Radical Muslims. >Come to England >Demand more mosques >Demand - TopicsExpress


Radical Muslims. >Come to England >Demand more mosques >Demand better free housing >Jump the queues ahead of true citizens because they pump out more kids and frequently have disabled kids due to inbreeding for generations. (Fact: 80-82% of Bradfords Pakistani population are married to their cousins.) >First to jump up and march for Palestine. >First to jump up and march against The West. >First to jump up and march in any direction against any small perceived case of racism against them. >First to burn flags and smash buildings if someone draws a picture of Mohammed. >Not a peep against ISIS. >Silent and fine with Islamic atrocities and the cutting off of childrens heads and massacre of innocents. >Screaming and raging outside Tesco with signs demanding filthy Jew products stop being sold lest Tesco be boycotted. >Screaming and raging outside every other store in Manchester, Oldham, Bradford, Rochdale etc. from Morrisons to Marks and Spencers to shops that sell dead sea salt foot powder for financing the Jews against Islam. >Not a peep when two Muslim cut off Lee Rigbys limbs in the middle of a London street. >Not a sound. >Not a protest. >Not a march against brutality. >Demand more mosques again. >Spit when white people walk by. >Demand their children to be allowed to wear burqas, hijabs and niqabs at school. >Walk around in black sheets from head to toe, which officers of the law are not allowed to remove. >Perpetually hit on and lure and rape white british schoolgirls who are 11-15 years old and vulnerable.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 16:54:41 +0000

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