Raising minimum wage only addresses the symptom, while ignoring - TopicsExpress


Raising minimum wage only addresses the symptom, while ignoring the cause. Poverty isnt caused by what the minimum wage is. Its caused by money that keeps losing its value, do to increasing inflation caused by over printing and borrowing by the government. Republicans want free war and democrats want free healthcare, and the tax farmers in Washington want free everything. So the banks keep printing and the voters keep taking the bribes that enslave their grandchildren to the banks, and the money keeps losing its buying power. The price of everything goes up because the value of the dollar goes down, and we only see the end result and ignorantly blame the store for raising prices. Pretty soon, the minimum wage no longer affords a livable income. And we blame the employer for not paying us enough to live, ignoring the fact that most small business are barely keeping up with the ever increasing regulations and taxes. Sure, raising the minimum wage will temporarily fix the symptoms of a dying, debt based currency, but it will not cure root cause. It doesnt even address the root cause, it ignores it altogether. Why? Because, we are the root cause. We, the people, who keep asking the government to rob our grandchildren so that we can have all the crap that theyve convinced us its our right to have. Us, and those who claim to represent us, and our collective willingness to turn a blind eye to the true cost of all the free stuff that we want. But, we cant blame ourselves, because then we would actually have to change, and we only like change when its part of a politicians catch phrase. So, rather than fix the problem, rather than take a good, hard look in the mirror, we will find a scape goat, and we will blame him. We will tell him that he needs to change, to raise what he pays, and we will ask the government to write a new law, forcing him to change. We will chastise the businessman, and praise the government for temporarily fixing the problem. The same government who printed the problem into existence in the first place. But, at least we have a somebody else to blame, so we dont have to take responsibility ourselves. That is, after all, the American way.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 07:16:33 +0000

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