RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update 24th Nov. 2014 (2). (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update 24th Nov. 2014 (2). (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - Stage3Alpha Call Tonight at 10 PM EST. 11/24/2014. S3A GLOBAL BANKING REPORT & LIVE Q & A CONFERENCE CALL TONIGHT AT 10:00 PM EST DIAL IN NUMBER 712-775-7035 PIN: 455234# THE TEAM WHO DID THE FIRST ROLE PLAY CONFERENCE CALL HAS COMPLETED HUNDREDS OF TELEPHONE CALLS AND MEETINGS WITH THE FOLLOWING 1. TIER 1 BANKS. 2. TIER 2 BANKS. 3. INDEPENDENT WEALTH MANAGERS. 4. BANK WEALTH MANAGERS. THEIR REPORT TONIGHT WILL PROVIDE COMPLETE DETAILS OF THE FOLLOWING. 1. TIER 1 BANK MEETINGS. 2. TIER 2 BANK MEETINGS. 3. TIER 1 WEALTH MANAGER MEETINGS. 4. TIER 2 WEALTH MANAGER MEETINGS. 5. INDEPENDENT WEALTH MANAGER MEETINGS 6. TIER 1 BANK FOREX TRADING DESK MEETINGS 7. WHAT BANKS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE IQD/VND 8. MULTI CURRENCY ACCOUNTS 9. CURRENCY ARBITRAGE AND MUCH MUCH MORE....................... ________________________________ 02 - Millionday Monday Roundtable Part 1. 11/24/2014. Millionday Roundtable 11/24/14 PART 1 Welcome to dinarupdates for Roundtable with Millionday! Millionday: I JUST WANT TO SAY SOMETHING BEFORE WE START Millionday: OK FIRST LET ME LET YOU KNOW THAT EVERYONE IS HEARING ALL OF THE CHATTER ABOUT WHEN AND THE BANKS AND THE INTEL Millionday: THE THING IS THAT -- NO ONE KNOWS WHEN BUT IRAQ Millionday: AND THAT IS PROBABLY ADDED WITH A FEW OTHERS THAT HAVE TO BE IN THE KNOW BUT THE GUESSING GAME IS NOT A FUN ONE ~~~ Millionday: SO LETS NOT DO THAT --- TRUST ME WHEN I SAY -- THE REASON WE KEEP IT THAT WAY IS SO YOU HAVE YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT WHEN YOU NEED IT THE MOST Millionday: SO WE WILL LOOK AT THE INK AND OH HONEY THAT IS GOOD ENOUGH AS YOU WILL SEE Millionday: OK SO LETS LOOK AT THE NEWS AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS Millionday: WHOOOPOW Millionday: I KNOW I HAVE SAID HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS A LOT BUT LET ME SAY REALLY THIS MIGHT BRING TEARS TO YOUR EYES SO LET ME GET THROUGH IT BEFORE YOU START CHATTING Millionday: Iraqi government economists called for restructuring of banks in proportion to the global development of the global banks and keep up with economic openness with the countries of the world, and expressed their satisfaction over the decision of World Bank contribution to the restructuring of state-owned banks to raise the rate of the Iraqi development. Millionday: NOTE -- THEY ARE CALLING FOR THE MARKET ECONOMY AND THE OPENING TO THE GLOBE WITH THE DINAR SET FOR TRADE Millionday: She said an economic expert Ikram Abdul Aziz in an interview for the long, The restructuring of the Rafidain and Rasheed is a holistic concept to secure the good performance of the financial, technical and administrative aspects so as to ensure a productive management of costs and this is done by the development and activation of the relevant job banks aspects. Millionday: NOTE -- THEY OF COURSE PLAN TO USE THEIR BANKS IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND HAVE ALSO DEVELOPED THEIR STATE BANKS WITH THE HELP OF THE WORLD BANK -- SMILE Millionday: The World Bank allocated ten million dollars to re-structuring bank Rafidain and Rasheed in the coming years and to develop the electronic aspects and raise the level of financial transactions. Abdul Aziz explained that to go to the restructuring linked to resolving the bad debt problems for years as well as providing real opportunities for the development of banking staff skills to ensure the upgrading work of the two banks. Millionday: NOTE -- THESE BANKS HAVE BEEN STALLED SO DEVELOPMENT WILL BE ONGOING AS THE BANKING INDUSTRY ADVANCES OF COURSE --- THE MONEY IS NOT A SHOCK AS IT IS COMMON TO GET OFF THE GROUND FOR COUNTRIES THAT NEED THE HELP -- THEY ARE THE WORLD BANK Millionday: NOTE -- TALKING ABOUT THE RAFIDAIN AND RASHEED BANKS Millionday: She pointed out that there are external debts with great benefits pose burdens and obligations of the largest private capital Balmusrven addition to assets is a money orders issued to the Treasury finances the deficit in the public budget of the country. She stressed that the delay in the development of technological systems in which they can connect bank branches centralized information network management, due to lack of funding faced by the government banks. Millionday: NOTE -- THEY HAVE BEEN HELD UP DUE TO DEBTS AND THE MAJOR EXPENSE OF WHAT HAD TO BE DONE TO DEVELOP FROM SO MANY YEARS AGO Millionday: It pointed out that the government and private banks Rafidain and Rasheed possess a great history and a leading role in the field of development and development, covering important aspects of the financial needs of the country for the construction and establishment of major projects have contributed to the development of the country for the better. Millionday: NOTE -- THEY ARE LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY AND ARE A VERY WELL KNOWN BANK IN IRAQ Millionday: Parliamentary Finance Committee and revealed its intention to restructure the legislation law Rafidain and Rasheed to free them from the domination of the Ministry of Finance, as pointed out that it continues to work on the development of the banking system in Iraq. Millionday: NOTE -- THIS IS ABOUT THE LEGISLATION LAWS AND THEIR ACTIVATION -- SO EXCITING TO SEE AFTER ALL THESE YEARS Millionday: NOTE -- HERE IS THE PRESS STATEMENT THAT WAS RELEASED ABOUT THIS Millionday: A member of the committee MP Faleh Djiashi in a press statement, The committee is working on legislation to restructure the banks and government Rafidain and Rasheed to free them from the domination of the Ministry of Finance and imbedded two major banks competitors for local and foreign banks law, adding that this project will be submitted to the Presidency of the Parliament in the next few days for discussion and voting on it. Millionday: NOTE -- UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE IN WHAT WE ARE SEEING -- THIS IS NOT JUST BANKING LEGISLATION BEING FINALLY PUT TO LAW BUT ALSO THE FOREIGN BANKING LAWS AS WELL -- HUGE Millionday: He added that the members of the House of Representatives, especially the parliamentary finance committee are working hard to upgrade the Iraqi banking system through the support of the banking sector legislation of laws, stressing the importance of the Banking Act, legislation to support the banking sector in the country. Millionday: The economist said Mohammed Abdul Latif Al-Anis long, The Banking Act despite repeated amendments do not keep pace with the great development witnessed in the Iraqi market since 2003 and is now opening up to the market at various levels. He said. Lack of experience of the development of State-owned banks in terms of size and nature of the activity and the type of services related to the weakness of the funds to contribute capital and non-banking services to keep pace with customer needs and limited activity, including not accommodate the needs of the local market. Millionday: NOTE -- THE STATEMENT TO THE CITIZENS IS --- THE AMENDMENTS DO NOT KEEP PACE WITH THE GREAT DEVELOPMENT BUT ALSO SAYS THEY ARE NOW OPENING UP TO THE MARKET -- WHOOOPOW Millionday: He said there is a need for substantial restructuring of State-owned banks in proportion to the reality of the global economy, which has seen quantum leaps represented technological renaissance that facilitated and canceled a lot of routine obstacles experienced by customers. Millionday: NOTE -- OBVIOUSLY THE BANKS THAT ARE PRIVATE ARE MAKING CHANGES AS WELL IN ORDER TO COMPETE WITH THE BANKS ALREADY ESTABLISHED THAT HAVE ENTERED IRAQ AND ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE GLOBAL BANKING INDISTRY – IRA ESTABLISHING THE DEVELOPMENT GO TO BANK -- WAS A GREAT MOVE FOR THE LEARNING THAT IS REQUIRED --- IT WONT BE LONG FOR THE PRIVATE BANKS TO BE ABLE TO KEEP UP IN THE ISX AND IN THE NEEDS OF THE CITIZENS DUE TO EXPERT HELP THEY WILL RECEIVE Millionday: He stressed that the work on the restructuring of banks according to the suit and plans projects implemented by the government, so you must create an effective partnership between the states economic institutions, most notably the official banks that would supplement the major projects of large liquidity-owned. Millionday: NOTE -- REMEMBER THAT 10 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS HAVE RECENTLY MET THE CHALLENGE OF COMPLIANCE INTERNATIONALLY WITH ALL THEY HAD TO DO – THEY WERE LISTED ON THE ISX SO MANY ARE WORKING HARD TO BE ABLE TO GROW AS WELL DUE TO THE OPENING OF IRAQ TO THE GLOBE Millionday: Fund and stressed that the establishment of a national banking system requires abandoning the current model which controls state-owned weak banks that enjoy preferential treatment that distinguish them from private banks, calling on Iraq to do to strengthen public financial institutions to ensure efficiency and transparency in the use of oil revenues. Millionday: NOTE -- THAT IS WHAT A CHANGE IN LEGISLATION AND MARKET POSITION ETC IS WHEN DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SIZE OR ANY SIZE REALLY IN BANKING ACTUALLY DOES Millionday: It is noteworthy that Iraq has seven banks owned by the state and 23 private banks and eight Islamic private banks, according to the central banks website, while dominated by the banking sector, banks, Rafidain and Rasheed Aovernmaan, currently undergoing restructuring for debt accumulated after years of war and sanctions repay. Millionday: NOTE -- TOLD YOU TO HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT ---- WHOOOOPOW ernier: You are showing this is what an economist said - is it a suggestion or actual Millionday: THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING IT AND WE HAVE THE PATH COMING IN OTHER REPORTS I AM BRINGING Millionday: IT MEANS THE LAWS THEY HAVE WRITTEN WHEN IT IS TIME TO GO TO GLOBE ARE NEEDING TO BE PUT IN PLACE FOR IRA TO GO BACK TO THE GLOBE clay: is the new law using dinar only implemented Millionday: YES Millionday: THEY COMPLAINED ABOUT THE AIRPORT USING US DOLLAR THE OTHER DAY AND TO REALLY LOCK IT DOWN AS THE ONLY CURRENCY faith1: havent they announced this before with the ISX ? going global?? Millionday: THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE ISX GOING GLOBAL HUN faith1: ohh ... guess i mis understood... about banks right ? Millionday: THIS IS VERY GOOD AND UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS BEING TOLD IN PRESS STATEMENTS TO THE CITIZENS AS WELL Millionday: YES HUN ABOUT THE BANKING LAWS SO THAT IRAQ CAN GO TO A MARKET ECONOMY WITH THE DINAR OF IRAQ Millionday: OK BRB WITH MORE Millionday: LOTS MORE Millionday: KEEP HOLDING YOUR HAT Millionday: THIS IS THE HUGE STEP THAT ALL INVESTORS ARE LOOKING FOR THAT ARE INVESTED IN IRAQ Millionday: THIS IS THAT GOOD OF NEWS Millionday: BRB WITH MORE Millionday: Parliamentary Services Committee began discussing paragraphs infrastructure law, in preparation for sending it to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives for inclusion on the agenda. The committee member said Hussein al-Maliki said in a statement seen by obelisk, The Committee has worked to host the Director General of the Ministry of Municipalities with a statement advisers to suggestions on this law, noting that SAGE soon on the agenda of the House agenda. ________________________________ 03 - Millionday Monday Roundttable Part 2. 11/24/2014. Welcome to dinarupdates for Roundtable with Millionday! Millionday: NOTE -- THE AGENDA IS LOADED AND IF YOU HAVE A LITTLE PATIENCE TODAY WITH ME -- I HAVE A LOT TO SHOW YOU SMILE Millionday: the adoption of the Law of the infrastructure will have a positive impact on most of the files, file notably housing, health, education and many others. It is said that the Council of Ministers in the previous government sent bill of infrastructure to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, but he met with many objections. Millionday: NOW WE DO REMEMBER THAT THIS IS AN AMENDED INFRASTRUCTURE LAW -- SO THAT IS GOOD NOT FROM SCRATCH ~~~ Millionday: END OF REPORT -- KNOW THAT THIS IS BEING FUNDED BY THE GOV ACCOUNTS ETC FROM THE DFI FUNDS RELEASED AND OF COURSE INVESTMENT BRB WITH MORE Millionday: NOTE -- LET ME JUST SAY THAT THE FIRST PART WILL MAKE YOU THINK -- OH NO -- BUT HOLD ON Millionday: of the House of Representatives is scheduled to reconvene on Tuesday 25 of the month this November 31, the session of the first legislative term. Hopes for political and popular forces to begin after the completion of Parliament naming the heads of parliamentary committees tray important laws to start reading or approve of them ended before entering the legislative council Batlth which begins on the first of next month for a period of one month. Millionday: THE IMPORTANT LAWS HAVE BEEN PUT IN THREE SECTIONS -- THE FIRST ARE THE ECONOMIC LAWS THAT NEED TO BE PASSED NOW AS THEY STATED PUBLICALLY Millionday: NOW LET ME SHOW YOU THE LAST PART ---- GOT THAT HAT I HOPE Millionday: The House of Representatives to raise its 30 held in 17 of the current month, led by Salim al-President of the Council and in the presence of 237 deputies to tomorrow twenty-fifth of this month after hosting Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi to discuss the oil and the economic reality of the country. Millionday: THE MEETING OF THE ECONOMIC REALITY OF THE COUNTRY WITH ALL THAT WE HAVE HEARD ABOUT NOT VERY LONG AGO Millionday: LET ME SHOW YOU jeffusa: the 31st session will be held tomorrow Millionday: UNDERSTAND THAT TOMORROW IS AFTER THE IMPORTANT LAWS ARE DONE Millionday: SEE>>>>>Parliament will reconvene tomorrow, pending the adoption of important laws Millionday: SMILE Millionday: HERE COMES THE OTHER PART I SAID I WAS SHOWING YOU Millionday: NOTE -- THIS IS TO INCLUDE THE THREE LEADERS OF THE NEW IRAQ UNIFIED GOV Millionday: emphasized Vice President Osama Najafi confidence the government of Haider al-Abadi and support towards achieving what is required of them, called the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim to create a road map and a set of baskets for legislation required laws. Millionday: A statement by the Information Office of the Ngeevi received morning copy of it, Najafi received head of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, noting that During the meeting, they discussed the political and security situation , stressing Najafi confidence in the government of Haider al-Abadi and support towards achieving what is required of them in the implementation of their obligations to the people, alluding to the victories achieved by the armed forces against al Daash terrorist and active participation of mobilizing popular where Millionday: NOTE -- DURING PRAYER AND ALSO ON THEIR TELEVISION ARE MANY REPORTS AND STATEMENTS BEING RELEASED TO CITIZENS THAT THEIR NEEDS ARE BEING MET IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE -- SO MANY POSITIVE STATEMENTS Millionday: .odaa Najafi to immediate treatment for violations carried out by irresponsible elements in the targeting of citizens and assault them and their property, he said, adding that the international community in the waiting and anticipation of the evolution the political process and its ability to fulfill its obligations to the Iraqi people. Millionday: NOTE -- THE ANNOUNCEMENT IS SAYING THAT THE GLOBE IS WAITING AND ANTICIPATING THE EVOLUTION -- REFORMS Millionday: He noted Najafi to pride in every effort and action aimed Daash, exhibitors efforts in supporting the liberation of Nineveh camp. He stressed that the challenges of the next stage lies in the security challenge and economic challenge which requires cooperation between political leaders and support the governments efforts in this regard. Millionday: NOTE -- UNDERSTAND THAT IRAQ HAS BEEN DOING VERY WELL IN THEIR EXTINCTION OF THE TERRORISTS --- Millionday: NOW WE HAVE READ ABOUT THE MEETING WITH THE THREE PRESIDENTS -- HERE IS WHAT WAS SAID IT IS ABOUT -- WHOOOPOW Millionday: He revealed Najafi that the coming days will witness the three presidencies meeting in order to support the reform process and to accelerate the achievement of the expectations of the Iraqi citizen. Millionday: He revealed Najafi that the coming days will witness the three presidencies meeting in order to support the reform process and to accelerate the achievement of the expectations of the Iraqi citizen. Millionday: He revealed Najafi that the coming days will witness the three presidencies meeting in order to support the reform process and to accelerate the achievement of the expectations of the Iraqi citizen. Millionday: SMILE Millionday: TOLD YOU THE NEWS ROCKS Millionday: For his part, supported the al-Hakim, according to the statement, The presence of security violations. And as he emphasized that the reference never accept any violations, stressed the need to differentiate between the popular crowd and what theyre criminal gangs. Millionday: The statement pointed out that there was an open dialogue contributed to the Salman Jumaili, Minister of Planning, and Ahmed electrodes head of the Alliance of Iraqi forces in the House of Representatives, and the student architect member of the House of Representatives and a number of deputies, noting that at the end of the meeting agreed Najafi and Hakim on continuity and sustain the spirit of understanding which brings them. Millionday: NOW WE KNEW THIS MEETING WAS COMING BUT WE ALSO KNEW THAT THE HEAD OF CBI WAS INVOLVED AS WELL – WE DONT SEE INK THAT HE IS PART BUT THE WHOLE ORIGINAL PLAN HAD HIM IN THE MEETING SO EITHER THERE ARE TWO OR THIS IS THE ONE -- WE WILL SEE Millionday: THE PRAYER FRIDAY WAS ALL ABOUT ECONOMIC REFORM AND THE GOV HAS MADE IT VERY CLEAR THAT HAD TO BE THE FIRST OF THE ACTIVATED LAWS THAT WILL BE VERY QUICKLY PASSED (MEANING ALL OF THE LAWS WILL BE FAST) THREE PHASES OF LAWS Millionday: WE HAVE MORE Millionday: I HAVE A FEW MORE AND THEN WEE WILL ROCK TONIGHT OUT TOO Millionday: Saleh pointed out that the budget will cancel many of the excess expenditure and not subject to political bargaining As in previous budgets, noting that he will be relying on the budget in 2014 in the preparation of the budget next year, with modifications as per the developments stage and to give priority to projects in the power, water and large. Millionday: NOTICE THAT THE MODIFICATIONS FROM 2014 IS GREATLY EFFECTING THE PREPARATION FOR THE 2015 BUDGET -- LOVE IT Millionday: OK IM BRINGING ONE MORE -- ONE SEC Millionday: NOTE -- I HAVE TO BRING THIS ONE BECAUSE IT SHOWS YOU HOW CLOSE WE REALLY ARE Millionday: Launched in the Turkish city of Istanbul, on Tuesday, the meetings of the ministerial session of the 30th Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC), with the participation of an Iraqi delegation headed by Minister of Trade. Millionday: NOTE -- READ EVERY WORD AND WHO IRAQ IS AND WHAT THIS IS ABOUT -- TRUST ME IT IS WORTH YOUR TIME -- SORRY IF I AM BRINGING TOO MUCH Millionday: NOTE -- THIS MEANS TOMORROW IT BEGINS Millionday: Meetings take place from (2528) this month, with the participation of 55 countries, and will be chaired by the Iraqi delegation and Minister of Commerce Mlas Mohammed Abdul Karim, and includes representatives from the ministries of trade, finance, transport, agriculture, industry, minerals, tourism and antiquities National Authority for Investment, as well as the Central Bank of Iraq. Millionday: NOTE -- THIS SEEMS TO REVOLVE AROUND IRAQ AND STARTS TOMORROW Millionday: NOTE -- PLEASE READ EVERY WORD -- IT IS NOT TOO LONG Millionday: The director of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations at the Ministry Hashim Mohammed Hatem said in a statement that he will be on the sidelines of the meeting schedule the views and proposals and comments to member states, to expand environmental trade between the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the advancement of the means of transport and communications and increase the productivity of the agricultural sector and food security, and cooperation Financial . Millionday: NOTE -- TO EXPAND TRADE BETWEEN THE ISLAMIC STATES AND COOPERATION FINANCIAL -- HMMMM Millionday: NOTE -- UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT A RUN OF THE MILL MEETING -- THIS IS ALL ABOUT THE SIGNING OF INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS --- SIGNING SIGNING SIGNING Millionday: Hatem said he will also be talking about strengthening the role of the private sector in economic cooperation, and prepare for the meeting to exchange views on the role of the partnership between the public and private sectors for the development of the tourism sector. There will be two meetings, the first at the expert level, and over two days, and the second meeting will be at the ministerial level in the other two days, to sign the minutes of the decisions and discussions that took place at the expert level. Millionday: SMILE -- SO OBVIOUSLY THIS IS THE AGREEMENTS OF THE IRAQ AND THE MEMBER STATES OF THE ISLAMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATION Millionday: IT IS A VERY EXCITING TIME RIGHT NOW DONT LET YOUR SELF GET SIDE STEPPED BY OTHERS – - JUST LETS WATCH THIS AND FOLLOW IT SO WE ARE NOT WACKED WHEN WE NEED OUR HEADS -- SMILE. ________________________________ 04 - Tlar: Heads Up To Banks & The Population. 11/24/2014. RETURN TO DELETE ZEROS OF IRAQ DINAR 11/23/2014 The decision of zeros and a broad debate between supporters and opponents .. We wish debate broader in universities and the House of Representatives and the rest of the institutions ... but an explanation of image, sound and cartoons to prepare the public for this process. However, Valenqashat healthy phenomenon for mature opinion. Especially with the availability of all information, such as the money supply and the number of banknotes, exchange rates and others. When the basic information for any file is available, the debate becomes positive, and not just rumors and controversies in newspaper headlines and news bar. Objections to cancel the zeros process addressed the likelihood of fraud. She cited the changing currency (15/10 / 2003- 15/1/2004), which were marred by a stampede -okasr Madh- No doubt, some of the fraud, despite the fact that this process has allowed them to achieve many things .. 1- Currency union major currencies instead of at the time, a Swiss dinar and Saddam dinar and the dollar .. except many other traded in certain areas Kaltoman Iranian and Turkish Lira and the Jordanian dinar. 2- The single currency has allowed the organization of a successful monetary policy of the Central Bank in difficult circumstances .. lifted Iraq reserves from scratch to reach 58 billion US dollars a day .. and controlling inflation exceeded three figures before 2003 .. amounted to 75% per year four years ago .. to arrive today to 5 0.2% per annum .. and maintain currency stability and strength .. which was born tranquility markets and transactions .. The basic goals of cash does not diminish that some of the gaps and mistakes. 3- Must recognize the central bank that it has returned some of the peoples money for the people .. as calculated value of 1500 dinars = dollars when changing currency and its value today .. 1180 dinars to the dollar .. any regained every citizen the equivalent of 21.3% of its cash holdings. Unlike previous policies that ate monetary assets to reach the 3,000 dinar / dollar and more. The objections about the difficulties of the replacement process .. Vsttrah the new currency, and the two currencies will coexist for a year or two. And is withdrawn with zeros gradually whenever reach of banks, you will not get to defend .. but may allow the process to disclose fraud traded currency today .. The objections costs, the printing papers with less (1000) times the securities traded would be more feasible necessarily, knowing that copyright is an ongoing process annually for the withdrawal of the damaged leaves or to increase the money supply. Zeros from the currencys value will not change, and will help to ease currency trading and fragmentation, storage and calculated .. This is a good qualities of the coin, which, of course, the most important of stability and confidence in them. . Tlar: I see this article as a heads up to banks and the population. We know that there is a lot of Iranian made counterfeit currency circulating (dinars). We know that the banks have been warned that the CBI will not cover their burden/loss if they accept it and try to pass it on to the CBI (Shabibi had told thrm this now years ago). I think this is what this article is saying. If counterfeit currency is presented to the bank that there will be no arguing if it is counterfeit. IT WILL BE CONFISCATED on the spot with no payment, and no matter what you have to say, it will fall on deaf ears. You will not have any chance to defend. Most of the counterfeit currency at present in Iraq never reaches the bank. I see this is a heads to all banks and population to take away any argument that we did not know it was counterfeit and it will be confiscated. Try reading it in this context and the article makes perfect sense. tlar. ________________________________ 05 - Backdoc at KTFA: Black Gold. 11/24/2014. backdoc » November 24th, 2014, 7:01 pm IMO BLACK GOLD YES,YES,YES, WE CONTINUE TO SEE THE PUSH TO DIGITAL DINAR! WITH THE NOTE COUNT NOW ALL BUT OBLITERATED IN THE PUBLIC FLOAT, WHAT BETTER WAY TO CREATE DEMAND FOR THE NUMBER 1 PRODUCT SINCE THE NUMBER 2 PRODUCT IS ABOUT TO POP THE WINE CORK!!! GIVE ME A H GIVE ME A C GIVE ME AN L I WILL LAUGH AFTER OPEC BLOWS HOT AIR ABOUT SOME FANTASY CUTS THAT THEY WILL GIVE LIP SERVICE TO! THESE GUYS NEED A SLAP! TO REALIZE THAT THE EMPIRE HAS NOW COMPLETE CONTROL OF THIS BLACK CURRENCY AS WELL NOW!! THE G20 WILL NOW BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THIS ONE! HEEE HEEE .... IRANS KNEES HAVE TO BE SHAKING ! WITH SANCTIONS ON THEM WHEN WILL THEY SUBMIT TO THE EMPIRE? MMMMM TIME WILL TELL ,BUT THEY WILL BE BEGGING TO SUBMIT TO THE EMPIRES WILL BY JULY WHEN THEY REVISIT THE DEADLINE ON THE NUKES! BY THEN IRAQ WILL HAVE TOTAL DOMINATION ON THE OIL MARKET WITH A NEIGHBOR THAT LOWERED ITS PRICE AND WONT MAKE ANY CUTS! MMMMM BY JULY IRAQ WILL BE PUMPING DOUBLE THEIR CURRENT CAPACITY AND LONG ON THEIR WAY TO DIVERSIFYING THEIR ECONOMY! GOSH! BEING #1 IS LONELY! LOL DOC ********** walkongstick : Kirkuk confused old currency and seeking to work with the smart card Kirkuk, Iraq-Presse -24 November: Kirkuk confirmed administration, on Monday, its the process of developing an urgent solution to the problem of coins, which are distributed to employees and retirees., While suggesting they develop a plan for the adoption of smart card transactions in the pan cash conservative circles .. Said Ali Hamadi Associate Technical governor of Kirkuks / Iraq Press /, we our examination today in service departments meeting develop solutions in coordination with the major banks to maintain (Rafidain and Rasheed) to ensure facilitate the granting and trading of currency monetary denominations of 250, 500 and 1,000 dinars and work to replace the Currency shabby and facilitate financial transactions and ensure access to new and worked creaking transport them to Baghdad. He Hammadi, said, These steps will solve the problem of retirees and employees who receive through banking offices or banks paid the salaries of processing old currencies, adding that employees and retirees have difficulty regardless of those currencies in their daily. He also said, The future of Kirkuk on the smartcard system for departments across the province, a 64-revolving to contribute to the deployment of e-business culture and to facilitate financial transactions. Ended (1). ________________________________ 06 - Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Monday Afternoon. 11/24/2014. Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN November 24, 2014 at 4:15pm 1. IN THE EVENT THE RATES GO LIVE WITH BANKS FIRST DO YOU HAVE A PLAN? 2. IN THE EVENT RATES GO LIVE WITH BANKS FIRST HOW LONG OF A LINE WILL YOU BE WAITING IN FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT AND WILL YOUR RESERVES EXPIRE? 3. IF YOU HAVE A BANK WEALTH MANAGER WILL YOU BE WAITING IN LINE LIKE THE MASSES OF PEOPLE (HINT HINT) 4. IF YOU LIVE IN A LARGE CITY WILL YOU BE IN THE LONG EXCHANGE LINE WAITING LIST IF APPOINTMENTS ARE SCHEDULED 10-15 OR 20 DAYS OUT, OR WILL YOU CALL YOUR WEALTH MANAGER YOU HAVE A RELATIONSHIP AND CONTACT WITH NOW FROM USING THE SCRIPTS WE GAVE YOU? (HINT HINT) .... 5. WHAT IF THE CBI RATES DO NOT GO LIVE UNTIL JANUARY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FOREX AND DEALERS DO NOT START EXCHANGES UNTIL JANUARY , WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR RESERVES PLAN AND PREPARE FOR EVERYTHING!!!! ************* R.V. / GCR The Chinese are saying the historical bonds were meant to get paid today but, they will do it tomorrow....Timber R.V. / GCR Did you know that. The chinese have been holding out for the Trn/usn the same as everyone else...just saying...Timber. ************* More Guesses to NEW Picture Clues/Intel by Exogen: Vinman November 24, 2014 Looks like Santa is on his way. And the world of the evil petro dollar is now extinct. Rates playing hide and seek on Forex. Secret meeting in progress now. ************ shaman November 24, 2014 We are on the lookout for santa Petro Dollar has become extinct Beware of the banks offering you Buy/Sell Contracts Dont let the power of words from bankers fool you. *********** G T November 24, 2014 New Clues...... Were Looking for the Petro Dollar (the OLD DINOSAUR) to become Extinct The Banks are Exchanging Via A BUY & SELL AGREEMENT...... Be Careful & Watch Out for These Agreements from The Bank We Have SNOW.......ONCE AGAIN!!! Rates on Forex are Playing HIDE & SEEK (Forex isnt a Factor until the RV is Live.....Correct???) Private Meeting Happening as We Speak (assuming its Regarding the Public Release). ************ Vinman November 24, 2014 Rates playing hide and seek on Forex. Secret meeting in progress now. ************ Sunshine62 > Vinman The rates can possibly be kept HIDDEN from Forex...(keeping out the General public) Keep in mind this would have NOTHING TO DO WITH ALL DINARLAND (NOT JUST S3A) which is considered a GROUP (not private group).....versus General Public... ************ Brandi Can I get some feedback from you all in regards to this BUY/SELL agreement. Ive read through some examples...I would love to hear some opinions and thoughts on this. It sounds like if we go through before the public release of rates that we might be required to sign a BS agreement if we want to exchange. Whats the consensus on signing this agreement? Thanks for the feedback. Finnick Odair > Brandi Apparently all the PRIVATE groups including Dinarland will go first well before the announcement of the TRN/USN, but with a catch of course. It is tempting though. Getting all that money before everyone else will give you the power to be in the drivers seat when shopping for material things like houses, cars etc well before the masses of people IF they decide to let them exchange at an international rate. You will get the best houses, cars etc and not scraps when this goes public and all those people go for a shopping spree. Another thing is will they only offer the DINAR with the contract rates or will they offer at least the Dong as well. I doubt they offer Zim though. If they offer Dong and Zim that will only make the contract deal a lot more irresistible. ***************************** TNT: Already Blessed: MARKET ADVISOR TO ABADI WAS ON TV SAYING THAT ECONOMIC REFORM IS NOW UNDERWAY!!! I HOPE THAT MEANS WHAT I HOPE THAT MEANS! :) TONY SAYS TO TELL YOU THAT IT IS NOT THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT YET...JUST WHAT IS ON TV NOW!! ***************************** John MAcHaffie: INTEL, RUMORS GOSSIP BANK APPOINTMENTS TOLL FREE NUMBERS BEING EMAILED OUT TODAY TO GROUPS. ***************************** KTFA: Frank26: I have GREAT news .... Always do ..... But my qt tonight is .......... Who will listen to it? I am profoundly serious when I say KTFA DINAR CCS are coming to and end ! Because I mean it when I say ..... The HCL is .......... The END. As for the negative posts today here is my comment .......... Im too busy to concern myself with that attitude ........... There is too much excitement going on right now with the MR (Monetary Reform) !!! KTFA, Frank ********* Aggiedad77: My comment is this If ever Iraq were on a fast track with anything It appears they are attempting to fast track the HCL All parties....and I mean all parties seem to have a vested interest in success I cant recall if weve ever seen such a focused effort on anything this positive across Iraq Looking forward to a great CC tonight Aloha Randy. ********** My Ladies: ALRIGHT ALRIGHT...OUCH TWIST MY ARM.......LETS JUST TELL THEM EVERYTHING WE KNOW...AND FIX THE CONFUSION...AGREED?!! SEE YOU TONIGHT..IT HAS BEEN A WHILE SINCE WEVE TALKED TOGETHER ON A CC..SEE YOU AT 8:30... *********** FRANK26 CC 11/24/2014 MONDAY – 7:00 PM BUSINESS PROMO CALL MY LADIES WILL BE JOINING FRANK TONIGHT FOR A TELL ALL CALL 8:30PM EST DINAR STUDY 760-569-7676 156996# or Skype: freeconferencecallhd.7676 ________________________________ 07 - TNT NOTES --- Monday, 11/24/14 – Notes by KH Monday, 11/24/14 – Notes by KH GOOD MORNING TNT!T: Doing something different so you understand something. We have some definite info about our timing, some new procedures and why we are feeling as good as we are right now. [Historical Reference of how we got to where we are today: We weren’t supposed to be in this, which started 10-11 years ago. I came to do 2 weeks of calls. At first, the dinar at $0.10 would be a great deal. And I would take that $0.10, and then $1.00 – I’ll take that rate. I heard about people forming groups, how they were going to get paid before everyone else. So you need to get into a group or you won’t get paid at all. We heard about all of these groups forming, trying to put stuff together and we started finding out who some of thee groups were. Offering diff. rates – ludicrous rates, lying to everyone and then they started charging you to be part of their group or part of their sites, or send your dinar to them. A lot of crap going on. Some offered $6.00 to the people and they were getting $12.00 and going to pocket the rest. It sounded crazy to me. The big thing – The Chinese this and that. Madame Woo, the Elders control the gov’t. The Chinese doing things, dictating everything that was being done. A lot of that info was the way it came out and who was putting out the info – the groups – to get more people to join their group. I am not charging anyone, I don’t have any “groups” to bring to them, etc. Then, more sources, I got a contract from one of the groups – a contract thru the US with the Chinese. So I said I guess I don’t know everything I thought I knew. Now the contract from $28.00 and you end up with $18.00 per dinar. I respected them, was in contact with some gov’t agencies that told me that was real. I had to be convinced of this. Then we learned that our gov’t was getting $140 – $150 for each dinar- part of an oil credit deal with China. Now they are the banks, finance companies – have so much to play with and they can decide who gets what, when and where. Now agreements with the Chinese and the US Treasury, The gov’t wants some groups to go through, those already committed to the process – this is part of our slow rollout. All this was part of our growing, getting info, becoming a part of this whole deal. I know for a fact that a lot of people took their money to Reno and it’s now gone, and they are looking for those people. I know there are rates well over $30 who got paid, and some in the twenties, and some at $0.50 or $1.50. That’s how we got to where we are today, where the groups are real and the rates are real.There is a contract rate with the dong – so high, a crazy rate. I never would have believed it. It’s crazy that this could even be happening, but it is. Some are still not believing this, but it’s real.The plan in 2003 to go within 2-3 years. It didn’t work out. Then a new administration – Obama, and they wanted to do things differently. They wanted to put their own stamp on it, as being their plan, take the credit for it. So where do we go from this point on. Not everyone was supposed to know about this. That’s why it is being put out there as a scam to deter as many people from being involved. That makes sense because most could not handle this – sudden wealth Today, we know some things you don’t now (from my intel team). I say I don’t care what happens to those 4 million people who are not listening to these calls and paying attention to what is going on. I care about the people listening to this call, who study, have a plan of what to do with their money, how to make their money grow and have a legacy. I care about these people and want to make sure they are treated fairly. I understand when the gov’t is doing things the way they are doing things, even though it doesn’t make sense to those who know the background of what the dinar was supposed to do for our country or the world’s economy. Now the next step of the process – B of A was to be THE BANK, and then Citibank, then back to Wells Fargo who is the lead bank. Only one bank has a requirement to exchange everyone and anyone, but every bank has the OPTION to exchange who they want. So how do we do this payout – who gets paid first, second and third. Last year they paid themselves – politicians, family and friends, and even one of their maids who got a Bentley from her boss as payment.We know people doing the payouts, who got the lists, and now there are people within arms length who are getting paid out. So I know they are picking everyday people. Some only had 100,000 dinar who exchanged, and some with several million dinar exchanged. There were 327 groups, some consisted of 5-10 people, who went through the process. All of those groups have almost all been done except for the larger groups and the ones they could have some legal issues with, due to possible criminal activity. They save the worst for last of those groups, and the there is US. That’s where we are.] (end of Historical Reference)****************************************************Tony:We are excited, Iraq is excited. We are down to the last of the 4-window opportunities to get paid out. I am telling you right now I only give it 25% chance that we will get paid out with the RV today. There is some news coming out of Iraq which is saying that this could be the one! DC: I was surprised you told this story, and thanks for telling it. Common sense – I firmly believe that all folks, including the 4-5 million others who don’t pay attention, I believe that everyone is going to get paid. The vast majority will get paid at $3.58 – the int’l rate. It’s going to be painless, anti-climatic, simple process. Why do I believe they will not screw folks out of anything – I don’t believe they are that deceitful. I know it is something we are hearing consistently from a lot of the folks, but those we talk to and the politicians who know and are participating in this do not want anyone to be left out. Tony: I support DC’s statements. WE don’t want anyone to be left behind, but my real concern is the guys who are here listening. East to West: Iraq news – The CBI says it’s ready. Finance ministers requesting the CBI removes the 000s immediately, playing for the past 2 days. CBI is ready to implement the 000 reforms, complete the currency reforms, etc. They pulled people in all through these processes. Dignitaries are getting involved. Parliament doing a great job. ISIS is lessening. Abadi is getting accolades for his great way of working with others and bringing them together. The training has some of the top guys from the CBI, the Finance ministers, and Abadi made an appearance. Dr. Shabibi was there. Quite a surprise to those there.Even today they talked about the news – pay attention, at the evening mosques saying this, which is quite unusual. Their timeline is usually very laid back. USA - UN jumping up and down to get this done. BIS/IMF – keeping everyone in line. The UST and finance guys – say a lot more folks went through this weekend and continue to go through today. A lot of these people are getting $3.58. We understand that the contract rate pool is still available – don’t know how much longer.The plan in place to have Dinarians go through initially when Iraq goes through and then everyday folks go through a week later. How to do this? Set up appts. Some appts. could take 10 days to 2 weeks. Atlanta and D.C. people have the most dinars holders. If in Atlanta, it’s going to be awhile before you get in. Prepare yourself for Dec. 5th, 6th, 7th, before you get in. I feel that if I had an appt., I would feel better – just to get this over with.. Tony: Last week the plan was to try and rush everyone through by Thanksgiving. We have been saying if you just give people an appt. and it takes 10-15 days to get in, who cares. So this morning, that is now the plan, to get everyone an 800# to be calling by Thanksgiving, even though the appt. could be a week or two later.Bank people are at the banks. Ready to go. We are waiting right now for a phone call to say that they are doing it. We are waiting for Pam to give us some info. DC: The alternate plan, can I mention this Pam?Quick synopsis, Iraq goes today or tonight, some folks here will take time to get through, needing appts. Alternate Plan – been raised by very credible sources – to continue to allow back handed exchanges maybe some Dinarland stuff but not even allow appts. until Dec. 5th and let Iraq do what it wants to do. That’s a plan on there too, been talked about by some credible people. Tony: We could get the numbers today, get all the 800#s by Thanksgiving, make your appt., could take 10-15 days to get into the bank. Other option – get the 800#s, but they finish with the VIP and those on the lists and not even start with Dinarland until Dec. 5th. They will stop before Christmas and not start up again until after the New Year. We just want to get in before Christmas one way or the other. I try to look at every angle so that I can understand it and it makes more sense. and then we see the big picture. Now you guys know why I said what I said about not being completely concerned with those not listening to these calls or paying attention to this. Caller:650- Is Plan A for groups and Dinarland? DC: Yes, the rest of the big groups will go through and they are guesstimating that the other Dinarland people will get to exchange, with appts. made up to Christmas break. C: Is nothing happens by tomorrow morning, what is your take on that? T: I told you I give them 25% chance this will happen. DC: I get confused if they have Iraq ready at this readiness level and then this would not go – after dangling the carrot and then jerking it back. I don’t get why they would do this. They wouldn’t be acting like this if they weren’t pretty damn serious about this getting done now. Caller: Are the 3 other currencies still in the basket? DC: They are as of now. (Dong, Rupiah and Zimbabwe) Tony: Gotta say something – I am going to be in LA on Dec. 18th, going to Will Smith’s club, Nick Cannon, who own a club and are doing an event down there called Smoove Nights. It’s a hip-hop thing. If we don’t get to meet anywhere else, you can maybe meet me there. My nephew is part of this. Go to BeSmoove. DC: You are too funny! LOL Caller:601- DC: TAX RATE? We are hoping for and expectant that the tax rates will be different. In some groups they have arranged a pre-tax agreement and we hope that this will be for all of us. By April, 2015, we will know for sure what the tax rates will be for sure. RE: NDAs, in there, there is a line for your tax advisers, atty and most advisers. I have 4-5 good friends who I am asking to sign those NDAs to not talk about my wealth. Tony: Tell your close relatives who know about this that you have, not to be specific about your transactions. DC: The law enforcement just doesn’t want people blasting it out everywhere. Caller: 252- Tony: My kids have their own dinar and I have been stressing to them not to talk about it to anyone, and stay out of the limelight. Caller:212- DC: Because the US has so many people, it’s up to their discretion how they push everyone through. (DC just read a text – Much more encouraging news out of Iraq. ) DC: Re: Reserves at bank appt., as long as you bought the reserves before you go to the appt,, you should be okay. But buying reserves after you made the appt., will not be okay. Just take all of your paperwork with you to the bank. C: Banks might not cash in our zim unless we are in an exchange exit contract? Tony: I don’t know anything about any restrictions on it. C: IS THE RATE GOING TO BE ON FOREX? DC: Good question – quick answer, it will eventually wind up on Forex – Will it be in a few days, or 15 days or not until January 1st? We don’t know for sure.Tony: If they don’t want the banks to be competitive, don’t want the rates to be changing several times a day – if they want to avoid all of that, they would wait. It’s not what we want to hear, but that would make sense. They call us exchanging in 10-15 days, rushing us through.Dong rate: $ 1.02 – the last I got. Tony – re: closing the Currency Exchangers down – I don’t know how they can do that with it’s someone’s business. It won’t concern us because it will be after our time. I don’t know how they will justify it. Caller:410- Will all of the banks have exactly the same rates? Tony: If it’s not on Forex, everyone should have the same rate, but I don’t know what options they will offer you, including a different rate. Caller:719- If they let it go today or tomorrow, before Thanksgiving, if we are in a good area, we should be able to get in. DC: Option A – Iraq will get done today, tomorrow, very quickly. The U.S. will continue to process their people, some could take 10-15 days depending on how many people there own dinars to exchange. Option B: You are not going to get an appt. until Dec. 5th or after, so sit back and relax, don’t sweat it. With Iraq going through now, then they will have to start the U.S. process, then they will stop during Christmas season and start up again in January.DC: Those Exchange Centers will be able to go at a much quicker pace if it’s on Forex, moreso than the banks. On Forex means it’s fluctuating. Without Forex, it will be a flat rate of $3.58. C: I feel like we are being excluded and controlled. DC: I feel the same way, but if we get to exchange, we should just grin and bear it. DC: Even after the RV, a lot of the banks won’t know about this,. There is one bank averaging about 2,600 exchanges a day, in Atlanta. They don’t want any of their wealth managers to know anything about this, even after this. Tony: Before, every bank was going to take everybody. Now there is only one bank that has to take everyone. And this bank is planning on dumping some after they exchange, so you had better have another place to put your money. Most banks want long-term clients, not the ones who will take out their money quickly anyway. C: Are we still able to take the one 25k dinar note and exchange it before the rest of our dinars. Tony/DC: Don’t know. We’ll have to wait to get the package and ask that question. C: The Mormon church is telling their parishioners to go out and buy dinar – would be a good investment – to help the church and the people. Caller:786- DC: The cities with the most dinar holders: Atlanta – huge, D.C. –huge, New York area – big. Dallas – a ton, Chicago – not that much. Denver – not that much. SF, LA – not that much based on size of the cities, If you have a lot of evangelical churches or military bases, you are going to have a lot of exchanges going on. Nashville will be a quicker place. Caller: Reno – a banking center in the U.S. They did a lot of things there, stored a lot of money, set up a lot of things there. So that they could “subvert a lot of laws” in Reno. This is why Reno was selected for many. Tony: They won’t let me exchange in Reno. I am not happy about it, but I understand it. DC: Several Senators and Representatives don’t know about this. If you are on the taxing committee, they better know about this. SUMMARY:DC: Everything looks really good, got more news during this call saying this is queued up ready to go in Iraq. We have 2 options. The quick one – start making appts. now, based on the congestion in your city now soon you get in. Other option – not till later. Have a plan before you spend your money. Pam: Was reading an article – Be Careful Who You Admire and Trust – They May be a Complete Fake - Ray: Marvelous Monumental Monday – enjoy it. Tony: WE got some good info while on the call here. Looks like things are moving forward. I am not counting on it until I hear the speech IN PAST TENSE in Iraq. If it’s true, have a great week. Process is rolling out. Today was a call about being transparent throughout the whole process. Be prepared for either of these 2 scenarios. It means we are still getting paid and getting the higher rates. Those who are not following this will have to wait until after Christmas. I am excited about that. We have at least one more call that I know of, sending out the 800# and we look forward to that. End Of Call. ________________________________
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:41:44 +0000

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