Racism: Its an ugly thing no matter who practices it or where its - TopicsExpress


Racism: Its an ugly thing no matter who practices it or where its practiced. As a white man I have no idea what its like to be anything other than white, but I have experienced racism because Im white. I have experienced it as a result of government policies in the US and as well as on the state level and I have experienced it on the streets of different US cities from another race than that of myself. You are entitled to say, think and believe what you choose but I know racism because I have experienced it as a white man. Have you ever walked down the streets in Brownsville, Miami or better yet Brownsville, Brooklyn? Have you ever walked down the streets of Watts or Oakland. Have you ever been passed up for a job because you were white? I have, I have to all of the above....I know racism and I know it as a white man. Have you ever been engaged to be married to a Native American? I have.....Have you ever been in every country in Central America including all but three states in Mexico? I have....and I have experienced racism as a white man. Racism exists among every race, no race is exempt. There are people in every race that believe their race is superior to that of another, this is an ugly fact that cant be argued against. In America, the left radical media trys to dictate the thoughts and opinions of viewers and listeners with their venomous garbage. They dont just try, they succeed. One must stand up for ones beliefs and values simply because a moral compass inside ones self says to do so and not because a leftist bent, garbage factory of a media tells you to believe a certain way. America, find your moral center, find a moral compass, dig deep to love your brother and stop listening to garbage mongers that try to tell you how to think and how you should believe. Enough is enough.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 01:39:18 +0000

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