Ramadan in Afghanistan By Said Shamsul Islam Ramadan is the most - TopicsExpress


Ramadan in Afghanistan By Said Shamsul Islam Ramadan is the most important event for Muslims around the globe. It inspires people to practice humanism, ethics, respect, tolerance, compassion, and generosity in everyday life. Afghans, most of whom do not enjoy basic living conditions, kept fasting successfully and celebrated the Eid al-Fitr or Sugar Feast. Just like every year. However, there were events and moments which were unusual. They struck us, sometimes they hurt us. Being an Afghan myself I would like to share some of them. First of all, Ramadan coincided with the raise in temperature in many cities including Kabul. It was terribly hot in Jalalabad, Kandahar, Helmand, Kunduz, Kabul and some other provinces. Temperature in Kabul reached above 38 Celsius grade, the highest in 50 years. As one can imagine, these weather conditions make one thirsty and make it difficult to perform well. Yet we were firm in fasting and performed our day to day activities. No, nature wasn’t too friendly to us during Ramadan. Apart from the hot weather conditions floods took the lives of many, including women and children in Sorobi and Shakardara districts in Kabul. No, nature wasn’t too friendly to us during Ramadan. Usually, during Ramadan social life takes a smoother and calmer turn, but this time surprisingly politicians were overactive. Upcoming presidential elections, the signing of a strategic agreement with the US and peace talks with the Taliban, were hotly debated on TV and radio channels as well as in offices and among ordinary people. To do good and avoid evil is a common instruction in many religions. During Ramadan it takes on more meaning. Yet violence and injustice continued in this holy month. Suicide attacks, road side blasts, and direct fight between government / ISAF and armed opposition hit many families and took many lives. One person lost almost all members of his family in a road side mine blast in the south of the country. In a suicide attack near the Indian consulate in Jalalabad many innocent children and women died. More than 20 people died in Khugiani district of Nangrahar, and children and women were killed in the bomb blast while visiting the graveyard of their son (a soldier who was killed few days before in Shinwar district of Nangrahar). Two young girls were abused in then killed in Baghlan province. To name just a few violent events. Why are some politicians adding more fat to their fat bellies, while poverty is so appalling? During Ramadan your heart is touched more easily when confronted with poverty. I felt hurt seeing women and children begging in the street. I met physically and mentally impaired beggars from Pakistan, not knowing one single word in the local language. I gave them something and walked along, but couldn’t get them out of my head. During Ramadan in many Islamic countries prices go down. This is to show solidarity with poor people. In Afghanistan this was the opposite. Prices went up to the extent that many could only dream of fruits and meat. On the first day of the Sugar Feast, my youngest nine year old son asked for money to buy a toy gun. I asked him why. “Because all children have a gun to play with,” he replied. During Ramadan in many Islamic countries prices go down to show solidarity with poor people. In Afghanistan this was the opposite. These childish requests seem innocent, but in fact they are deeply distressing. Why import plastic guns and not other toys that would help our children to grow up normally? Why are some politicians adding more fat to their fat bellies, while floods and suiciders were taking innocent lives and poverty was so appalling? It felt wrong that these same politicians talked about humanity, prosperity and unity in their Eid messages to the public. Which humanity, which prosperity? Even during the holy days of Ramadan some people remain brutal and inhuman. And some do not believe in what they say. Or they have forgotten their duties as a human and as a Muslim.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 04:27:45 +0000

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