Rafe here … Justin Trudeau is not a person British Columbians - TopicsExpress


Rafe here … Justin Trudeau is not a person British Columbians can trust therefor would be mad to vote for. He’s undergoing a mauling by the media for his musings about China and how well they’ve done under their form of Communism. That statement was simply stupid but that it’s an issue we can do nothing about. Whatever China is, was, or will be will be done by them, not Canada. With respect to BC he couldn’t care less – that his mother is from BC and he lost a brother here – and he himself likes skiing here means zilch for Trudeau in what was either a deliberate shot across our bow or was a declaration of how he sees the nation. To what do I refer? In speaking to Quebeckers last week he talked about the Senate and the fact that Quebec has 24 seats while BC has only 6, saying “this gives US an advantage! Who do you suppose “Us” refers to? When a prime minister or a hopeful uses that word one has to assume that he speaks for the nation not his favourite part. He obviously learned this from his father who was famous for giving some people in Salmon Arm the finger. Under the direction of Jim Coutts he learned that to win an election in Canada you needed either Quebec or Ontario or a combination of the two – to hell with the rest. I was part of the “patriation” exercise in the late 70s, early 80s and saw Pierre and his slimy colleagues up close. They weren’t the slightest bit interested in the concept of fair play – winning elections was all that counted. Justin Trudeau can be forgiven for making mistakes – we all do. But when he makes it abundantly clear that his interpretation of fair play deals only that part that he calls “us”, not the rest of the country he tells us about the inner Trudeau and disqualifies him as a national leader. The liberals have, like the Bourbons, learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Leadership goes to him who is best able to win elections thus someone who knows who “us” is and willing to kiss their ass whenever the electoral need arises. With the choice being between three Central Canadians, one a dictator, one whose lifeline is the seats he tentatively has in Quebec and a central Canadian power hungry imbecile, what can we do? The answer is easy to state but difficult to implement – toss aside “first past the post” as fast as we can and move to proportional representation (PR). If PR has only one virtue it’s enormous – any prime minister must deal with the entire parliament not just his cowed caucus under a system where 60% of the voters support 40% of a party giving it 100% of the power. This much must be said for British Columbia going it alone – Justin Trudeau and the continuation of the Trudeau policy that sees BC as part of “the West”, which it clearly is not, to be insulted, as constitutionally a third class citizen behind Ontario as #2 and Quebec as #1 is just the sort of Prime Minister they need to make it happen. Sadly, Justin Trudeau proves once more Mair’s Axiom II, namely, “you don’t have to be a 10 in politics – you can be a 3 if everyone else is a 2. *************************************************************COMING UP ON DECEMBER 1! ESPECIALLY FOR STOCKINGS BY THE CHIMNEY WITH CARE! THE RADIO DAZE – 25 YEARS IN RADIO IN WHICH I BARE ALL, WELL, NOT QUITE ALL ABOUT A ROLLER COASTER QUARTER CENTURY IN RADIO.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 00:45:14 +0000

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