Racism is not ended by being nice. Racism is not ended by being - TopicsExpress


Racism is not ended by being nice. Racism is not ended by being nice. Nice is an attitude. You could be nice to your slave. A slave has no choice but to be nice to his/her master. Being nice doesnt change the master/slave, rich/poor or powerful/powerless dynamic structure. Racism is not an attitude; racism is about power. Black Christian slave pastors were coerced by their White Slave Masters into teaching their suffering Black congregation that being nice & praising a White God or Jesus character was a way to get the reward of finally experiencing tranquillity in a place called heaven AFTER they die. While at the same time the White power structure were making Black peoples lives Hell on Earth while robbing and raping all their natural resources in Africa so they can experience Heaven on Earth right here and now. “The meek shall not inherit the Earth. The only thing the meek shall inherit is another set of chains and things will remain the same ~ Dr.John Hendrik Clarke. The White racist mindset states that for Whites to win anything, Black people have to lose. Win/Win outcomes are an offence the White Supremacist mindset. They have this insatiable bloodsucking Parasite mentality and it shows in their actions. Even White folks that preach this farcical Kumbaya - We Are All One cop-out nonsense dont believe in it or buy into it coz it was only intended to disarm & subdue the revolutionary nature of Black people angered by their condition and constant racial harassment. It does not or wasnt intended to disarm the oppressive White power-structure who have their guns pointing at you itching to shoot. I cannot recall once instance in history where a Black man shouted at an invading armed Police force “We Are All One” and it evoked a Policeman to put down his gun or it derailed an oncoming bullet. I cannot recall African & Ethiopian Falasha Jews in Israel shouting “We Are All One” to those White Israeli Jews and it evoked them to stop adopting Nazi Germany style Ethnic Cleansing & persecution tactics against them. Now Toussaint Louverture was a brother who had the RIGHT IDEA and was actually successful in ending slavery in Haiti and was also the catalyst for ending slavery in AmeriKKKa, not the White politicians as their media have you believe:-en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toussaint_Louverture
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:57:02 +0000

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