Raise Up! It’s said that God works in mysterious ways…and - TopicsExpress


Raise Up! It’s said that God works in mysterious ways…and again The Bible tells us that God’s ways are not our ways. Over the years God has been pouring a whole lotta stuff into my spirit…showing me this, teaching me that…raising me up to His call on my life…as I’m sure that he’s done or is doing the same things in everyone else’s life as well. I believe that we are all called for a purpose and everyone does live out his purpose according to the will of God. Some are only meant to be here or there in life…some to be here a long time…some come and go rather quickly…I mean you just never know where God’s mind is about anything…shoot if we thought we could figure Him it that knowledge would probably drive us mad. I remember Moses wanting to talk to God Face to face. He was tired of talking to bushes and rocks and carrying on. He wanted to God’s face. In short God told Moe that that would never happen…that just the sight of what he would see would kill him…but then I thought about something else. If he were able to stand in front of God to look Him in the face, wouldn’t it mean that He could see into nothingness… darkness and see what God could see before God could see it? Any old way…I was just sitting here thinking about all the roads I have travelled over time, all I’ve learned and experienced, covered by the knowledge of His Word so I can go to the place in time that He has appointed for me. Just a couple of weeks ago, I told you all that I had just been elected 1st Vice Commander of our local American Legion Post 527. First off I was really taken by surprise because I had only attended 2 meetings at that time. It was that time when they were electing new officers. Someone nominated me for that post, and I know this had to be God’s will because I won by 5 votes. I was shocked and surprised. I took it seriously right then and there, but it wasn’t until I sat down and let it soak in, especially as I started reading the officer’s handbook. The more I read, and the more I saw written…the more my mind started working. Let me tell you all, I never realized just how much The American Legion can do in and for a community…there are a lot of roads that can be travelled because the Legion exists. But……the Legion has to have vision and a desire to be a difference. I take it as an honor that my brothers think this much of me that they would elect me to this office. I take it as an honor and intend on doing my very best. If by the will of God I can’t be a game changer for our community, I’ll shut my mouth and never say another word about anything. I am going to tell you all that if you have any love for our Hood at all that you would all find a way to help me or the community in some sort of way. This is not an undertaking I can do all by myself...if we are going to be able to make any kind of change at all then we are all going to have to put on some work clothes and get busy. That’s why I keep appealing to you all. I believe with all my heart and soul that if we can find some common ground to stand and set aside our differences that we can turn our thing around. Everyone here has a gift of some sort, everyone’s gift can be a valuable asset to the work of change…everyone has something to offer. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you all that I need your prayers, and if you can at all, I need your help. I want to see us raise up…raise up in the faces of every naysayer and doubter alive. It’s not easy to ask folk who thinly respond to anything at all, but this is something that we can really do if we stand up and do what needs to be done as one! So I’m just asking one thing…RAISE UP!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 04:50:19 +0000

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