Racism---of any kind---is just disgusting. EVERYONE should - TopicsExpress


Racism---of any kind---is just disgusting. EVERYONE should frown upon it and when they see it, speak out. We must all work together to end it. It should be a universal common goal. With that said, on my radio show earlier tonight, I did my Adams rant segment on this barbaric new deadly game called Knockout. The article below offers great information on the topic and the very sad and unfortunate main stream media NONcoverage of it. It simply amazes me that to avoid any tag of racism or being labelled even closely politically incorrect, all mainstream media reporting outlets---YES I mean you ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC (the worse of all) and CNN----have not only failed to cover this important criminal trend but when they have they completely omitted the clearly hate crime (black on white/black on Jews) aspect of it. (Side note-----I will say bravo to Fox News for recovering it and Thomas Sowell of the NY Post for being brutally honest. Well done. ) Where has this country gone that we are afraid to report the truth? The blatant racist and hate crime aspect of these attacks, which the article below goes over in detail, must not be downplayed, misrepresented, or ignored. Truth in reporting must always be the key and goal. Here, the public needs to be aware of what is going on. Law enforcement must arrest and convict these animals to the fullest extent of the law, and leaders from all communities must step up and speak up to put an end to this. Saving lives and protecting the public should override fear of a false claim of racism (which it is not). Sadly, on MSNBC the past couple of days they were too busy to mention this atall. Al Sharptons show is still talking racism about Zimmerman....but not this. Same for Hardball (no mention) or Rachael Maddow (no mention). CNN had a mention--but left out any information about the victims or attackers or any comments on any racial aspect. They completely sanitized the facts. Wow, there is some objective reporting on the truth for ya. Way to go! There was however time, AGAIN, to hear Oprah talk again about poor President Obama being treated harshly and unfairly because he is black...more racism....rather than maybe because people just do not like or agree with how he has performed in his job. Yet, innocent moms, grandmothers, elderly men, all white......are being randomly attacked by violent groups of black males and it went unreported. Reverend Al------would you be marching in Alabama with your usual gang and banners waving if 5 white male youths had viciously attacked an elderly black grandmother leaving her brain dead? I think you would. Jesse Jackson would be there with you. And--you would be right to do so. I would join you in that march and condemn such actions. I hope everyone would join us. It would be the right thing to do. So, please explain to me, in any way you can, why the reverse is not true or the same? What is the difference? Why no march? Why no protest? Why no media coverage? It is wrong. Plain and simple. Rev. Al, Jesse Jackson, President Obama, Chris Mathews etc etc etc......you all have no problem fighting for the cause....speaking out for truth, fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves....so you say. Then why not here? Am I missing something? I think not. It is embarrassing and disgraceful none of you have spoken out and been truthful. It is worse that you have not even spoken at all. That is NOT true leadership. With that said, I ask this-----what if the next white victim of Knockout happens to be carrying a firearm and after the assault takes place uses it on the attacker, a black male, and seriously injuries him or kills him? Will that make the news? Will you all comment how an unarmed black teen was killed by an armed white person? Will you all march in protest and call for the white person to go to jail? Would it not matter the person shot was an actual attacker who actually hit the other person? Would it not matter that the person shot in self defense? Unless leaders speak out against this heinous trend, the above is a distinct possibility. Do any of us want to live like this. NO. Therefore, speak out against this type of conduct. Report those who do it. Prosecute them to the fullest extend of the law. All leaders must openly and strongly speak out against this. And, the media----all of you----must report this honestly. Media reporting should have no off limits or fear of political correctness or labels.......just truth. It should be easy enough. Right?
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 06:15:00 +0000

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