Raise holy hell and never shut up. Once people really figure out - TopicsExpress


Raise holy hell and never shut up. Once people really figure out what this does, they will absolutely shit their pants. Of course, our idiot corporate media is not going to point it out - so as usual, we have to get the word out - which is slow because it does not have cat pictures or a cute little quiz with it or some video that flashes boobs. But eventually, people will understand that this is a big fricking nightmare. Then it will be either fix it or deal with a nation full of really pissed off people People need to find out that net neutrality was lost, and..... If youre not completely outraged at the US court of appeals take down of #netneutrality then youre not aware whats at stake. This is bad. VERY BAD. This means that if youre using Comcast as your provider, and they decide they only want you to watch their shows, they can limit, or block sites like Hulu or Netflix. This means that internet providers can make deals with Amazon to have clear, fast, connections, but limit your access to other sites like eBay or Etsy. This means that the small internet business no longer is on the same playing field as the big guys and will have to fight harder and potentially pay more to get access and views. This means that people researching information: for education, for business, for pleasure, will now be inside of a bubble, limited to what their Internet service provider decides is worthy of access. So, please share this post - because clearly most people still have no clue.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 02:26:26 +0000

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