Ramadan Preparation Tips Assalamu alaikum, Ramadan is - TopicsExpress


Ramadan Preparation Tips Assalamu alaikum, Ramadan is approximately a month away. Here are a few tips to help us prepare for this blessed month. Make the intention to make this Ramadan full of ibaadah and better than last year get an easy to understand Quran translation so that what you recite is more meaningful. Start reading from now even if it’s just an ayah a day If you don’t currently perform salah 5 x a day, change this ASAP. If you do pray, then perform the sunnah (recommended) and nafl (voluntary) prayers or start to wake up for tahajjud once a week. Aim to continue this all through Ramadan and after as well. Think of the rewards you will receive in Ramadan InshaAllah do all your Eid shopping in advance. This way you can devote more time for ibaadah in Ramadan set a date to stop smoking/shisha in the next week. This way inshaAllah you will be smoke free by Ramadan. Start cutting down on junk food, caffeine, fried food and start eating healthily and maintain this throughout Ramadan and beyond. We all like to over eat in Ramadan and then consequently put on weight. Let’s eat healthy this year!! Make a DUA list. Ramadan is the month to ask for everything. Go crazy! Make your duas at the times it is most likely to be answered; before breaking the fast, during salah, in the last ten nights or during tahajjud Do a pre Ramadan spring clean. Tackle one room a day, throw out the junk or give things to charity. This way your home is clutter free and relatively tidy before Ramadan (unless you’ve got kids of course which means it will be tidy for all of 5 minutes) Write your objectives for Ramadan eg pray all sunnah of salah, finish reciting the Quran with meaning, Giving to charity as much as possible. This way you have a clear goal of what you want to achieve inshaAllah start cutting down/ cut out completely on TV, music, Facebook, twitter etc. This way you are less likely to miss it in Ramadan and spend more time in ibaadah rather than wasting precious time start giving as much as you are able to charity. This way, in Ramadan it’s something you will find easy to do and inshaAllah you can be more generous. Make a Good Deeds List for Ramadan. Eg helping neighbours, providing food for the masjid etc. Make the most of this blessed month make up for any missed fasts or fast on the Sunnah days of Mondays and Thursdays. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Deeds are shown (to Allaah) on Mondays and Thursdays, and I like my deeds to be shown when I am fasting.” (Tirmidhi) start adjusting your sleeping habits so that u can wake up for early. Try waking up for tahajjud 2-3 times a week. Control your tongue. If u are in the habit of swearing, backbiting etc. STOP NOW. Then keep this up after Ramadan too.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 03:37:59 +0000

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