Ramadan: Commit to permanent change: With all its blessings and - TopicsExpress


Ramadan: Commit to permanent change: With all its blessings and opportunities, Ramadan shifts us into high gear for increasing our obedience to Allah and seeking His pleasure. Yet, though many of us start this period with enthusiasm, our usual habits often prevent us from achieving permanent change. So as the month of Ramadan goes, lets dedicate ourselves to real, lasting change - to increasing our heartfelt love for Allah and reflecting that love in our daily actions. We can do this best by leaving behind what He dislikes and wholeheartedly embracing the good, not only during Ramadan, but throughout the entire year and, even better, throughout our entire lives. To encourage sustained change, we must allow the seed of sincere intention - the gift from Allah of our true nature - to grow in our hearts and guide our behavior. In doing so, we will notice that Allah will lighten things for us and elevate our status in this life and the next. Remember the Hadith Qudsi which says: ... if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, No. 502). Sometimes doing good may involve a lot of patience, so lets remember that Allah rewards us according to the effort we expend. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Ahead of you there lie days of patience, during which being patient will be like grasping a hot coal. The one who does good deeds then will have a reward like that of fifty men who do such deeds. (Abu Dawud, 4341; also al-Tirmidhi, 3085). Brothers and sisters in Islam, as we hope and pray for Allahs mercy during this time of Ramadan, let us all focus on the lasting transformation of our hearts and souls. Let us shed what is impure and untrue while strengthening the good and the true so that the change that follows can carry us forward through our remaining days and years, both on this earth and in the hereafter. In Sha Allah!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 00:15:55 +0000

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