Rainbow Fluorite gemstone bracelet for sale @ BD15. Free delivery - TopicsExpress


Rainbow Fluorite gemstone bracelet for sale @ BD15. Free delivery within Bahrain. This bracelet is made from genuine gemstones & strung on elastic thread. If you want your mind to be protected so that your thoughts stay clear and not get clouded nor fooled by those with malicious intentions, wear fluorite. Fluorite assists the conscious mind and body in analyzing conditions and situations in a rational and non-emotional manner. It enables detachment of the mind from the emotions so that the thought process can utilize the intuitive in achieving a higher level of self understanding. Fluorite Gemstone, also referred to as Fluorspar or Genius Stone, is a mineral composed of Calcium Fluoride. The name Fluorite is said to have come from the Latin word fleure, the meaning of which is ‘to flow’. Fluorite is a particularly beneficial healing crystal for the mind. It promotes the organization of information. Fluorite can help increase your concentration, and heighten your intuition. It can help you maintain an unbiased impartiality when decisions need to be made by reducing you emotional involvement in a situation. Sometimes you cant see the forest for the trees. Fluorite lets you take a step back and see better. It helps to link new information with what is already known, encourages useful connections between ideas for deeper understanding. Beneficial for students and scholars alike, wearing fluorite earrings or keeping a sphere in the area for study, improves concentration and imparts a sharp mind. This stone brings the energy of clarity of truth and order, objective thoughts. It works to dispel a myopic viewpoint, preconceived notions, and illusions. Like Agate, and Carnelian, Fluorite strengthens user’s analytical abilities and ability to concentrate. Fluorite is said to cleanse and stabilize the aura and is believed to be very effective against computer and electromagnetic emanations. Fluorite is a balancing and healing stone and is said to be helpful to provide relief from pain, stress, depression and anxiety. This stone is associated with the Third Eye or the Brow Chakra and thereby increases concentration, intuition, self-confidence and aids in decision making. This is an excellent stone for relationships and friendships. Fluorite is also said to absorb and neutralize negative vibrations. This stone also can make one more receptive to the vibrations of the other stones. It can be used as a meditation stone to help energize the body and raise the power of concentration. Fluorite boosts the immune system and is said to be helpful in dealing with infections, ulcers, arthritis and spinal injuries. Fluorite is associated with fluoride which is used to strengthen the teeth and prevent tooth decay. It is also used as a source of fluorine for hydrofluoric acid and fluorinated water. The metaphysical properties of fluorite make this crystal a wonderful tool for psychic healing and spiritual development. It acts to protect from outside influences, manipulation, and mental influence. It also has a purifying effect on the aura and chakras, removing negative energy. With its penchant for order, any stress, chaotic energy, or psychological disorder will be directed towards calm, clear structuring. Fluorite is capable of speeding spiritual awakening. By releasing ingrained belief systems and clearing the mind, it encourages intuition and individual spiritual awareness. Its use in meditation and psychic healing builds a connection with the universal. This same energy brings solidarity to a group of people. Fluorite crystals are remarkably powerful stones for healing. They have an overall dissolving and re-ordering effect, which can benefit the body in a number of ways. For respiratory infections, their energy encourages the repair of mucous membranes. For skin problems, minor wounds, and ulcers, fluorite is good for regenerating new skin cells. For arthritis, this crystal can help dissolve build-ups and improve joint movement. Wherever there is disorder, the properties of fluorite will work to create order. In crystal healing, this mineral is also specifically known to reduce pain.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:04:21 +0000

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