Ram’s Head- Did you ever notice how any home or piece of - TopicsExpress


Ram’s Head- Did you ever notice how any home or piece of property comes with a history all its own? You take the home I moved into when I moved to Pigeon Forge. It was built over 30 years ago and looks like 100,000 more ranchers across this nation, but it is not. When I stopped by on an Easter Sunday to look at it for the first time, I went inside with the owners and started snapping pictures so I could send them to my wife to see what she thought. I had many orbs in several of the photos. Three were in the bedroom and more in the bath and kitchen. The camera had taken none in the other properties I looked over that weekend. I went home and started to make arrangements to buy the home and sell my Mississippi property. With Sarah in the army, I did all the packing and moving myself. The first night up with the men I hired to help me was without incident. They went home the next day and I took them after we dropped of the U-haul as I had to pick up my dog which did not make the first trip as she was the nervous type. Upon returning strange things started to happen nearly every night. As I was watching TV one night I smelled pipe smoke, Cherry Blend, like Uncle Roy Goforth used to smoke. No one was there but me and I had never smoked. Later that same night, I got the odor of a strong cigar. Searching around I found nothing much less smoke. I looked outside and no one was around. Then the next morning and for the next three as I awoke coffee permeated the air but the only thing was I had not even unpacked the coffee maker. It did occur every morning promptly at 6 am. After about 30 minutes the smell would fade away. After I set up my gaming computer I was testing it one night. All went well with the machine but I noticed a smell like beef stew of the best kind you ever knew. It was delicious smelling and so after a quick look around to see if someone was cooking outdoors, I was satisfied that no one was. No cans were rupturing in the pantry. I was bamboozled. The next day I got an odor like Estee Lauder and on another, Emeraude, both my Mom’s favorites. There were none in the home as I gave her’s away not long after she died. After talking with the previous owners, I found that their husband/father had died while living there of bladder cancer. Also the owners before them had a daughter with a long illness of a type like his, die there as well. It seemed he loved coffee at 6am with a pipe of Cherry Blend. She had loved to smoke cigarettes as well as an occasional cigar. The stew, well let’s just say the dad loved to cook and one of his favorites was beef stew. As for the perfumes, was it the daughter or was my Mom letting me know that she liked where I had located for it conveniences as well as the location since we often talked of retiring to the mountains. It seemed I had a haunted house. I took possession of the home as time went by. The spirits must have been satisfied with my care of the property as things seemed to calm. The only other things I could not explain as time went on was the striking of my clock every few minutes for the two hours I was out one day. I had left the digital recorded on the table hoping to pick up some activity while I was gone. The other was the sound of my elderly dog running like a puppy as she played fetch with someone not there. She had not done this in more than a year and has not done it since. She is now totally blind. I never did explain this except my Mom loved that dog and must have visited her. I simply reminded anyone dead or alive that this was my house now and I ran it. Now for the strangest event of all-I had a visit from a neighbor and her sister from New Orleans. The neighbor brought by some house-warming gifts for me as she hoped to meet me and my wife. Sarah was and still is in the army so it was just me. She had read some of my writings and asked me to read the sister some. As I read my works, we sampled the gift of wine and bread. Being a lay minister and knowing of my stories about the house, she offered to bless it for me. She began to do so while the sister, Rhoda went outside to make a cell phone call back home. The minister, Dee, went out to get her written ceremony for blessing. I took some of the pics I had of the home and showed them to her. One was of a guest bedroom and she saw an image that scared her. She asked to see the room. I took her there and she took a picture of it and gasped. She ran out to Rhoda and asked her if she saw it. Rhoda liked to have passed out and would not come back in the house. The minister had seen on the east wall behind a platform rocker the image of a standing figure with the head of a Ram. She now did a binding ceremony. Holy water was splashed. A card and ribbon with a special blessing was put on the chest n the room. A small crucifix was placed on the wall and they left. I mean left quickly. I had seen the image but felt it might be a trick of the eye. I shot photos of it in various lightings and it was still there. I have the photos and one or two is on my web page. I did my own little ceremony where I read scriptures and forbade and dark forces from challenging this home under the Protection of the Christ. Since then the cross and the binding ribbon is still there and activity has all but diminished. The house in Pigeon Forge is mine. The only spirits are the ones who watch over the house and me. Every now and then I hear a pop, smell some smoke or some Estee. You never can tell can you?
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:44:27 +0000

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