Racial bias is dumb. If you hold racial biases, then YOU are dumb. - TopicsExpress


Racial bias is dumb. If you hold racial biases, then YOU are dumb. Oh, not in the Im going to insult you for holding different views than I do sort of way but in the literal sense of you are an idiot. You have been duped. Its root is in business. Its root is planted firmly in the soil of greed and exploitation. The idea of establishing others as lesser comes from an effort to justify the greed of taking from others what is rightfully theirs. Racism can be found on many other continents on Earth but its in the nation of the United States of America that we find a special breed of racism. Racism as we know it today is largely the result of an effort to make slavery seem less morally reprehensible. The effort to sell slaves for profit required quite a heavy financial investment and when facing potential buyers that rejected the notion of slavery, it meant the financial investment in this venture was about to lose a LOT of money. In what would be called a savvy business move were it not for the vile disregard for life involved, the concept was offered that blacks were not even human. They were merely near human and certainly inferior life forms to the pinnacle of creation, the white man. This self aggrandizing notion took root for some and let them feel good about themselves while others only needed the motivation of the greed that would allow them to garner even more profit from the labor of these one time investment slaves. Some saw through the evil immediately while some were only too happy to accept that they were better than somebody else without even having to try. The slave sellers got very rich. They didnt really care WHAT it took to make their sales as long as they got to make their money. The slave owners largely didnt care that the slaves were being cheated because it benefited them directly. With so much motivation to hold on to that status quo it is very easy to see why and how slavery and racism were such large parts of the southern culture of that time. Moving forward, businesses have continued to embrace the concept of benefiting from the labor of others. The law prevents the ownership of others but it DOESNT prevent laws from being written that force citizens to need some form of jobs (owning your own farm and living off of the land doesnt pay your taxes, now does it?) and THAT is where the sinister side of our modern society branches off in two different directions. Businesses are able to exploit that need and underpay employees in order to maximize profits while the idiots of the nation continue to embrace the trick of racism. By encouraging racial disparity, politicians have learned how to garner support to their own financial gain. Consider this chain of events: Politician exploits the racist idiots in our nation and encourages them to hold feelings against others based on race/ethnicity while promising to aide big businesses with laws that protect their interests in exchange for a slice of that sweet, sweet greed laced pie. Once thats done, then the politician just has to convince the racists and bigots that anything the opposition says is their effort to force them to think a certain way and now you find yourself with an alarming army of idiots, armed with lies and misinformation and unable to recognize that they have been fools. Somebody once said that its easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled. The modern political environment is laced with evidence pointing to the affirmative of that statement. So here we are, once again facing the greedy who are only too happy to turn people against each other for their own financial gain. Rush Limbaugh is a great example of this very issue. He isnt alone. Your racial bias serves to prove that you are an idiot. You have been lied to and have embraced the lies and rather than recognize it and reject the lie and change, too many out there cling tighter to the lie instead of realizing that they are being used to make somebody else rich... ..and they arent even getting paid for it!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 05:51:03 +0000

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