Raising Vegetable - TopicsExpress


Raising Vegetable Eaters. ------------------------ ------------------ -------------- Many parents laments the fact that they just cant get their kids to eat healthy foods, especially vegetables. Saying no thank you to salad, passing on that side of string beans, and picking out the pieces of broccoli in the casserole are all common behaviors for lots of children. But if you want to raise a child to eat nutritiously, veggies are an important component. The key, according to new research, may be to start your tykes off young eating vegetables and to keep offering them numerous times even if theyre not consuming them at first The bottom line is that you really cant go wrong by introducing a variety of vegetables as soon as your child is safely eating solid foods. Fruits are wonderful as well, but since they are naturally sweeter, more children might readily accept them. So it would appear that the trick is to keep trying with a range of vegetables repeatedly to allow a taste for them to develop. And if your child is older and rejecting all vegetables unconditionally, stick with the program anyway and model good nutrition because the alternative is often filling up on junk food. A 2013 study at the University of California, Los Angeles found that 60 percent of children between the ages of two and five had at least one fast food meal the previous week. If they are not eating healthy stuff like vegetables, chances are your kids will be finding lots of foods high in fat, sugar, and calories to consume instead, which will only set them up for a future of excess weight and increased risk of disease. To your health.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:42:20 +0000

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