Racist Economics- An Op-Ed When folks who are without classify - TopicsExpress


Racist Economics- An Op-Ed When folks who are without classify those with as privileged, what they are really alluding to is an unfair system of capital distribution. In any economic plan, capital is the most important part. For those who didnt study Econ (or chose not to pay attention), let me define this. Capital is the money/resources/etc. used to start up a business from day one. It applies in ALL business ventures, both legal and illegal. Example 1 (legit business): I start a construction company because I have a spare Caterpillar truck at the crib. That truck is my capital. I can use it as a tool in my business or sell it and use the money to finance my start-up. Example 2 (criminal enterprise): You are trying to get some work. You have a thousand dollars from.... SIKE.... Im not Finna give you an instruction manual on how to do this or what to classify as capital. Just wanted to make sure youre still paying attention... Now, one can acquire capital in a number of ways: donations, investments, purchases, start-up loans, etc. however, when you acquire capital through loans/borrowing start up funds, you delay the time that you will receive profits (because loans must be paid back with interest). Thus, those who inherit funds or have collateral to sell for start-up money have a smaller window of time before achieving profitability. The less money you borrow, the quicker you can flip to operating in the Black. Now, back to history here... If your people came to the US voluntarily, they usually had a dream or a goal. In executing that dream, they started a business or got a job and focused on providing their kids with more than they had. Thus, their kids got to go to school and get educated. They typically got better jobs (or...ding ding ding... INHERITED the family business). Multiply these advancements times multiple generations and youve created residual value that typically means that immigrants great-grandchild is in a better economic status than the immigrant. Its the American dream. It doesnt mean that he necessarily works harder or doesnt work harder. It just means his position in the economy is more stable and that he likely has capital to do better things. But imagine that your people did not descend from immigrants who volunteered to come here. Imagine they were kidnapped from their homeland, their culture, their lingual identity, at an early age... Placed on a diseased boat of death... Brought in chains to a new country... And forced into status as chattel property without rights for about 200-400 years (depending on who brought you and what region of The New World you came to). Then follow that up with another 100 years of second-class citizenry where you still lacked education, jobs, and human capital let alone economic capital. Then in the late 1960s, you finally get legally recognized rights (though you would have to fight about 10 more years to get enforced). So by the late 1970s when you have a shot, your community gets flooded with heroin. In the 80s, its crack and gangs. In the 90s, its AIDS. But still you survive. Meanwhile, your schools lack textbooks... They teach you that your people are lazy and always blaming slavery for everything when it was so long ago... They tell you that you have no history that deserves any page in the curriculum... And their idea of Black History is Martin Luther King Jr on one day in January or 28 days in February and they say you should be thankful you even get that. So your lineage has survived chattel, second-class citizenry, miseducation, poverty, and drug epidemics... But you get a finger pointed at you when you are called rachet, ignorant, devoid of culture. Meanwhile, when did you have time to acquire capital? Hell, up until roughly 50 years ago, your @$$ WAS the capital!!! So naturally when you look out and see the person whose family came to this land and worked hard to progress where you werent allowed to, it gets frustrating. Add that to a socio-political system that continues to mistreat, misunderstand, and disregard you, and its enough to make any sane person question the viability of going crazy. But capital is the key for changing your outcome. We all have a skill set. We all have desires. And most of us who havent given up or given in still have a work ethic. The key is finding a way to match your drive (what we call hustle) with the capital needed to magnify your reach. Dont just point fingers and be pissed off. Go get what you need to be who you want to be. Or as we say, Get on your grind! #HustleAndCashFlow ##MicroToMacro ###YouLookingAtMeLikeYouGaveMeRocafellaStartUpMoney ####TheresEnoughOutHereForAllOfUsToEat ###DontBeWorriedAboutWhatTheyAintGonnaGetYou ##ThatAintGonnaGetYouIsh #MightAsWellGiveUp #OrGetUpGetOutAndGetSomething #MenGottaDoMenThingsForMenSalaries #BadBoy..NotPuffOrMikeLowery
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:43:12 +0000

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