Ram Lubranicki (US Admin) A Radical Muslim is a Practicing - TopicsExpress


Ram Lubranicki (US Admin) A Radical Muslim is a Practicing Muslim, a Moderate Muslim is a non Practicing Muslim or otherwise known as an Apostate of Islam...The penalty for Apostasy under Sharia law is Death Dave Gaubatz Destroy the Islamic ideology worldwide and we will have peace worldwide Dave Gaubatz Islam is an economic, military, and political ideology, that uses religions as a method to obtain their ultimate goal: Islamic Ummah (Nation)Worldwide and under Sharia law Dave Gaubatz CAIR has a larger and more dependable Confidential Informant Network than our entire FBI Department. CAIR has devoted non-Muslim people within local, state, and federal government. They have police officers in high positions, medical personnel, military personnel, and most importantly they have Pastors, Ministers, and Rabbis. Dave Gaubatz We are not at war with Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Taliban, or other Islamic terrorist groups. We are at war with Islam itself and the groups that emerge from the violent ideology of Islam are our secondary enemies. Dave Gaubatz islamexposed.org/about-us-2/contact-us/ask-the-expert-questions-from-fans/ask-the-expert-with-paul-dave-gaubatz/
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 22:32:31 +0000

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