Rabbi Meir Paprish, the Ohr Tzadikim (1624-1662). At the young age - TopicsExpress


Rabbi Meir Paprish, the Ohr Tzadikim (1624-1662). At the young age of 13, Rabbi Meir began learning Kabbalah as a student of Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach who studied under Rabbi Shmuel Vital, the son of Rabbi Chaim Vital. Rabbi David ben Moshe Madjar of Yerushalayim (1800), author of Chesed Dovid. Rabbi Yom Tov Algazi, the Maharit Algazi (1727-1802), one of the main students of the famed kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Sharabi. Stemming from a long line of great Torah sages originating in Spain, his father, Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov was av beis din in Izmir, Turkey for over 40 years before being appopinted Rishon Letzion in Yerushalyim. Rabbi Yom Tov was born in Izmir, and studied together with Rabbi Chaim Yosef Dovid Azulai (the Chida) as a youth. In 1758, he was appointed rosh yeshiva of Neveh Shalom. In 1782, after the petira of Rabbi Shalom Sharabi, Rabbi Yom Tov was appointed rosh yeshiva of Beis Kel and served as Rishon LeTzion following the petira of Rabbi Rephael Meyuchas. He left behind a legacy of piskei halacha – Shu”t Simchas Yom Tov, Hilchos Yom Tov, and Kedushas Yom Tov. He left one son (Rabbi Yaakov) and 3 daughters. Rabbi Aaron Hagadol of Premishlan, son of Rabbi Meir the Great and disciple of Rabbi Yechiel Michel of Zlotschov. Rabbi Binyomin Zev Lev Rokeach (1777-1851). He was born in the small town of Vadislav, and his father, the Shemen Rokeach, sent him to the yeshivos of Rabbi Eliezer Kempne of Prostitz, and of his brother-in- law Rabbi Yirmiyohu of Mattersdorf. He married Feigele, the daughter of Rabbi Yitzchak Eisik Elkish, Rabbi of Ushpitzin from the dynasty of the Rebbe Rabbi Heschel and the Moginei Shlomo. He subsequently became rov in Amshinov. He is the author of Shaarei Torah. His son, Yirmiyahu, was author of Divrei Yirmiyahu. Rabbi Yaakov Yechezkiya Grunwald of Pupa, the Vayaged Yaakov (1941). Son of Rabbi Moshe Grunwald, Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Chust, and author of several works, each entitled Arugas Habosem. Rabbi Moshes brother, Rabbi Eliezer Dovid Grunwald, known as the Keren LeDovid, also headed an important yeshiva. Although Rabbi Yaakov Yechezkiya’s father was not born into a chassidic family, he had gravitated towards the Shiniva and Belzer Rebbes and had taken his son on his many visits to those rebbes. Rabbi Yaakov Yechezkiya studied under his father until his marriage. In 1929, Rabbi Yaakov Yechezkiya was chosen as Rabbi of Pupa, Hungary. He established a yeshiva there which soon numbered 300 students. Rabbi Yaakov Yechezkiyas son, Rabbi Yosef Grunwald, succeeded his father in 1951. Rabbi Avraham Kalmanowitz (1891-1965), Av Beis Din of Tiktin, Rosh Yeshivas Mir-U.S. He was a talmid of Slobodka, a Rabbi of Rakov, and a close friend of Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzenski of Vilna. He was also the founder and head of a kollel, and a leader of Agudath Israel of Poland. After the First World War, the Mirrer Yeshivah appointed him as its president. His wife’s grandfather was Rabbi Betzalel HaKohen, a dayan in Vilna and author of Mareh Kohen. At the beginning of World War II the Rabbi and his family reached the United States, while his beloved Mirrer Yeshivah escaped from Mir to Vilna, to avoid Soviet persecution. During the War, the Rabbi was was one of the leading personalities of the Vaad Hatzalah. Rabbi Yisrael Alter, the Beis Yisrael of Ger (1895-1977). The 3rd son Rabbi Avraham Mordechai, the Imrei Emes, he celebrated a double simcha on his Bar Mitzvah, as he became engaged to his cousin, Chaya Sara. They married two years later. In 1940, the Imrei Emes escaped the Nazis and reached Eretz Yisrael, along with his sons, Rabbi Yisrael, Rabbi Simcha Bunim, and Rabbi Pinchas Menachem. Tragically, Rabbi Yisrael’s wife, daughter, and son perished, a fact he didn’t learn until 1945. He remarried in 1948, but had no children from his second wife. After his father’s petira, Rabbi Yisrael assumed the mantle of leadership as the 4th Rebbe of Ger. For the next 29 years, he rebuilt Ger and was a major force in the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudas Yisrael. After his passing, Ger was led by his brother, Rabbi Simcha Bunim, until his petira in 1992. After that, his other brother, Rabbi Pinchas Menachem led Ger for four years. Since then, Ger has been led by Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh, the son of Rabbi Simcha Bunim. Rabbi Moshe Schwab (1918-1979). Born in Frankfurt-am-Mein to Rabbi Yehuda (Leopold) and Hanna (nee Erlanger) Schwab, the younger brother of Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Mordechai. He was sent to learn in Kaminetz under Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz and in Baronovich under Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman. In 1938, he moved to England and accepted a position at the Kollel in Gateshead. In 1942, he married Rochel Baddiel, daughter of Rabbi Dovid Baddiel, one of the founding members of the Gateshead kehilla. In 1946, he joined the Yeshiva and became very close to Rabbi Dessler. He authored Ma’archei Lev on the Yomim Tovim. Rabbi Mordechai Wulliger (1895-1995), born in Bishtina-Marmoresh to Rabbi Moshe Wulliger, one of the greatest students of the Yetev Lev of Sighet, Rabbi Z.L. Teitelbaum (the Great grandfather of The Satmer Rebbe). His primary teacher was Rabbi Chaim Zvi Teitelbaum, Rabbi of Sigher and author of Atzei Chaim. Rabbi Wulliger settled in the United States in 1938 and was a member of the Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Vodas for about 50 years. He authored a myriad of seforim, the first of which was Pardes Mordechai (1927).
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 16:50:25 +0000

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