Ramana Maharshi used to have two rabbits. To keep them warm, to - TopicsExpress


Ramana Maharshi used to have two rabbits. To keep them warm, to keep those rabbits warm, he used to always keep them in the bed next to him. Every two minutes they used to jump out of the bed and run here and there. They always used to jump. He used to show this to the devotees and tell, ‘These rabbits don’t want to be in the bed, warm, cozy; they just want to jump, go around, and be somewhere else. But, after you jump out of the bed, where will you go? What will you do next? They don’t know! So, they just come back!’ Understand, many times in your life also, you just want to be out of this place wherever you are – you may be in a job, you may be in a relationship, you may be in a house, you may be in an ashram. I have seen in our own organization, in our ashram, people just want to go away. I ask them, ‘What will you do after you run away?’ They reply, ‘I don’t know that and all! I just don’t want to be here, that’s all!’ See, this pattern, ‘I don’t know what I will do in the future; I don’t know about it; I don’t care about it! But, I don’t want to be here!’, this is what is the symptom of deep incompletion. That pattern will continue to drive you crazy wherever you go. PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:54:01 +0000

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