Rachel Maddow. MSNBC chatterbox. In her blog today, Maddow, who - TopicsExpress


Rachel Maddow. MSNBC chatterbox. In her blog today, Maddow, who presents herself as an intellectual minus the all important intellect, gives one of the years most incoherent, disconnected, delusional blatherings of pure fluff along with a generous dose of uh. One would expect Maddow, like all at MSNBC, to charge the ramparts in denial of the red tsunami that raged from coast to coast as election returns mounted lopsidedly in favor of Republicans. That is what partisans, fancying themselves as professional journalists, do. So her denial of what took place, what shook this Nation, comes as no surprise. Really. No surprise. Acknowledging that Republicans won the Senate, and oh how that must have pained her, she says but ah, Democrats won the argument. Insert the uh. In politics, winning an election means you won the argument and your margin of victory defines the degree to which the argument was yours. Her take is akin to saying, well yes, the score was big time against us and we lost, but on the field, we were the better team. Republicans will say the election was “an endorsement from the American people that affords them the right to pursue their top priorities.” Smugly, the piece (her blog) retorts, “It’s a nice argument, which happens to be wrong.” (Pundit Press) Never, without exception, does the victor not win the spoils and in doing so, set all terms that follow. And in politics, when we witness a sea change as occurred yesterday, the winners call the shots and set the agenda. The losers regroup and nothing more. If by winning an election, your priorities are of no consequence, why bother with elections? Maddow and her cohorts never fail to mention that elections have consequences. So true that is. But in this historic loss, maybe not so. Such nonsense. To imply that Republicans forfeit their priorities despite winning, is where Maddow and intellect sharply depart. Oh, as well as intellect deserting her, rational thought tagged along. Where Maddow and rank partisanship merge is at that flawed and failed cognitive juncture. Maddow’s blog then claims the election was a fluke, and that it’s not a “secret” that conservative policies “do not enjoy broad national support.” (Pundit Press) A fluke? Winning Governorships by considerable margins in deep blue Illinois, Massachusetts and Maryland, is no fluke. Winning record numbers deep down in State levels, is no fluke. Racking up the largest Republican House Majority since 1946, is no fluke. Where Democrats in the Senate held serve, they did so by narrow margins, tantamount to upsets when you consider the tally in Virginia as an example. Where Democrats lost Senate seats, they were trounced. And none of those were flukes. For its value, exit polling showed deep dissatisfaction with Obamas policies from A to Z. That clearly indicates a strong, Nation wide repudiation of those policies. With Obamas popularity continuing a slow descent, the exit polls and the ballots cast are in alignment and repudiation is the residual byproduct. And the policies thoroughly discredited are? Liberal to the core. If the Country is not buying into Conservative policies, it sure as heck is wiping itself clean of the Liberal genre. Most of us know when we have our head handed to us. For Maddow, her head is lost in denials vapors. But what else to expect from an associate of MSNBC? Which begs the question: do the folks at MSNBC ever wonder why their ratings are in a straight line decline? I doubt it. They seem perfectly content with rolling out hooey. For offering todays hooey, Rachel Maddow is the idiot du jour.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:46:31 +0000

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