RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update + Update by Sheldan Nidle - 14th - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update + Update by Sheldan Nidle - 14th October 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday Evening. 10/14/2014. KTFA: mike100 » October 14th, 2014, The golden goose I believe Frank was referring to on the 19th-23rd has been revealed. The 19th they are suspending trading for the NEW and upcoming X-stream system that will push the ISX to go internationally on the 26th of October. This is very encouraging and this may be the time to adjust the rate before they go live on the 26th. Let it be so. DELTA: I APPROVE THIS MSG ........BINGO MY LADIES: I SECOND THAT APPROVAL!!.. Another Mailman: Yep! I think they had planned to go international mid 2014 but October 26th works for me! ************************ Stage3Alpha: R.V. / GCR October 14, 2014 at 6:43pm the USA corporate Charter ends tonight at Midnight. Vinman > R.V. / GCR Good timing! :-) Ariel Toliver Stocks & The Corporation: People were asking yesterday what was the big deal behind why the stocks worth 700 million+ were sold in one second. For one they were all in USD notes not backed by any gold or assets other than the value given to it by its corporate artificial value based on consumer volume purchase of those stocks in the supply and demand arena. So how can something still be worth its artificial sell price when a reindexing of currencies take place via the (rv) buying things with 1 dollar when the price is 10 dollars? Because for one it doesnt cost that much to make but when you have a monopoly on it like the De Beers who dominate diamond mining, diamond shops, diamond trading and industrial diamond manufacturing sectors who had central control of diamonds since 1888. He built and consolidated the companys global monopoly over the diamond industry until his retirement. During this time, he was involved in a number of controversies, including price fixing, antitrust behaviour and an allegation of not releasing industrial diamonds for the US war effort during World War II. You get to control the price and worth of the diamonds even though they were just as common as water, he made the value of it sky rocket by virtue of shutting down mines, merchants, and stores to control where you get it from. Because if everyone had access to it would it be worth the money it is today? No! R.V./GCR just told you the US Corporate Charter end tonight right? Now look at the timing of when those stocks were sold. Whoever sold them knew as a forethought that they wouldnt be worth the price they were before that when the (RV) take place as a future reference point as the implication involving the old stock market would not financially translate over to the I.C.E. (Intercontinental Exchange) because the pricing will be dramatically different because as a sovereign country that will be America artificial pricing will cease to exist . There is a difference between The United States and America. Because when you look at United States of that means precedingly America was superceded by corporations which came after America because of means and is used as a function word to indicate origin or derivation right? But just my opinion. Janie > nicely explained, Ariel :) Ariel Toliver > Janie It just makes perfect sense to me as to why we are not cashing out as of now. Im just linking the events that has only happened in the past 4 days. Especially since R.V./GCR just stated that the charter ends tonight. I was like bingo! This is why Barrack Obama had basically given up his Bar Licence before he became president because we all know that means British Accreditation Registry . He knew that he could not accomplish anything when operating under an oath not sworn in the country where he holds the American seat. R.V. / GCR > +1000 ********** Ariel Toliver This is why and it is a major reason why we are not in the banks yet because as of now we are still under the United States which is a corporation. Once we are sovereign we will not be subjugated to all of the artificial stipulations by banks who want to limit our (ROI) once we exchange. Because they will go down with the corporation especially if they are not Basel 3 compliant. Now take note of the bank drill that happened on Monday. Who is to say that the banks listed will be the actual banks that are Basel 3? Like I said before we know that was not a drill but it has to be disguised as one to not blow the plan as to the real reason behind it. Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Barclays or HSBC all participated in that drill. But Exogen told us last week that one bank had actually released the administrative hold on the 800 numbers. Is this starting to add up? Because Well Fargo was not listed as one of the banks participating in that drill even thought it is apart of that too big to fail slogan. Now look at the timing of when the Budget is supposed to be passed in the senate. ********** wilbur grodan October 14, 2014 at 6:33pm Todays MARKET ACTION is RED HOT 0500UTC BlueEyedGoddess > wilbur grodan WHICH IS WHAT TIME EST? Marcia > BlueEyedGoddess 0500 UTC = 10:00PM Pacific = 1:00AM EST Linnea > wilbur grodan Please explain! I watched it and was baffled by all the crazy activity. TY wilbur grodan > Linnea INDECISION, CONFUSION, FEAR wilbur grodan October 14, 2014 at 7:13pm USD/USDX/DXY poised to take a BIG overnight HIT 42 RESOURCE BACKED DIGITAL CURRENCIES Best WINDOW east to west (Sydney to London) 8AM prime time in BAGHDAD EXOGEN October 14, 2014 at 6:46pm wilbur grodan As a MARKET PHENOMENA this can only be described as a MIRACLE ********** Saoirse Hann October 14, 2014 Fate Of the Dollar - Dr. Jim Willie Link: https://youtube/watch?v=dWvAx-mrngA#t=91 ********** TUESDAY INTEL UPDATE!!! Posted by EXOGEN on October 14, 2014 at 2:59pm EXOGEN A safekeeping receipt is a statement from a financial institution that confirms it is holding assets for safekeeping, and will maintain them separate from other assets and return them on demand. Safekeeping services are available from many financial institutions, usually for a fee, as they cannot use those assets in investment activities and thus have no way to generate a profit from them. The safekeeping receipt should be stored in a safe place as it provides a legal record of the deposit. Assets in storage can include stocks, bonds, precious metals, and cash. In the safekeeping receipt, the financial institution indicates that it holds these assets on behalf of the owner, does not consider them part of its own assets, and cannot use them in financial activities. It also acknowledges a responsibility to return those assets on demand. With something like a safe deposit box where the institution does not know the contents, the safekeeping receipt may include a liability release; if something in the safe deposit box is damaged, the bank is not responsible because it could not control the contents. ********** Guesses to Exogens Picture clues: Vinman Unconfirmed report that exchanges for SKRs are starting today. G T Exos Afternoon Clues.......... We have an UNCONFIRMED REPORT THAT SKRS ARE NOW BEING EXCHANGED!!!! Wonder if this has ANYTHING TO DO W/The CLUE FROM YESTERDAY (West Coast Lines........Maybe Reno)??? My Opinion .......If This is Confirmed FOLKS.........WERE HOME!!!! I4U: [xyz] OMG ... Iraqi Dinar to Devalue iraq-businessnews/2014/10/14/iraqi-dinar-to-devalue/ ************************* GET: arizona49] 10/14/2014 Delta An article came out with the CBI stating that they are about to activate cooperation with the world and with banks; this requires that article 8 be lifted because under it, the IQD is on a program rate of 1166; Iraq is on the verge of a new government organization, and a change. IMO, by Thursday this week we should see interior and defense ministers announced, and IMO, that’s very good for our investment; watch closely after the ministers are announced and officially seated. Why has the CBI has given a letter of credit to banks unless the currency has value. Look at the nations that have come to Iraq’s aid, we don’t see that in Libya and their problems are worse than Iraq; the coalition of nations know that they are going to be paid, IMO. ********** [arizona49] 10/14/2014 Nova ...for the past 3 years, Abadi has worked in the finance ministry and has worked with the CBI; perhaps Abadi is PM now because it’s time for him to be PM? Iraq is doing many complex maneuvers to create demand for their currency – can only do business in IQD, and contracts signed creates demand for the IQD, and a value. ...we are at a point they cannot hide it anymore...... This is not an Iraq event, this event is not controlled by Iraq, the IQD is the tool that is being used, the currency that is being used, but this is not an Iraqi event dependent on their politicians. ...Mellon, JPMorganChase, GE…all report to the same people that the IMF, WB all report to; these people started the UN; the good news is that they only get paid when we do, they can’t get paid without the backing basket and rate of the IQD being revealed; Of course they are some of the most powerful people in the world with a meticulous, decades-long plan they are methodically implementing. *********** 10-14-2014 tman23 If we research history in regards to the CBI lifting the zero articles they always stated the first of the year or June (the second half of the year) and very specific to say not in the middle of a quarter... That being said; the CBI appeared ready to initiate this project way before the latest round of talks about market economies etc..etc..etc.. I think they put their backs against the wall and have to RV now they have no choice. _____________________________________ 02 - Tuesday Afternoon Dinarland Chatter. Tuesday Afternoon Dinarland Chatter 10/14/2014. Stage3Alpha: ANOTHER 48 HOURS. Posted by EXOGEN on 14.10.14. Asadi: Announcement candidates interior and defense within 48 hours and still Ameri of the most prominent names BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - October 14 / October: A source in the National Alliance, on Tuesday, closely announce the names of candidates for the defense and interior ministries, noting that the political blocs continue their consultations on the names of candidates to take over the security ministries. The National Alliance MP, Khalid al-Asadi said that the next 48 hours will see an agreement on the names of the names put forward a consensus before the parliamentary blocs for a vote in the House of Representatives over the weekend. ....He noted al-Asadi said that to resolve the file security ministries and naming ministers of interior and defense must be resolved as soon as possible, adding that there are differences simple on names forged should not stop then, and most of the blocks that fall under the banner of the National Alliance supports the president takes a block of Badr, Hadi al-Amiri office of the Ministry of Interior, he described. Admiral ended Jumping4joy FOX news reported last weekend that they were named and cleared EXOGEN > jumping4joy THEN THEY WENT BACK AND CHANGED IT G T > EXOGEN Fox News Reported it Over the weekend & The same people are in the same seats For Over a Month (going on Two)!! EXOGEN > G T GLAD YOU ARE NOW FULLY WAKING UP TO THE GAMES BEING PLAYED HERE. THE QUESTION YOU HAVE TO ASK IS WHAT IS THE REAL INCENTIVE FOR A GENERAL PUBLIC RELEASE BY THE PTB/AOP? EXOGEN > ABADI IS MADE THIS SAME PUBLIC STATEMENT AT LEAST 5 TIMES WITHIN THE LAST 45 DAYS EXOGEN > USE THE SEARCH TOOL ON THIS WEBSITE AND YOU WILL SEE EVERY ARTICLE AND PRESS RELEASE THAT HAS BEEN MADE SAYING 48 HOURS. PERSONALLY, I KINDA THINK THIS MAY BE THE REAL 48 HOURS Happiness > EXOGEN Hope so - because the Iraqi people will start calling Abadi - Maliki and never trust him again since he keeps following US Orders. ********** Ron Burgundy Everybody needs to settle down! I know there is a tremendous amount of frustration that this hasnt happened....yet! Just because it hasnt happened does NOT mean that there have been delays! IMO - there are NO delays. This is a process which is unfolding RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES!!! LISTEN, IMO even the Central Banks and its controllers are FOR the RV! It is one step closer to a NWO via the new IMF SDR structure (basically a one world digital reserve currency). SO if they are supportive of an RV/GCR, then WHO would be holding this up??? Right...............NOBODY!! *********** Tbone I think that the announcement that the ISX will be closed next week is really good news for us at the end of this week! Why have the exchange open in the middle of the currency being revalued? I wouldnt want to see that volatility. So revalue at the end of this week! I like this timing. Give the US another 48 hours and be done!!! So that would open the window anytime after the ISX closes on Thursday, Iraq time :) I do not believe we are waiting until After the ISX reopens on the 26th. ********** Omega Man October 14, 2014 at 1:32pm TRNs still NOT live... Waiting for the announcement... ********** EXOGEN What many do not understand is the country of IRAQ is OPERATING with an International RATE. 100% FACT!!!! NOTE: UNDERSTAND FRAS, SLBLCS, AND SLOCS DO YOU REALLY THINK COUNTRIES ARE FLYING ALL OF THESE MILITARY MISSIONS AND DROPPING BOMBS FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! ********** LEM October 14, 2014 at 12:13pm FYI..Intel: Another simple fact is Iraqs Budget involved oil at NO LESS than $90 a barrel. Today Iraq needs more income for salaries and infrastructure... Cut world oil production and you get $100 a barrel but less barrels...keep production the same and increase it and your likely well below $90 a barrel. So to import and build infrastructure you need international purchasing power...And it is of no benefit at 1166, no benefit to purchase in petro dollars. IQD 1-1 with usd is no benefit.GET: [KENBBQ1] THERE SEEMS TO BE A LOT OF CONFUSSION ABOUT EXECUTIVE ORDER #13303 ANALYSIS OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 13303 When George Bush stocked the US Treasury with Trillions of Iraqi Dinar in 2003, he also signed an Executive Order protecting such from ANY KIND OF ENCUMBRANCES (EO #13303), which Obama (who I am sure will try to take credit for setting this all up) just extended through May 22, 2014. This makes me believe that it will all be done by then… but what is the rest of the story? (READ BELOW) ORIGINAL EXECUTIVE ORDER 13303 (full text) *********************** KTFA: Walkingstick: Richest 1% own 50 percent of world wealth- Credit Suisse report Published time: October 14, 2014 14:36 World wealth has reached a record $263 trillion but is concentrated in fewer hands. The richest 1 percent have accumulated more wealth, and own almost 50 percent of it, which could trigger recession, according to a new report by Credit Suisse. The Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, released Tuesday warns that the “abnormally high wealth income ratios” may spark a recession, as high disparity leads to economic friction. Global wealth has grown to a record $263 trillion in mid-2014, $20.1 trillion more, and an 8.3 percent increase, over mid-2013. Household wealth has more than doubled since 2000, when the same report calculated it at $117 trillion. Leading the money trail is the United States, dubbed Land of Fortunes by the report, which again boasts the highest average wealth. It is home to 34.7 percent ($91 trillion) of global wealth. Europe’s portion comes in a close second with 32.4 percent, followed by India and China’s 23.7 percent share, and then the 18.9 percent concentrated in the Asia-Pacific region. North America has the highest average wealth and is also the world’s leader in GDP, which the report estimates grew by $12.9 billion in 2013. Wealth in the US and Europe was driven by a rather spectacular year on the stock exchanges. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the US has added $31.5 trillion in household wealth. In the last year alone the stock market increased in value by 22.6 percent. Ermany, Canada, and France all experienced huge spurts in capital markets, gaining more than 30 percent. Much of the world’s “new money” is coming from China and developing nations. Between 2000 and 2014, emerging markets accounted for 11.4 percent of wealth. “As we noted last year, Asia and particularly China will account for the largest portion of newly created wealth among the emerging markets,” the report says. Other emerging players on the international scene, according to Credit Suisse, are Russia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, and Turkey. The conclusion of the report offers predictions for 2019, where the authors suggest global wealth will grow by 40 percent and reach $369 trillion, but emerging markets will account for 26 percent, more than double what they do now. The number of millionaires worldwide is projected to blossom from 35 million today to 53 million in 2019. Link: rt/business/195816-richest-1-percent-credit-suisse/ ********* _____________________________________ 03 - TK UPDATE, 14 OCT 2014. 10-14-14 TerryK WORD I GOT IS CHINA IS PUSHING HARD FOR THIS TO HAPPEN WED NIGHT...YES I SAID CHINA. Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:51 PM 0 comments Sager From KTFA: Nasdaq, ISX, ESX and the New X-Stream 10/14/2014. KTFA: Sager: Nasdaq invites ESX to two international conferences 12.05.2014 Shwan Barzinji BasNews, Erbil American Nasdaq Stock Market has invited the Erbil Stock Exchange (ESX) to two international conferences. Abdullah Ahmad, the head of ESX told BasNews that the Kurdish stock exchange will participate alongside some of the biggest stock markets in two international conferences, in Dubai and Stockholm. Nasdaq and ESX have signed an agreement to power the ESX with NASDAQ OMX X-stream trading technology to increase market participant involvement, both in the region and internationally. ....X-stream will provide ESX with a solution to trade equities and debt instruments, and position ESX to move into other asset classes as its market expands. Ahmad also explained that ESX will work with the Nasdaq system, and will launch its work at the end of next month. basnews/en/News/Details/Nasdaq-invites-ESX-to-two-international-conferences/20112 MORE INFO ABOUT X-STREAM: NEW YORK and BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 28, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The NASDAQ OMX Group (Nasdaq:NDAQ) has entered an agreement with the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) to upgrade its current trading platform. Under the terms of the agreement, ISX will replace its existing NASDAQ OMX platform (Horizon) with one powered by the renowned X-stream technology. The upgrade is expected to be rolled out by mid-year 2014. We are committed to becoming one of the most innovative and groundbreaking exchanges, in the Middle East and across the world, said Taha A. Abdulsalam, CEO, Iraq Stock Exchange. Upgrading our trading technology and continuing our partnership with NASDAQ OMX is a clear indication to investors, regulators and other exchanges that Iraq will continue to become a financial center for more regional and global businesses. The upgrade to X-stream will provide ISX with a widely deployed high-end, multi-asset trading platform that complies with international standards. The upgrade to X-stream will provide ISX with a widely deployed high-end, multi-asset trading platform that complies with international standards. The migration to X-stream is a step in ISXs ambition to become a Middle Eastern hub, able to host and facilitate other regional markets. NASDAQ OMX has delivered trading technology to ISX since 2007. We congratulate the Iraq Stock Exchange on their commitment to a trading platform that is certain to put them at the technology forefront of exchanges in the Middle East, Lars Ottersgard, Senior Vice President, Market Technology, NASDAQ OMX. The upgrade to X-stream technology will equip ISX with a sophisticated and robust trading platform that increases investor involvement both in the Middle East and internationally.In less than a decade, traded shares in ISX increased almost 10-fold, to more than 1.2 billion traded shares expected in 2013, while market capitalization increased more than seven times over the same period to over $12,170 billion USD in the first six months of 2013 alone. We are extremely proud to support ISXs positive development and their vision to provide a well-recognized marketplace in the region, said Michèle Carlsson, Head of Business Development, Middle East and Africa, NASDAQ OMX. ISX recently implemented one of the most successful IPOs in the Middle East and by upgrading to our X-stream technology, ISX will be running a resilient market place that will attract both Iraqi and international investors. The inventor of the electronic exchange, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., fuels economies and provides transformative technologies for the entire lifecycle of a trade - from risk management to trade to surveillance to clearing. In the U.S. And Europe, we own and operate 26 markets, 3 clearinghouses and 5 central securities depositories supporting equities, options, fixed income, derivatives, commodities, futures and structured products. Able to process more than 1 million messages per second at sub-40 microsecond speeds with 99.99% uptime, our technology drives more than 70 marketplaces in 50 developed and emerging countries into the future, powering 1 in 10 of the worlds securities transactions. Our award-winning data products and worldwide indexes are the benchmarks in the financial industry. Home to approximately 3,400 listed companies worth $6 trillion in market cap whose innovations shape our world, we give the ideas of tomorrow access to capital today. Welcome to where the world takes a big leap forward. The Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) plans to upgrade its current trading platform, according to an agreement the Baghdata-based marketplace entered with Nasdaq OMX. Under terms of the agreement, ISX will replace its existing Nasdaq OMX platform (Horizon) with one powered by the X-stream technology. A rollout of the upgrade is planned for mid-year 2014 The upgrade to X-stream will provide ISX with a widely deployed high-end, multi-asset trading platform that complies with international standards, according to Nasdaq OMX. The move is also a step in ISXs ambition to become a Middle Eastern hub, able to host and facilitate other regional markets. We are committed to becoming one of the most innovative and groundbreaking exchanges, in the Middle East and across the world,” stated Taha A. Abdulsalam, CEO, Iraq Stock Exchange. “Upgrading our trading technology and continuing our partnership with NASDAQ OMX is a clear indication to investors, regulators and other exchanges that Iraq will continue to become a financial center for more regional and global businesses.” Commenting on the agreement, Lars Ottersgård, SVP, Market Technology for NASDAQ OMX, said the new “trading platform ... Is certain to put them at the technology forefront of exchanges in the Middle East.” “The upgrade to X-stream technology will equip ISX with a sophisticated and robust trading platform that increases investor involvement both in the Middle East and internationally According to Michèle Carlsson, Head of Business Development, Middle East and Africa for NASDAQ OMX, who is also quoted in the release, “ISX recently implemented one of the most successful IPOs in the Middle East and by upgrading to our X-stream technology, ISX will be running a resilient market place that will attract both Iraqi and international investors.” Nasdaq OMX’s X-Stream technology is currently used by 25 exchanges globally. _____________________________________ 04 - S3A - Vinman Vinman:Unconfirmed report that SKRs were being exchanged starting today. Exogen:THIS IS THE GIGANTIC CAT ABOUT TO COME OUT OF THE BAG, IF WE CAN CONFIRM THIS. _____________________________________ 05 - Here’s what I think. 14.10.14. Frank26: Based on I Team’s report, IMO, it is possible for the rate to come out in October; watch from Oct 18 forward. IMO, the countries signing contracts with Iraq are doing so only because they know they are going to get paid. I never gave a date because there was no logical sound reasoning nor substantial empirical evidence to do so with my KTFA FAMILY. IMO ………. There is NOW _____________________________________ 06 - Any day now. 14.10.14. Poppy3 I THINK THE INK SHOWS THE BEST CASE SCENARIO OF ANY TIME IS POSSIBLE BUT AFTER THE FULL GOI AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAWS ARE THE BEST CASE BEGINNING TOMORROW OR WED. WE MUST WATCH THEIR ACTIONS THE NEXT FEW DAYS…ALL THESE THINGS PENDING CAN HAPPEN VERY FAST AND THE CBI CAN ACT MUCH FASTER THAN PARLIAMENT OR THE GOI. _____________________________________ 07 - Backdoc discusses the VND. Backdoc AS WE AWAIT IRAQS’ RE-ENTRY TO THE INTERNATIONAL STAGE WITH A REALISTIC VALUE…THE DONG TOO AWAITS THE DEPARTURE OF A PROGRAM RATE, AND LOOKS TO ITS’ OWN REALISTIC RATE WITH THE BLESSINGS OF THE IMF SINCE IT TOO HAS PASSED ARTICLE 4 REVIEW SUCCESSFULLY. ONE THING I KNOW IS, IF YOU OWN DINAR OR DONG YOU WON’T BE LOOKIN LIKE A FOOL WITH YOUR PANTS ON THE GROUND!! _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 08 - Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 10/14/2014 13 Ik, 0 Tzec, 11 Ik: Dratzo! We come with much to tell you! The fundings continue to move forward as the process moves from one group to another. While this is taking place, we are overseeing the security forces to ensure that no shenanigans occur as monies are transferred from place to place. Those involved with the arrests and the transference to new governance are likewise completing the evidence trails to be used to isolate these rapscallions from the public. This procedure is nearly ready to yield results. Meanwhile, the dark is no longer able to use its various secret operations to start a major war. The dark realizes just how weak it is becoming. Nevertheless, it is doing little annoying things to stretch out the actual funding process with the revaluations of currencies, and preventing the start of the global currency reset. We wish to intervene on a much grander scale but the interferences built into the financial system continue to slow down the dispersal of funds. These unforeseen delays are soon to be moved aside so the new financial system can be readied. On other fronts, our liaisons are reporting that the Galactic Federation medical teams are currently monitoring you, as well as the health of Gaia’s diverse eco-systems. The increasing displacement of Gaia’s magnetic fields is also responsible for your individual health issues. The localized fields are affecting your new chakras, and especially your heart. We are observing more and more cases of either rapid or irregular heartbeats. Your brain is likewise being affected. Our medical teams report that we are entering a time for increased headaches and blurry vision. Your brain is having a hard time of it, as is the global surface of Gaia. These problems are also leading to blood pressure anomalies in many of you. Be mindful of this and “baby” yourself more. Heaven informs us that these difficulties are to increase as Gaia moves closer to the major events that are to greatly change the appearance of her surface realm. It is therefore the perfect time for your present reality to shift toward the divine. While all this is happening, we are preparing our fleet for the landings. At times, it seems so far away. Yet the moment for these events is fast approaching. Your current financial system is on the verge of total collapse. The American military is quickly losing its taste for never-ending war. Hence, we desire only to land when it is safe to do so. This fleet waged an unrelenting war for nearly six million years. The last few decades saw the end to these conflicts and peace formally declared. We rejoice in this and wish you to get on with a formal end to the belligerence of these governments to our presence in your skies. It is to be wondrous to hover freely over a large city and take photos and accurate measurements of the area. Then we can truly get a complete picture of your world. We intend to turn these vital images over to your geologic scientists and be able to compare notes on this and other closely related data. Gaia needs to be loved and cared for by you. There is much for you to learn about this world, and indeed the entire solar system. You are being readied by Heaven to become the prime stewards for this solar system. Soon, you are to be able to journey on our ships throughout this most beautiful planetary system. When the four water planets are again operational, you are then to see just how unique your home truly is. The Sun is a perfect spiritual presence and a true nurturer of this planetary system. Her love shows in how she gently keeps each of her daughters alive with freely given energy. Mercury is a transponder for these energies and gladly guides them to her more distant sister worlds. Venus is to be reborn when her huge oceans and seas reappear. She is the pioneer of the water worlds. A great, lost civilization is to be seen and to join you in populating these numerous worlds. This society inspired ancient Egypt and populated the ancient societies of Mesoamerica. Their tales are soon to be made known to you. We are to add to what they are to tell you! The story of ancient Mu is to become known as well. Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with a most fervent message. The time is now for the beginnings of a new reality to appear. It is to manifest and give you reason to rejoice. Take this energy and use it to participate in the forming of a new political, governmental and financial system. Put your spiritual joy into this process. Remember who you truly are. Be ready to exercise your true inner desires and forge a realm rich with heavenly and wondrous desires. Support each other and seek the truth about what is happening. Use this to find your special part in this most marvelous play. We are to come and instruct you on some truths that can further this most necessary spiritual education. The heart of Gaia is you. So take yourself deep into this heartfelt reality and experience it in the fullest of measures! Together, we are One, and determined to restore this realm to its previous and highest spiritual reality. As you begin to feel the wondrous energies of Heaven bless you, use the higher consciousness and vibrations that it gives you to visualize a better and better world. See how your energies heal both Gaia and yourselves. Our guardian angels are daily increasing the living fields that surround you. These fields are making you more and more aware of the blessings you receive from Heaven, and from us. Colors that exist in your environment are becoming more vivid, and able to inspire you. Be in love with nature and bless her and her many living beings. The elementals follow you every day in your skies and in your surroundings. Be ever grateful for the healing they offer you, and the blessings of good health, which they send to you. See this realm as a Oneness that is now emerging from the darkness and manifesting into a truly grand Light! ________________________________ We are here, dear Ones, to aid you in this process. We come gladly to be the means whereby you become more and more aware of who you really are. You are a true heavenly power. You possess the divine will to collectively transform this reality. What you lack is a divine focus. Limited consciousness altered your primary belief in your spiritual abilities. You are in the process of recovering this and searching diligently for the means to restore it to its former potential. We bless you for this and send you daily energies to move closer to this divine goal. You are all magnificent Beings of Light who are coming closer to the moment when you can again fully realize this grand spiritual potential. Bless you, my Loves; such a sacred moment approaches! This realm is transforming and preparing to again become an instrument of divine change! Today, we continued our message. Great things are indeed readying to alter this realm. Many forces for good are winning a long struggle and the power of the dark is steadily waning. The time for disclosure draws ever nearer. Prosperity is likewise ready to manifest. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) Planetary Activation Organization Link: paoweb/index.html
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:29:46 +0000

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