Radiation Has a Cause by: Miles Pelton Been searching - TopicsExpress


Radiation Has a Cause by: Miles Pelton Been searching unsuccessfully for an explanation for why certain things radiate when freed from the bonds that cause them to be bound into Atoms and assemblies of Atoms. Since knowing is necessary to fully understand Physics I’ll try logic and the principles held by Fundamental Physics. Of course the genius physicists or wanabe physicists will call me stupid so stupid is stupid does. This explanation will not be in the format prescribed for “peer review” nor conforming to current textbook explanation, so will be ridiculed by physicists with an anti-creation mindset. Therefore I make this declaration up front: I do not claim to be a physicist or an expert on atomic energy. The conclusions expressed have been derived through consideration of the research work documented by professionals in those matters along with consideration for the theory that there is a source for the energy that powers creation and that the conservation of energy law is defective. The fundamental principle of Fundamental Physics (not found in textbooks) is that creation (what exists in the universe) is powered by energy processed through the core, the center of gravity or center of proton power of each particle or assembly of particles. This is energy supplied to each elemental particle and thereby to all matter, through the charge implanted and sustained on each of the elemental particles that are the elemental building material of creation. It is energy continuously sustained to power the behavior of each elemental particle and thereby every assembly of elemental particles. Therefore, when freed from powering particle/assembly behavior, it radiates. Why does the freed energy radiate? That is the question. Here is the answer. The energy that powers creation, I call Presence Energy, exists with the intensity at each center, precisely sustained. That is, the energy at each energy center exists as a singularity, a point where there is no physical distance. Since energy is continuously sustained at the intensity the center is capable of establishing and when the cause of expenditure is remove (I. E: when a bond is broken) the energy powering that bond just expands into space. Since it is a precise intensity that is expanding (as though to fill a sphere) the intensity density and thereby the power to produce force diminishes with distance from the source as the volume of the sphere increases, which has been put into equation form as V=(4/3)pi r³ . Upon application this equation reveals that rate of expansion and therefore the speed radiating energy travels, is the speed of light while the intensity, the density of the energy decreases in proportion to the distance squared. Each bond, for example the bond forming power of a helium nucleus in an atom (All atoms larger than hydrogen are built on a helium nucleus) has a precise energy intensity. When a helium nucleus is freed as in nuclear fission, it is freed energy and the helium nuclei energy radiates from that point as long as and to the extent that helium nuclei are released. Radiating helium nuclei energy is called alpha radiation. So it is with neutron radiation when neutron to atom (proton) bonds are broken. However, at this point in time the energy radiated by neutrons (the attraction component of fundamental presence energy as powers gravitational attraction) is not detectable. The technology used in current energy detection instruments is based on sensing electrical energy, energy supplied through protons that have a proton/electron relationship. The energy involved with gravity and neutrons has no proton/electron relationship so cannot be detected using equipment employing electric energy technology. To detect attraction energy (gravitons) the detection equipment must be built with attraction energy as a reference. Since neutrons bond with protons it is indicated as a possibility that relationship could serve to establish a reference for measuring attraction energy. Therein lies a problem. Neutrons are not stable and radiate when freed from bond with a proton. Solve that problem and a device to detect and measure attraction energy (gravitons) can be developed.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:51:00 +0000

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