Rabeeah bin Ibaad narrated that he was young when he was with his - TopicsExpress


Rabeeah bin Ibaad narrated that he was young when he was with his father at Mina when Prophet (peace be upon him) stopped at the camps of various Arab tribes saying to them, O people of this tribe! I am indeed Allahs Messenger to you, instructing you to worship Allah Alone without ascribing any partners to Him and to forsake these idols that you worship. I further direct you to believe in me, to accept me and to offer me asylum so that I may clearly express that which Allah has sent me with. Rabeeah bin Ibaad further stated that Prophet (peace be upon him) was being trailed by squint albeit handsome man whose hair was divided into two locks and who was wearing clothes from Aden. When Prophet (peace be upon him) completed his talk and the message he had to convey, this man would say to fhe people, O people of this tribe! This man is calling you to remove Laat and Uzza from your necks together with the Jinns of the Banu Maalik bin Uqaysh who are your allies. He wants you to rather follow the new-found and misguided religion he has brought. Do not follow him and do not even listen to him. Rabeeah - says that he asked his father, O father! Who is this man who follows him and belies what he says? His father replied, That is his uncle Abdul Uzza bin Abdil Muttalib (also known as) Abu Lahab. - Al Bidayah Wan Nihayah 3/138; Ibn Hisham 2/64-65
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 23:02:14 +0000

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