soon. Please let me take care of both you and your mom as soon as the announcement is made. We will get our Wealth Managers to help you. I am really amazed that you know about this event. Well, he was about to explode and almost couldnt believe what he was hearing. Since my son was on a roll, he asked Is there also any truth to the new TRN/USN? This time the branch manager also lost it! How could you possibly know about the new TRNs and USNs? This is not knowledge that the general public is privy to. To answer your question, Yes, it is true and soon to be announced. My son said, I have been wanting to ask you about this but I didnt want to put you on the spot at our branch. The Manager replied, Thanks for thinking about that as it is a very confidential and sensitive situation and something we are not supposed to be discussing. I will not divulge where in Northern California this happened as I do not want to put that Branch Manager in any kind of jeopardy. The cool part of this is that when he called me, he told me Mom, you are really a genius! It is coming and coming very soon! Yesssss! For me, the most heartening intel that I find is from bank stories such as this and that is what has really kept me going. I wanted to share this one with you as this has been a very long road for all of us and many are suffering and losing hope. I so appreciated those bank stories from Inola7s brother and rockymntlady yesterday as I was really down coming into another weekend of waiting . . . I think that we have all earned PhDs in that subject! DONT LOSE HOPE! IT IS ALMOST HERE! THIS IS FOR REALS AS THE KIDS SAY! ********** [daz] ONE THING IS FOR SURE....WHATEVER HAPPENS, HOW IT HAPPENS, WHATEVER CHANGES OR HOW IT CHANGES....WE ARE SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF IT AND WILL WITNESS IT FIRST HAND WITH PRIOR KNOWLEDGE...AND THATS GOING TO BE AMAZING GET: Topic: Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties. Charles Spurgeon ************************* Stage3Alpha: Sqwatchy October 5, 2014 at 10:04am ALAN GREENSPAN WILL BE ON THE SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES SHOW ON FOX THIS MORNING 10:00 EST. HIS SPOT WILL BE ABOUT HOW/WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO REALLY GET THE AMERICAN ECONOMY GOING!! THATS PRETTY EASY..ITS CALLED GCR!!! LETS SEE WHAT ONE OF THE AOP SAYS TODAY....SHALL WE R.V. / GCR October 5, 2014 at 10:02am All I will say is TRNs are being switched out for the old fiat usd and USA currency is moving around the globe....Happy Timber Days ********** Iraq Contractor info posted by GT: LATEST FROM IRAQ, 5 OCT Gt: Spoke to my Contractor Friend Just now.....heres the Latest Behind The Iraqi Curtain!!!! PM Abadi DID Give his Speech Today in Iraq!!Ill Skip the Poliical Rhetoric & Fluff & get to the Financial Reform Portion were looking for!!! He Basically Said Citizens are Getting Paid.....Retroactive from the beginning of the year & LONG TERM DEBTS ARE being paid!!!And that the process is ONGOING Thats Pretty Much it!!! The local TV shows Citizens shopping & people walking into the Exchange Locations (for those that want Physical Currency) ...... Apparently Iraqi citizens are happy & content….Is that enough to SET OFF what were looking for......DONT KNOW!!! Thats it for now!!! ************************* Late Saturday Night: WILDDUCK TIDBIT, 4 OCT Wildduck:THE DERIVATIVE MARKET WAS COVERED LAST YEAR BY RUSSIAN GOLD BONDS. BOA GOLDMAN SACHS, CITE CHASE BANK. THERE IS NO ISSUE. THAT IS ONE REASON PUTIN WAS TELLING OBAMA YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR SANCTIONS OR HE COULD WRECK HAVOC.THE BONDS HAVE BEEN REPLACED THE BANKS ARE SOLVENT. YOU DO NOT DO A GCR AND LEAVE THE MAN HOLE OPEN. IF YOU DO NOT GET THE MAGNITUDE OF TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN MOVED TO RESET EVERYTHING THEN YOU WORRY ABOUT DERIVATIVES. THE PEOPLE RUNNING THE SHOW ARE VERY SMART AND METHODICAL AND DO NOT MAKE MISTAKES. _________________________________ 04 - Daz says we are in the middle. (05.10.14). daz: ONE THING IS FOR SURE….WHATEVER HAPPENS, HOW IT HAPPENS, WHATEVER CHANGES OR HOW IT CHANGES….WE ARE SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF IT AND WILL WITNESS IT FIRST HAND WITH PRIOR KNOWLEDGE…AND THAT’S GOING TO BE AMAZING. _________________________________ 05 - Kermit shares some extremely important. (05.10.14). Kermit53: This is extremely important. The Chinese Historical Bonds are all gold backed and therefore the currency used to buy them back automatically becomes gold backed. The original plan was to pay in TRN’s only (gold backed digital currency). Now the banks have the approval to convert TRN’s to the Sterling Pound and Euros which will now make those gold backed as well, but only for the amounts involved in these transactions (think high trillions). The end result is that most of the major currencies will be partially gold backed (asset backed). This is one of the most important ways for funding the RV/GCR and other global projects.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:45:24 +0000

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