Radhe krishna, Good morning & have a blessed day, Selfless - TopicsExpress


Radhe krishna, Good morning & have a blessed day, Selfless Action A karma yogi should be absolutely free from greed, lust, anger and egoism. Only then can he do real and useful service. A karma yogi should have an amiable, loving nature. He should have perfect adaptability, tolerance, sympathy, cosmic love, and mercy. He should be able to adjust himself to the ways and habits of others. A karma yogi should have an all-embracing and all-inclusive heart. He should have equal-vision. He should have a cool and balanced mind. He should rejoice in the welfare of others. He should have all his senses under control. He should lead a very simple life. A karma yogi should bear insult, disrespect, dishonor, censure, infamy, disgrace, harsh words, heat and cold, and the pains of disease. He should have great power of endurance. He should have absolute faith in himself, in God, in the scriptures and in the words of his guru. Such a man is a good karma yogi, and reaches the goal quickly. The man who serves the world, really serves himself. This is an important point. When you serve a man, when you serve your country, always think that the Lord has given you a rare opportunity to improve. Correct and mould yourself by service. Be grateful to that man who has given you a chance to serve him. swami sivananda Try to derive joy out of the beauty of all things, not only from those things which you possess. In this way you will develop an impersonal capacity for happiness. Without touching a cent in your pocket you will realise an illimitable treasury of happiness which lies strewn all around you and everywhere about you. When we realise the things that God has given for which we have reason to be happy, the whole day will not be long enough for us to be thanking Him. Untold treasure He has given swami chidananda Chant the Maha Mantra Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare BE HAPPY
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 05:03:43 +0000

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