RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update 20th Nov 2014. (Posted & Compiled - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update 20th Nov 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: If the Currency Collapses & You Try to Flee Into Gold,There Wont Be Any. (08.01.14). Video Link: youtu.be/_ojASipDzVY ________________________________ 02 - Revaluation & Currency Reset Will Occur For Many Reasons 11/20/2014. It is evident that the world is ready for a change. The US dollar has been abused so much by the large controlling monetary organizations to the point of no return. After so many years of lies, secrecy, and deceit totally supported by bribed government leaders and the spying agencies they own; the cat cannot be held in the bag any longer. The idea behind the IMF and the World Bank was to lift third world countries out of poverty by helping them start developmental projects then let the people take care of the rest. Instead they gave the money to outside wealthy individuals with mega conglomerate corporations to extract these countries’ natural resources which created more poverty and problems instead of solutions. ~~~ Now we are watching Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Create the BRICS Bank to present an alternative solution to the Western-dominated global banking system comprised of the Bretton Woods institutions - the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). “Its done,” said Pravin Gordhan, South African Finance Minister, on Tuesday Dec 31 2013, adding that “we made very good progress” on the formation of a World Bank-analogue development agency. Picture The new bank will provide a collective foreign exchange reserve and a fund for financing developmental projects in order to address the needs of emerging and poor economies. The five BRICS nations will contribute up to 10 billion dollars each to launch this development bank. This bank will operate on national currencies, rather than using a single currency and will be used in bilateral and multilateral trade deals. So for those who are holding foreign currencies Like the Iraqi Dinar or the Vietnamese Dong, it doesnt matter anymore if the IMF or the World Bank revaluate the currencies, it is going to reset itself. Why? Because the BRICS members say that the current global balance of power is unworkable. The institutions such as the WB, the IMF and the United Nations Security Council are irrelevant in addressing matters concerning global economics. These five countries alone make up over 40 percent of the world’s population and account for more than 25 percent of the global GDP. Now, have you seen the court video on YouTube Published on May 13, 2012? Where the Federal Reserve being questioned in court and somehow 9 trillion dollars was missing? $9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve SHOCKING FOOTAGE. Video Link: youtu.be/1QK4bblyfsc (13.05.12). How about the 12 trillion dollars missing in 2009, or the 26 trillion dollar in bank bailouts without any authorization from congress, and the list goes on. Any logical person would conclude that this stolen money from the American people is going to affect their economy one way or another; not to mention the loss of confidence in the American dollar regarding foreign investors. One prediction to conclude; the dollar will go down in value no matter what the IMF, the WB, or any other manipulative banking cartel say. When this happens other currencies will move up as a result. The less demand on the dollar the lower its value, the more demand the higher the value; anyone can do the math. The Worlds financial Game Find out from a video interview of the former US assistant treasury secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, how the banking system and the dollar value have been manipulated for a long time now, while he expects the dollar value to go down at some point. Also how he believes that china is buying massive amount of gold, while India is buying a large amount of silver As for the Iraqi currency (IQD) it has been suppressed by a war financed by these banks to gain access to the country’s resources. It will not stay like this forever, the embargo against Iraq was lifted and soon things will change. By joining the international market starting with the sale of bonds, as its predicted to be publicly announced, the currency will have no choice but to go up in value. Picture Many articles try to debunk the idea of its revaluation (RV), but there are two things to consider; one is the fact that Iraqs economy would not grow without foreign investors. Secondly if Iraq tries to deny the value of the Iraqi currency held by foreigners; People will see this as dishonest and will deter them from pursuing business deals with iraq altogether; which is the opposite of what Iraq is trying to accomplish. It is worth mentioning also that the iraqi dinar is not the only currency which will be revaluated. Iraq has to think hard of the many competing countries that will be welcoming business investments opportunities. (Do not put your eggs all in one basket). As for the Vietnamese Dong currency (VND) it is predicted to go up in value for the reason that Vietnam and Russia signed 17 agreements November 12, 2013 aimed at boosting political, military and trade ties while increasing cooperation in the energy sector. Also Vietnam has the second-highest level of oil reserves in East Asia. About 40 percent of Vietnam’s output comes from fields operated by the Vietsovpetro joint venture with Russia. In March 2013 they launched free-trade negotiations, once completed this would deepen commercial links further. Also China has been investing heavily in Vietnam which means those countries will be going through the BRICS bank not the World Bank or the IMF. I personally believe it is a safer investment than the Iraqi, only because the country is at peace and it is aiming to prosper using the alternative method to the current system. China has been pushing to bypass the US dollar for a while now, and with the creation of the BRICS Bank; this is possibly achievable within a year. In addition, many deliberately suppressed currencies may increase in value as well. The hard metal based assets like gold and silver along with the resources of the country will dictate its currency’s value, as it should have been but currently its not. Link: charmingelements/currency-reset.html ________________________________ 03 - LANDA GLOBAL UPDATE, 20 NOV LANDA GLOBAL GENERAL MILESTONES AND UPDATES NOVEMBER 20, 2014 Current intelligence points to the TRN being officially released in the New Year. Time frames have been considered between one to a few months. Without the TRN in place as the foundation for the major releases, the time window to have this all accomplished this year may dissapear shortly, and this is estimated to be at the end of November, and all put forward to early in 2015. If there is any significant change, we will be apprised as this process continues. During this time, the Landa Project fundings schedule will continue on an altered schedule. We will be shortly posting the precise start of Project admission to funding under this webpage, and begin the primary compliance process on current and ongoing Project candidates. Webpage Project submissions shall be accepted in addition to current efforts. A special section devoted to online Project submissions shall be built herein, with the goal having an online presence available to interact on funding and other requirements of a Project submission. The required infrastructure will shortly be available with sufficient offices to service select global areas for the benefit of local Project applications. We look forward to being of good service, and the beginning of many major and minor Project starts for the benefit of our Humanity. Thank You LANDA GLOBAL ________________________________ 04 - Stage3Alpha: More Guesses to NEW Picture Clues/Intel Vinman November 20, 2014 at 1:58pm Iraq detour of the U.S. is now live. And the crowds are cheering! D.K.C. > Vinman That would be wonderful.......at least we should get the international rate of $3.58... If they wait for the corrupt USA..the RV may never be released and .we would get nothing Dave > D.K.C. They cant hold a countries currencey hostage forever D.K.C. > Dave Thank Goodness.....wonder if the Brics are behind this...woohoo Dave > D.K.C. Yes. I believe so Ron Burgundy > D.K.C. Regardless of what ANYBODY else says, I NEVER believed that we in Dinarland were EVER going to receive the contract rates! ********** RA > EXOGEN EXO, is this snow to cheer people up or is it for actual intel? I appreciate the cheering up part but let us know. Send us some pics to let us know that has changed to make it snow. EXOGEN > RA WE JUST POSTED THE LATEST INTEL A FEW MINUTES AGO Dave Wow this is huge if confirmed. Thunderheart > Dave What is Dave > Thunderheart Iraq bypassing the us Thunderheart > Dave Oh yeah very cool ********** Troy L D. November 20, 2014 at 1:02pm (Landa Global ) The completion of all the requisite agreements, treaties, sign-offs and other functions of the Global Reset have been completed, and the advent of the new TRN (Treasury Reserve Note) is scheduled to be implemented on November 20, 2014. We have been apprised that the schedule of the GCR (Global Currency Reset) after the official announcement of the TRN is measured in days if not hours. After the GCR, the official historic bond redemptions will be announced. At this time, all six official channels for this official redemption period are on standby and completing the required loading of funds to the redemption accounts before the announcement. It is anticipated that this will occur in the next week. It is also anticipated that the RV (Revaluation) of the dinar, dong and other currencies will follow the GCR more or less in parallel. The process will complete well before the Christmas holiday season, and all currencies will become Basel III compliant. This global event has been decades in the making, and the royal families and other sovereigns in concert with the Chinese Family have finally broken through the various obstacles placed before them in the implementation of the Global Reset. All institutions, agencies, and regulatory authorities are nowon standby to support the transition. Landa Project fundings will begin by end of this month as first funds to accounts are underway now. It is estimated that it will take about one week to set the infrastructure in place after clearance of first funds. Further information will be posted as it arrives and is confirmed. Thank You LANDA GLOBAL ________________________________ 05 - S3A CHAT UPDATE, 20 NOV VINMAN: Zim Already revalued. DINARGRUBBER: Sweet! Also, the VND is showing at $2.00. Link: netdania/Products/FullQuote/FullQuote.aspx?symbol=USDVND... RICK W: If that were true Vman...Wed be able to exchange them right now. The Zim is an obsolete currenccy right now..until it is or if it reinstated..we cannot do anything irregardless of what xe says. MACMANDEERE: from Oct 19th, that is not what my XE.COM is showing! Sorry. OMG Doing a 1 USD to ZWD on XE and in the browser changing the ZWD to ZWR gives you that Image with todays date. Link: xe/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=ZWR&... GYMRAT: Ohhhh Squinting.... It Showes movement... Which is a huge sign of change........................................ OK DAVE: No its there I have it bookmarked check everyday. I cant paste but trust me its there Vin is right JANIE: says you........... confirmation please. I seriously dont think thats part of the plan. China is behind Zimbabwe in a major way. And since they and the rest of the BRICS countries are pretty much in charge here, I guess well see whos right about Zimbabwe ________________________________ 06 - Potential RV without set budget. (19.11.14). Adam Montana [ If HCL is approved, do they necessarily have to wait until Budget 2015 is approved before they can RV their currency? With current situation, is it true that the lower oil price will force them to RV their currency ASAP?] Nope! They won’t be “forced” to do anything, and they can RV with or without a current “budget”… but I strongly believe that when they do make that announcement, there will already be an approved budget ready to go waiting only on the CBI’s rate to be plugged in. ________________________________ 07 - DC says everyone is ready. (19.11.14). DC [via Adept1] Everyone is ready, waiting on Iraq to do their final check-throughs. This is way to force the folks who have been messing with this thing to stop blocking it. Let’s hope they do what they said they would do. The US is ready and waiting on Iraq. Iraqi, EU, NATO, US and UN sources all say they will run this through today and possibly tomorrow, so we will get excited from tomorrow afternoon onwards. ________________________________ 08 - Stage3Alpha: THURSDAY INTEL UPDATE!!! Posted by EXOGEN on November 20, 2014 at 4:51am Guesses to Exogens Picture Clues/Intel: Vinman Its a massive web of deceit. The blueprint for the mad scientist bank robbery is in play. The PTB Group 3 is on track to schedule exchange to 2015 The PTB Group 2 has a clear road to exchange in 2014. All this stalling and tricks are causing sanctions and fines. Its a coin toss for who wins the fight between good and evil. .... Cosmic Consciousness > EXOGEN Sanctions on USA for stalling the RV, following the $4B fine? DongNation > EXOGEN Exo, DC Guy said that there was nothing to gain by delaying it to 2015, so WHY would they want to delay it to 2015? GO RV ! > Pathfinder The question is dinarland group 2 or group 3? Vinman > Pathfinder You got me. Ask Exo. Looks to me like we are only 5 weeks from 2015. They are pushing it to the limit for certain. EXOGEN > Vinman 2 AGENDAS RUNNING PARALLEL. ************ Wes B. November 20, 2014 at 7:42am The web of deceit goes back farther than the Bankers Manifesto of 1892. The people behind the delays worship power and control over the masses. The objective was to collapse the US economy, and this has been the objective for many years. Some in government have drunk the Kool aid and go along with this NWO (New world Order) philosophy now masked as Progressive. This philosophy leads to the average person not owning a home, and must work for food and lodging for the government that they can be beholding to will provide. So how does this fit into the delays? If you want to hide (magician tactic) what you are up to you simply allow other countries to control more and more until one day the US loses out and becomes the third world nation the elites (NWO/Progressives) are wanting to impose. Not everyone going along with this intention has the wisdom to know how it would play out if they were to become successful. In any event, we have two factions battling over more than just an RV. Dont forget the famous quote by Thomas Jefferson, If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. And who owns the largest 90 corporations? They are the group that can cause delays because they back both political Parties. (Bankers Manifesto 1992) ********** Vinman November 20, 2014 at 8:05am New Clues: TRNs are live. Abadi is frustrated. Whales are chomping up the contract rates. Abadis credibility is being flushed down the toilet because of all this stalling. Iraqis are protesting. Varna no is happy that the Kurds are finally being paid their oil revenues. ********** robert > EXOGEN Exo whats your view on these IMF reforms not passed as what Ive read no countr within the IMF can link gold to back there currency there was a law put in place in 1970 stating this,hence the voting going on in Switzerland on the 30th to see if they will accept 20% of there currency being asst backed,so until USA let go of these reforms there will be o change any thoughts Dave > robert Well the Brics have already gone around the usd China got a hub in Canada and London robert > Dave Looks like plan b ,getting the feeling the dinar going to get left behind due to USA interference,dong and zwd think will rv first Dave due to Iraq being influenced EXOGEN > Dave YES THE BRICS GLOBAL DETOUR IS NOW LIVE Dave > EXOGEN Good that is what it is going to take. Been saying it all along. ReAdy!, GO BRICS !!! Hale Alii Okay guys...So many traps have been set to entangle us and take our money back but we have prevailed and have nothing to fear. Bills are due and the rest of the world is moving forward. The cabals greed will be their downfall and they will be shocked to find their funds frozen. This is OUR time now! BE READY! ________________________________
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 05:04:22 +0000

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