Rafael Alunan III In my view, there are 4 roadblocks that prevent - TopicsExpress


Rafael Alunan III In my view, there are 4 roadblocks that prevent qualified and upright citizens from stepping up to the plate to get elected: 1. the culture of the electoral system and of a large segment of voters that make elections expensive and counter-productive. without money, the chance of winning is at best very slim. the payback or return in investment for such expenditures will continue to corrupt our way of life. 2. political parties today function more like fraternities, choosing only those who are popular and wealthy to run; qualifications are a bonus. its linked to no.1 and to the quality of governance which has been the single biggest liability to equitable growth and sustainable development. 3. the lack of voter education to include adequate information about the candidates leaving most voters ignorant about the people they name in their ballots. ignorance is the great leveler between the supposedly intelligent and unintelligent voters. its meant to be that way because it is linked to no.1 and 2. 4. very few media outlets are independent that go out of their way to seek and project people who may represent new politics or, to put it in another way, expose to the public upright candidates whose qualifications match the position they seek. 5. the vote count is the final determinant. any system can be corrupted, even automation, for the gatekeepers to change the count for favored candidates. These must be surmounted / contained / prevented for new politics to set in. Only a pro-active citizenry, operating methodically outside their comfort zone and outside the box will change the trajectory of the countrys future. AGREE or DISAGREE? (and what can you specifically DO about it?)
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:08:43 +0000

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