Ramayana-146 (A second father dies); After finding no any clue of - TopicsExpress


Ramayana-146 (A second father dies); After finding no any clue of Sitas whereabouts they decided to search her in the forests and the mountains.They searched every mountain,forest and river bank calling Seetas name aloud.Baffled and grief stricken ,Rama cried out against the river Godavari,against the gods and against the five elements.Rama at once recognised the flowers and cried excitedly: These are the flowers I gave her .They might have fallen from her hair. they searched the forest all around the spot where they found the flowers. They noticed the marks of a Rakshasas big feet and little foot- prints which they knew were Sitas. they found some gold beads split from Sitas jewels.rama cried again: Look !The Rakshasa has been chasing her like a beast of prey to tear her tender flesh.! Then they saw several fragments of a chariot and great clots of blood,as also royal head gear and jewels scattered on the ground.They wondered what these things could mean. Soon they came upon a large bow broken ,flagtorn and armour crushed. a little later they saw the dead bodies of a charioteer and of mules.It was clear that a vehement battle had been fought on the spot.The powerful Rakshasa must have struggled here groaned Rama, each claiming sole right to eat Sita.. Rama looked totally frustrated and said: Dharma could not save Sita. !.no god came to her rescue. It will be right to destroy this wicked world.. rama was beside himself and talked wildly. Lakshmana tried to calm Rama and said: great sorrow unbalances all minds,even the strongest.. Else why should you thus lose self control?. Why should you hate and curse the entire world for the evil deed of one person?...How often have you ,my brother ,calmed my anger and led me on the right path !..Let us find out who our enemy is and deal with him... with such loving words Lakshmana sought to give courage and consolation and both walked on. They had not proceeded far when they came on Jataayu,bloody and mutilated,unrecognizable,lying on the ground....
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:19:25 +0000

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