Rachael has tagged me to share 20 things. Im pretty much an open - TopicsExpress


Rachael has tagged me to share 20 things. Im pretty much an open book so I am sure you know most anyway! 1. Im a leftie. 2. Ranga jokes dont offend me, in fact Im usually the one laughing the hardest. 3. I cant drive a manual without having a meltdown. Trust me the roads are safer with me in an auto. 4. My middle name is Maree, just like my Mumma. I have no idea where it came from. 5. I have a fear of balloons and popping sounds. 6. My first kiss was at a birthday party in year 6. Spice Girls 2 become 1 was playing. He slipped in the tongue, I slapped him. 7. I have battled depression, anxiety and an eating disorder in the past. I choose not to let this dictate my happiness or life choices now. 8. I had a pet cow named buttercup that I bottle fed for months, dad sent him to the farm. Yep we all know what that means! 9. Ive been in love twice. The first time was too cold, the second too hot, maybe the third time around will feel right :) 10. I am ridiculously OCD. My whole day can be thrown off if my plans dont work out. 11. I have a love affair with the gym. I wake up and smile on gym days. 12. I used to deliberately forget my clothes for pe in high school so Cherie and I could talk about our crushes! 13. I still have no clue what I want to do for a living, I work to live. 14. I put up a lot of walls but deep down love spoiling the guy Im seeing. I am totally uncomfortable with a guy spoiling me though. Its like Jess heres some flowers and I, in my best mighty boosh voice say something stupid like look at the mooooon. 15. I am undecided if I want to have kids. 16. I applied for the bachelor last year,was meant tondo to Sydney to have a proper audition but chose to go out west and booze it up in Coonamble that weekend. 17. Moving back to Tamworth just might have been the smartest idea Ive ever had. I wasnt in a good place when I came back from Newie but Im stronger, wiser and happier then Ive been in years. 18. Although #17 is true I miss my Newie friends every day. I selfishly want you all to move to tamworth! 19. My best friend In the world lives thousands of kms away, we can go months only speaking through text and emails but when we see each other or talk its like were those giggling 16 year old girls. She is my biggest supporter and always helps me find a way when Im lost. Plus she has eerily good spidey senses when it comes to the world of dating. 20. I am proof that your family isnt only the people related by blood. I have realised over the last few years that some friendships are outgrown and some will be important for the long haul :) Kiralee Mel Zyra get sharing xxx
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:19:39 +0000

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