Raila And CORD Should Shape Agenda That Transcend Rallies! - TopicsExpress


Raila And CORD Should Shape Agenda That Transcend Rallies! Former prime minister Mr. Raila Odinga will return to Kenya tomorrow amidst arousing welcome rally at Uhuru Park. Thousands of supporters will attend the rally and listen to fiery speeches from CORD politicians. Whatever will happen after the rally is up in the obscurity of the air. I suspect supporters will just return to their homes and burn out political exuberance stirred by the return of Raila. Beyond rallies, CORD and Raila doesnt seem to have a lasting agenda that will transcend time and space for sustainability purposes of the movement and for the good of the country. I have four point plan which CORD can adopt and implement so as it can transform itself into a real alternative government that will put Uhuru Kenyatta government on toes and offer alternative and real leadership to Kenyans. 1. CORD should form a strong, lean, issue oriented and articulate shadow government of 10 cabinet secretaries who will offer alternative leadership against Jubilee cabinet secretaries. 2. CORD should identify issues that Kenyans care about such as security, job creation, health care, education, food security, nationalism and infrastructure and describe in a detailed manner how its leadership can solve them as compared to how Jubilee is solving them. There has to be a clear contrast that will set CORD a part as a people movement while depicting Jubilee as an elite movement that is detached from peoples needs. 3. CORD should exploit and strongly repudiate sins of omission and commission in Jubilee government which gravitates around entrenchment of tribalism, skewed distribution of national resources, tribalization of government institutions, rampant insecurity, declining tourism industry, corruption, betrayal of promises/breach of trust, jeopardizing devolution and incidences of violation of the constitution by the executive and offer a road map on how solutions of the aforementioned ills can be attained. Solutions may include but not limited to civil disobedience/mass action, judicial action, legislative advocacy and/or involving the apparatus of the international community. 4. CORD should do Rallies around the country to excite their base and build cross political party coalitions that will be influential in legislative processes in parliament and senate. Capacity building will be critical to CORD governors on promotion of transparency and accountability. Moreover, CORD governors must adhere to the doctrine of effective and prioritized utilization of devolved resources. Otherwise mere rallies will come and go and leave the country and supporters disillusioned! Your thoughts...
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 16:40:35 +0000

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