[Ralph Covert asked for a review of his new CD, so here it is] - TopicsExpress


[Ralph Covert asked for a review of his new CD, so here it is] Ralph Covert has always had the gift of writing amazing and sonically complex pop songs and gives us a new collection with his album Accidental Soundtrack. When I listen back on to the songs Covert wrote 20 years ago with his Chicago-based power pop group The Bad Examples, I am struck how such a young man could write such mature songs. Now, with his new CD Accidental Soundtrack, hes given a very personal collection of a man reflectlng on those years. Its the fast-forward from his album Birthday, which was written at the birth of his daughter, Fiona Grey. Now that Fionas grown and a singer/songwriter in her own right, the song Islands of Lost Certainties sounds like the advice of a father to a daughter whos ready to set off in the world (on tour, no less). With Arthurs Carruthers Laboratory, we see a man who spent the best years of his youth so absorbed with his work that hes missed out on the world turning without he knowing. And the legendary Corky Siegel on harmonica is just an amazing gift on the bluesy When the Captains Gone. If Adam McCarthy doesnt tear you up, youre just not human. The album ends with the gorgeous redux of the song with the soulful Mike Hartigan on solo piano. Hes also brought back Steve Gerlach on electric guitar. As usual, Covert offers gorgeous harmonies with his crew. His engaging tuneful tenor voice hasnt lost a thing through the years. Dont expect slick production - this is stripped down with the feeling youre sitting in a living room with him and his great band. Make no mistake, the Ralph and The Bad Examples can still rock and occasionally play around the Chicago area. And hes been hugely successful with his kiddy rock band Ralphs World, giving parents kids music that doesnt make you want to pull hair out. Now being of a certain age myself, I appreciate this collection more than I would have 20 years ago when I first was introduced to his music as a young girl working at a record store.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:28:24 +0000

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