Randall, If Karl Rove and the Koch brothers went into - TopicsExpress


Randall, If Karl Rove and the Koch brothers went into Frankenstein’s lab, the recipe for their ideal Senate candidate would look something like this: Two parts Paul Ryan (especially the attacks on Medicare and Social Security). One part Michele Bachmann. A hint of Ted “burn-it-all-down” Cruz. And a huge chunk of Scott Brown’s zealous ambition. Know what you’d get? Republican Congressman Tom Cotton. At least that would explain why they’re spending so much to put him in the Senate. In fact, these special interest groups have thrown more than $10 million into attacking Mark Pryor. They’re outspending him 3-to-1. If we don’t jump in to help Mark fight back, Kochlandia will succeed in putting their puppet in the Senate. Mark is facing a HUGE, public, financial filing deadline at the end of this month. It’s the kind of moment that decides whether the pundits sing your praises or start writing your political obituary. To stay on track, he needs to raise $26,791 more by June 21. Wherever you live, you’ve got to give, give, give. Click here to donate to help Mark Pryor defend the Democratic Senate majority from Karl Rove and the Koch brothers. Voucherizing Medicare. Privatizing Social Security. Hiking student loan rates. This Tom Cotton is a piece of work! When you stir up his irrepressible ambition and the Super PACs’ millions, you get a living, breathing rubber stamp for an agenda that will destroy the middle class. We just can’t afford the Kochs pulling the strings on a U.S. senator. But the only way to stop this runaway train is to help Mark hit every goal between now and Election Day. Right now, that means helping him raise $26,791 by June 21. Are you in? Click here to give what you can now! Let’s win this thing. – James Contribute This email was sent to redm5954@rocketmail. To unsubscribe from the Mark Pryor for US Senate email list, please click here. Paid for by Mark Pryor for US Senate https://secure.actblue/contribute/page/pryor-nat?refcode=20140618-nd&amounts=5,25,50,100,250,500
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:35:22 +0000

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