Rainy day Fridays, the dust of the week settled, flowers starting - TopicsExpress


Rainy day Fridays, the dust of the week settled, flowers starting to bloom and trees starting to bud. Soon it will be green lawns and hummingbirds, not as in days past when my grandfather would pull up a sprig of grass before sweeping the front yard, yes, believe it or not, back then they swept front yards. This is something most northern blood people never understood. After a rain the yard would not be muddy as expected, but firm and hard. Those days gone, now are the big box stores of instant grass, trees, flowers...life no longer slow and relaxing as the day of the clean swept yard. I notice blooming first in the woods are the wild azaleas and red bud, mushrooms springing forth with colors as if mocking a box of Crayons. Its Spring in Mcnairy county after a long cold Winter. Not to knock Winter, it has its high points with the deer seasons and quail hunts, but Spring, now thats the birth of new life man, birds rushing around for material to nest, the big long beard gobbling in the distance looking for the hen to do his best strut. Humans not so much different, new hats, dresses, and costumes of love being adorned, as if flowers spewing forth colors to attract the bees. This renewing of life ironically begins in the south first, appropriate as here is where things are most beautiful. The red hills soon to be covered with moss, to poor to grow much else, will soon be trod over by life that wasnt here at the last whimsical renewal. I loth the moss sometimes as it covers one of the things that set this part of the country apart from other parts...those red clay hills. Most who know me, know I could probably made a million dollars in another part of this country, but those hills whisper in my ear every time I was in a different state. Im coming...ing home I would say....someday... I did finally keep that promise and left the big money, big city, big problems that I longed for as a teenager. Home now for twenty years plus Ive watched the Spring come forth in this Mcnairy county, never disappointed but always a little sad at the ones I missed while on travel. The other sadness of friends and family I know that are gone now not to see the Spring. Dad had made peace within himself for a few years before he left and loved the Spring planting gardens and such. Not knowing the family and friends that wont be here next Spring makes me ponder if they are taking time to stop and look at the most beautiful place in Spring...Mcnairy county. Listen to the sounds, sights, and smells of this time. Because, after all, for some this year it will be the last Spring to enjoy. Springtime in the Deep South, particularly in Mcnairy county and surrounding areas is simply as close to Heaven on earth as a person can get. Get your Springtime angel wings on and fly...soon it will be over. The lucky will see it again next year, hopefully storing the experiences up for the coming days of the approaching Winter. I hope Im here for the encore of Spring next year, but if Im not, I will be somewhere close, resting in those red hills. Naw little brother....Ill never leave Mcnairy county.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:33:34 +0000

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