Rancangan map 6.81 (katanya) Changelogs: GENERAL New Game - TopicsExpress


Rancangan map 6.81 (katanya) Changelogs: GENERAL New Game mode: Captain’s Mode Lite: All pick with 2 bans for both teams at the beginning of the picking phase. (I don’t know, CD is way cooler than this!) Slark, Naga and Tidehunter gain 6% MS in the river. Kunkka loses 6% MS in the river. MS effects are swapped by the Coco’s Rum buff. Added all remaining skills to Ability Draft. HEROES Axe - Culling Blade now has global range but it stuns you for 2 seconds after casting. Terrorblade - Metamorphosis CD reduced from 140 to 100 - Metamorphosis Bonus Damage reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 10/20/30/40 - Aghanim’s Scepter: Terrorblade gets permanent Metamorphosis. Troll Warlord - When Troll Warlord has max charges of Fervor, reduce all incoming damage by 5/10/15/20% Windranger - Renamed to Windrunner Legion Commander - If a unit that has bonus duel damage dies, the unit that kills it gets the bonus damage (it could be a creep or a tower). This would actually be HILARIOUS. late game if a LC with +400dmg dies to roshan. Hardest roshan of your life! - Aghanim’s Scepter: Winner of the duel now gains 10/14/18 STR instead of damage. Crystal Maiden - Frozen Field does 15/25/35dps to every unit in the spell AOE besides the normal explosion damage Sniper - Added Aghanim’s Scepter: Allows Sniper to climb into a tree, changing Assassinate range to 3000/3800/4600. If the tree is destroyed, sniper gets stunned. - Take Aim passively ignores enemy’s evasion by up to 5/10/15/20% - Headshot chance decreased from 40% to 35% - Shrapnel dps increased by 6 and Slow increased by 5% at all levels Meepo - Divided we stand gives meepo 3/5/7 bonus armor. Clones share 40% of main meepo’s stats (100% with Agh’s scepter) - Aghanim’s Scepters now stack (Treads, Blink, 4 agh’s new meta) - Divided We Stand can now be skilled at Lv2 - Meepo gets full items on all clones (why would I pick arc warden then :3) Wraith King - Reincarnation cooldown decreased to 3 seconds (might be a little imba) Earthshaker - Base Int increased by 3. (actually I don’t hate this, but ES is a bit strong right now) Shadow Shaman - Aether shock damage reduced from 140/200/260/320 to 140/180/220/260 Doom -Aghanim’s Scepter: Removed extra duration. Doomed units cannot gain HP by healing or any other means (kind of like AA ult, I suppose) Enigma -Aghanim’s Scepter: While channeling Black Hole, Enigma is immune to Stuns. (hmmmm…) Lifestealer -Infest now kills allied heroes when coming out of them (I think this one is not gonna fly.) Clinkz -When Clinkz eats a creep with Death Pact he gains that creep’s skills for the duration of Death Pact. (Maybe you should pick Doom?) - Can now eat anything with death pact, this includes building (I would laugh so much if a clinkz ate the ancient, and then you have to kill the clinkz to win and destroy the ancient inside him) - Aghanim’s Scepter: Searing Arrows add a 30%MS and 50% debuff on enemies it hits for 2 seconds. Death Pact HP gained from 5/6.5/8% to 6/7.5/9% Pudge - Hook has global range (I’ll veto this) - Aghanim’s Scepter changes in-game chat text to “cyka” Luna - Luna now has a toggleable jetpack that allows you to move over any terrain. (I think Starcraft might have something to say about this) - Lucent Beam, changed from Target Unit to Target Area (I don’t think Luna needs this kind of buff) Morphling - Replicate can now use abilities. (I think this might be tougher to balance than the arc warden) Broodmother - Broodmother has free pathing when enemies have vision of you - Broodmother moves 50% slower when on unpathable terrain if enemies have vision over her. Slark -Reworked to be a fish man (???) He can only be in the river (????? how does he get there in the first place?) Can’t be told apart from other fishes in the river (wat??) Lone Druid: - Aghanim’s Scepter: Remove Bear Leash distance. Bear gets 250 mana. Bear Return skill replaced by Charge Charge ===== Mana cost 150 CD: 60s Range: 600 Spirit Bear charges towards an enemy unit immediately rooting it upon contact. - Spirit Bear gains an extra skill at Lv7 Hibernate ======= Cooldown: 45s Spirit Bear cannot move or attack for 7 seconds but regens 100hp/s for the duration of the spell. This effect is not channeled, but cannot be cancelled until the full duration is over. Keeper of the Light - Aghanim’s Scepter: Spirit Form costs 0 mana and is a toggleable spell? Why would you want to toggle it off like, ever? This change makes no sense. Tiny - If there are no valid targets for toss, Tiny can toss himself and take 90/180/275/360 self damage. - Aghanim’s on Tiny changes his model into “The Hulk” Doom - Devour works on Lycanthrope’s Wolves (Doom gets the wolf’s abilities. Maybe pick Riki?) Dark Seer - Vacuum cooldown reduced from 28 to 16. (Because it was totally balanced back then!) Techies!! (which might be in the game soon, who knows!) - Suicide Squad Attack! now usable… let’s just assume I didn’t read this tweet. Naga Siren - Aghanim’s Scepter removes cast time. Give charges that last one second each that recharge over time “a la remnants” (I don’t really understand what this means) Wraith King -Renamed to The One True Skeleton King Lycanthrope: - Wolves have a 1% chance to inflict rabies status to opponents, instantly killing them after 1 minute. (Shall we rename them to Kujos while at it?) Io - Aghanim’s Scepter: Can now tether to a second additional unit. Relocate gets a Return subability to immediately teleport back. Timbersaw - Chakram reworked: Gain +2% MS per tree cut using chakram (buff lasts 5 seconds). I think this is the first change I kinda like, there should be more interaction between cutting trees and buffs for Timber. Shadow Fiend - Model reworked. Slardar - Model reworked (he does look like a fat slug) Lina - Aghanim’s Scepter: Laguna blade deals damage to every enemy unit in the line between her and her target. Death Prophet - Exorcism spirits rescaled to 5/10/15 - Spirit movement speed “decreased a bit” - Spirit attacks slow 3% of target’s MS for 3 seconds. This debuff stacks. - Aghanim’s Scepter gives extra exorcism spirits equal to bloodstone charges owned. Drow Ranger: - Aghanim’s Scepter: Marksmanship Bonus Agility increased from 40/60/80 to 80/120/160 Nyx Assassin: - Aghanim’s Scepter: Removes movement speed limit on Nyx assassin. - Aghanim’s Scepter: Vendetta can be used when stunned. - Aghanim’s Scepter: You can’t be revealed out of Vendetta by true sight. Vendetta damage increased from 250/400/550 to 400/550/700 Templar Assassin Refraction instances increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/8 Queen of Pain - Strength gain increased from 1.7 to 2.3 - Scream of Pain Radius increased to 550 Bloodseeker - Aghanim’s Scepter: Rupture has global range Lion - Earth Spike damage increased from 60/130/200/260 to 90/160/230/290 - Strength Gain increased from 1.7 to 1.9 Alchemist - Unstable concoction can now be targeted on the ground. It will only explode when time runs out and not on contact. Slark: - Slark actually dances when under the effects of Shadow Dance Phantom Assassin: - Blur evasion chance on lv4 increased from 40% to 100% Kappa. Ogre Magi - XP and Gold gain can multicast. ITEMS Boots - Movement speed of different types of boots are stackable (i.e: If you have brown boots AND treads, you get the combined movespeed, but if you have 2 brown boots, you don’t) Rod of Atos - Slow amount reduced from 50% to 30% - Rod of Atos now affects every enemy in a 200 AOE Orb of Venom - Now Purges BKB (Might be too cheap of a counter, maybe it purges it after 5 or 6 attacks? :P ). Ethereal Blade - Can be made out of Eaglehorn, Reaver or Mystic Staff. It gives +40 of that item’s stat and +10 to every other one. (if you could swap it like treads while you’re at it, the possibilities for the plays!!) - Alternatively +40agi attribute changed to +40 of the owner’s primary stat. Battlefury -Reworked recipe: Now it’s Vanguard + Oblivion Staff + Recipe. Gives the atrributes of both those items combines + Cleave (So essentially you have a battlefury that deals no damage, :( ) New item: Master’s Staff: Ingredients: 4x quarterstaff +50dmg +50attack speed Reduces attack point to .1 seconds (I struggle to think who would I build this on) New Item: Ham of Mingus: Comes with only 1 charge Use the charge to consume 1 enemy hero for 1900 gold and 2.5x experience… ok, here’s the thing, if the item’s worth less than 1900 gold you should totally have a support farm one and buy new ones every time, having a hero removal every fight, if it costs more, then the gold part is not really relevant, I don’t know about this one! New Item: Blink Boots Ingredients: Brown Boots + Blink Dagger. Does the same as both items combined. Can be dissassembled. Blink Dagger Cost increased from 2150 to 2500. Dagon Can be upgraded up to lv6. Lv6 dagon deals 1200 burst damage and if it kills an enemy hero, he can’t buy back. New Item: NECRONODAGON Ingredients: Dagon 5, Necro 3, 100g recipe. Necronomicon Units have unlimited lifespan. Ranged Necronomicon Unit has Dagon 5 subability. New Item: Staff of the Apprentice Ingredients: Oblivion Staff + 1200g recipe Upgrades a lot of non-ultimate skills (I actually like this idea!)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 07:15:10 +0000

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