Raise Your VOICE loud, through the corridors of the UNITED NATION - TopicsExpress


Raise Your VOICE loud, through the corridors of the UNITED NATION in New York on the following points: 1) That the IM(DT) Act 1985 was fully implemented by the Govt of Assam, from 1985 through 2008 (23) years! Therefore, this suggests that ALL foreigners have been detected and the there is No Issue left. 2) If the State Govt has NOT implemented the Act, it is the Govts failure and the Issue is Null & Void. 3) File criminal cases at US District Courts, under a RACIAL CRIME against the Govt of Assam (1947-57), on multiple charges of Forced Evictions, Deportation to East Pakistan, Nellie Massacres, BTAD Massacres and Rapes. Big Law Firms in New York and Chicago will be happy to charge Billions of Dollars as compensations to the victims...and get paid through Assams Oil and Tea... Thats how Bosnian victims got Justice! 4) Get Lower & Central Assam SECURED forever, from from the Racist policies of Assams past governments. (1947-57) and the Racist legacies of Assam Movement (1979-85) by creating a NEW STATE, on the strength of the Reorganization of States Act 1956 - on the basis of Bangla Linguistic Majority from Dhubri to Mongoldoi to Hojai and back to Mankachar. 5) Extend similar charges against BJP Govts for Gujarat Massacres 2002, Congress Govt for Surat Massacres (esp. on Rape cases). ==> These Cases will force both BJP and Congress MPs to let the proposed West Asaam Bill get passed smoothly to West Asaam Act. 6) Be NICE to the People of Upper Assam, by forgiving part of the Compensations due as under Point No. (3) above, but insist that the Govt of India will NOT get more than 5% of Assams Oil Royalty and Tea Export Excise: the remaining 95% will be collected by the new State of West Asaam ( with Capital near Dhubri). Out of this 95%, the Govt of West Asaam will forward 40% to the Govt of Assam in Dispur - as an act of Big Brother attitude of the People of Lower & Central Assam, to the People of Upper Assam. Another Big Brotherly attitude will be to continue Axomiya as the Second Medium of Instruction in the schools of colleges, along side Bangla, in West Asaam State. More points (To be continued).... Remarks: To free Assam from the Jinx of Linguistic Racism and Communal Politics, this the PERMANENT SOLUTION, for the Mutual Benefits of the Peoples of Lower and Upper Assam! The losers will be the Racist student organizations that have arrested Assams prosperity and destroyed peace since 1979, and the Vote-Bank politics. This SOLUTION will also SAVE Assam from becoming Gujarat-style Genocide Yogyos perpetrated by the Sangh Parivar. From this point onward, Togadias and Owaisis will not dare enter Assam. Long Live the Land of Shankardev-AzanPir-Bhupen Hazarika!!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 21:06:11 +0000

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