Rajapakse sponsored racism takes toll : an international school - TopicsExpress


Rajapakse sponsored racism takes toll : an international school student permanently disabled (Lanka-e-News-23.June.2013, 4.30PM) While the uncouth , uncivilized , uneducated Medamulana land crocodiles are fomenting hatred among the races by using the marauding and murderous groups of Buddhist extremist monks from the junks , we are in receipt of a tragic report of a most unfortunate incident which is an evil fallout of the racist policies followed by the Medamulana crocodiles who are hell bent only on selfish power perpetuation selling even Buddhism. An argument had erupted between a Sinhalese student and a Muslim student in an international school resulting in the Muslim student being raised and dashed on the ground by a Sinhalese student breaking the spine and head of the Muslim student. The latter is now hospitalized. The young student , the victim of this attack which took place on Wednesday the 19th is now an invalid for life following this deadly assault, according to reports reaching Lanka e news. This disgraceful incident involving two students of grade 8 has occurred in an international school – Lyceum international (Panadura Branch) belonging to Mohanlal Grero , a Minister of the Medamulana Rajapakse regime who is moving heaven and earth to suppress this episode , it is learnt. This violent attack which was launched while the children were in school and classes were in progress had instilled fear among the parents who are questioning , what is the disciplinary standard and security their children can expect in such a school ? It is very unfortunate that the racism and religious extremism fanned and fueled by the regime and its paramilitary groups , the Baala Senas – Bodhu Bala Sena, Sinhala Ravaya and Ravana are spreading not only among society but even among students – the country’s future investment . This wildly and insanely growing racist hatred and discrimination was also well illustrated by advertisements of Buddhist extremist groups in the newspapers which stated that Muslims will not be considered as tenants for the premises to be rented/ leased out. The folly and racial insanity of the elders are influencing the young minds of the children . This incident may well mark the beginning of more serious and dangerous violence. It must be understood ,this is a most pernicious precedent created against all races and religions, not against the minorities alone. No parent would like their children to follow in the footsteps of sons of Mervyn the vermin , nor Rocket Rohitha who attacked a Rugby referee nor sons of police higher ups like contract killer DIG Vaas wallowing in the blood money earned by their father – no , not for all the world! In the circumstances , if we are to safeguard the younger generation even belatedly ,( leaving alone the incorrigibles like Rocket Rohitha and sons of Mervyn and Vaas) , it is for the genuine Sangha Nayakes to agitate and protest against the extremist monks , and send them back to the stinking junk from where they have sprung . On the contrary , if the Sangha Nayakes are to remain silent even at this belated stage and be idle spectators , posterity will not only curse these goons and gangs but even the genuine religious leaders for permitting their fakes to rule the roost . Although you recieve this free news service, LeN bears expenditure. If you are satisfied with this, contribute your donation. This Article Viewers ( 2771 ) | E-Mail This Article | Print This Article
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 05:31:27 +0000

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