Racism is Americas number 1 threat to its national security. - TopicsExpress


Racism is Americas number 1 threat to its national security. Ending it is really not that difficult. In fact it is really quite simple. 1. First the one thing that all of mankind must do is accept the scientific findings and research of geneticists and anthropologist that have confirmed without a shadow of doubt that all of mankind no matter what country you currently reside, your origins all began in Africa. That alone means that you were and still are African. 2. Stop denying number 1. This one factor means that we are all related and that we are family. 3. With respect to religion (especially the three listed here), please stop using false information about the origins of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Again, all three originated from Africa and once again, all three are related to each other. They are all Semites. 4. Please stop insisting that modern civilization originated with the Greeks and the Romans. That is blatantly an outright lie. The Greeks and the Romans all got their ideas, notions, and identity from African Civilizations that were far more advanced than they were ever able to achieve. To this day, you still have not figured out how the pyramids were built or why pyramids exist in other regions of the planet far far away from Egypt and that they were all somehow connected to each other. When you can explain that marvelous wonder of the world, perhaps we may begin to believe that those two civilizations had more to offer than the Olympics, Democracy, or Aqueducts. 5. I know that your explorations into deep space, science fiction, and your efforts to discover the origins of the universe are all about your efforts to deny number 1. You see when you do get to finally discovering the big bang theory, God, and other efforts to disprove your connections to Africa, or that you believe that you are actually descendants from other worldly space aliens, I think that you will ultimately find that even they (the aliens) are people of color. 6. Stop trying to prove your superiority because of your white skin, blue eyes, and blond hair. It did not work for the Aryan Nation of Nazi Germany and it does not stand up in theory for any other concept or notions of human evolution. That is all bunk. 7. Ok. Now repeat after me. I am my brothers and sisters keeper and that as children of God we are all one family. Now see that was pretty easy. But if you are having trouble coming to terms with this, please start back with number 1.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:52:19 +0000

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