Rachel Warn Mankind about Hell The Lord then told us that He - TopicsExpress


Rachel Warn Mankind about Hell The Lord then told us that He was the One who showed Angelica Zambrano heaven and hell and that her testimony is true. He said, “Many people say there is no hell because the Lord is a merciful God. It is true that God is merciful, but He punishes those who turn away from Him. How can they talk about My judgments, when they don’t even know Me? When they’ve never even known My power? There is a real hell and you have to warn mankind. Let them make their own choice. “I have taken many people to heaven and hell to come back and testify, but why does humanity not believe? Why do you doubt their testimonies? Hell is a terrible place and it is not My wish that anyone should end up there.” When The Lord said this, I felt his pain, I felt his aching heart for the world being deceived, his compassion on His people who are being deceived by false prophets only talking about prosperity. One of my friends had passed on some months earlier and the Lord told me she’s in hell. She lived a sinful life and I never bothered to share the gospel with her. It hurt me so much to hear that, and I just cried to Jesus to forgive me for not warning her of her sinful lifestyle. The Lord said “You must never be afraid of warning anyone.” If you have a loved one living in sin, I tell you it’s better for you to tell them the truth and have them hate you for it. You would have given them the opportunity to make their own decision. Do it in a loving, compassionate way that will draw them to God. Willing and Obedient Vessels Wanted The Lord told us He doesn’t care about how big or small a church is because the only thing He respects is His Word, He only cares about obedience to his Word. He said, ”I can use anyone, even a stone. All I want is a willing heart.” He told us, “I promised in My Word that those who believe in Me will do even greater things than I did. My Word does not change. I am looking for vessels to use. All I want is a willing heart and I will use it.” He also cautioned us about pride. “When I begin to use anyone, that person must never think of themselves as special. Everyone is the same to Me and I use any willing vessel. You must never become proud or I will crush you.” The Lord told us satan is powerless before him, nothing more than a flea. That is why we should never be afraid of Him. The only power that He has is only what has been given to Him. He has been allowed to test you so the Lord will know who are truly His. The Lord then showed me a sword and He said we will conquer the enemy using this sword.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:02:34 +0000

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