Raila’s Game Plan Is For Sabasaba to Lead to Ethnic Civil War As - TopicsExpress


Raila’s Game Plan Is For Sabasaba to Lead to Ethnic Civil War As In 2007/8, Fresh Elections And A Raila-led New Government. History teaches that there is nothing a leader consumed by ambition will not attempt however dangerous, risky, adventurous or unachievable. Raila, Kalonzo and Wetangula are moving from one rally to another verbally armed for war, claiming not to preach war but with their war attire, forcing Jubilee side to arm itself and putting the nation on tenterhooks. As leaders arm themselves, so do their followers who to achieve the ambition of their leaders are already distributing leaflets and evicting neighbors and workmates they consider their ethnic enemies. If Raila’s revolution means ethnic strife, it has already started. To ignite civil war, Raila will not need to declare one. When Raila will call his army to Sabasaba battlefield, the meaning will be clear. This is why Wetangula is already distancing Cord from any guilt of making war if confrontation erupts on Sabasaba. Raila’s game plan is not hard to fathom. If prolonged violence erupts on and after Sabasaba, there will be pressure for Uhuru to succumb to a national dialogue on Railas terms but ostensibly to put out the embers of war. Once dialogue is won, its first consequence will be admission of a crisis and extra ordinary circumstances – as in South Sudan – that will lead to the formation of a government of national unity between Cord and Jubilee, even without elections, or cancellation of ICC bonds for Uhuru and Ruto, their subsequent arrests, unless they declare fugitive status and go into hiding, calling for fresh elections and formation of a government of Cord if it wins elections it believes Raila will win. Nato might even be persuaded to send their war planes to protect unarmed and innocent civilians and enforce a no-fly zone for Kenya that will destroy Kenya as it did Libya. This scenario must be avoided at all costs. If war breaks out, no Kenyan community will be immune from its dire consequences.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:02:32 +0000

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