Randall, After over 14 months of fighting to keep this race - TopicsExpress


Randall, After over 14 months of fighting to keep this race neck and neck, when August ends, we’ll finally enter into the critical period in which elections are won and lost. This is it – once September rolls around, everything is on the line. In the last few days, the urgency of our fight has only intensified with recent revelations that Mitch McConnell will implement the radical Koch brothers’ agenda and shut down the government if he wins. Polls show we can win – but with so little time remaining, every day and every dollar counts. Chip in now to help us meet our $400,000 goal – let’s make sure August is our biggest month yet. Because youve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately. Express Donate: $15 Express Donate: $30 Express Donate: $50 Or donate another amount. The more we learn about Mitch McConnell’s reckless agenda for our future, the more I’m reminded why this fight is so important. It’s not just that he doesn’t support raising the minimum wage or easing the burden of student debt – it’s that he won’t even let these critical issues come up for a vote. To help working families finally get a voice and a vote in Washington, we need to take the fight to Mitch McConnell every day from now until November 4th. We need your help to keep our ads on the air and our volunteers on the doors. If we can keep spreading the word about our positive message for Kentucky’s future, we can end the gridlock by retiring Mitch McConnell once and for all. Contribute today to help us meet our August goal – it’s critical that we have the resources to fight back. Thanks again for all you do, Alison P.O. Box 1867 Lexington, KY 40588-1867 AlisonforKentucky Paid for by Alison for Kentucky If you are an employee of Kentucky State Government, or if there is any other reason that makes this general solicitation inappropriate in your case, please disregard and/or delete this email. To unsubscribe, please click the link below. This message was sent to andrew_redmon073@yahoo. To unsubscribe from the Alison for Kentucky email list, please click here.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 17:16:41 +0000

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