Randall, Weve been betrayed again! John Boehner - TopicsExpress


Randall, Weve been betrayed again! John Boehner passed a so-called clean debt-ceiling hike through the Republican-controlled House. When he vowed to move it forward and get it done, John Boehner, yet again, proved his allegiance to Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and the Democrats. This is unacceptable. Boehners shift from liberal appeaser to full on liberal is why we must have your help to remove him from office -- sign the REMOVE Boehner petition and pitch in $5 or more. Already, the Tea Party Leadership Fund has spent more than $240k on hard hitting radio ads, T.V. ads, billboards, voter action calls, and mail in Boehners own backyard. And after Speaker Johns latest liberal lurch -- its clear now more than ever, we need to keep up the pressure through till the moment we remove him from office. Instead of addressing the problems of our big government spending and debt, this hike just raises the limit and ultimately taxes -- hurdling us into even greater fiscal danger. The leadership of both parties in Washington is failing, and the American people know it. Too many Washington leaders have been in the seat of D.C. power for too long. Their chance to fix problems has passed, and now they break everything they touch. It is time for fresh, intelligent, forceful, conservative voices like Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul to be heard and begin to lead. Under Speaker Boehners leadership our America wont last much longer, but right now it is still worth saving. Please, its time to step up...join the movement by adding your name to the Remove Boehner petition now and donate at least $5. The Tea Party Leadership Fund is the only group actively working on the on the ground in Boehners district -- OH-08 -- to oppose the Speaker and his liberal agenda. In Johns district -- $10 buys 100 robocalls $75 makes 100 live calls $100 plays a 30 second radio spot $700 buys a weeks worth of billboard on I-75 When you sign and donate, each and every dollar will go towards wining the hearts and minds of voters on the ground in Ohio. With your commitment, we are engaging the votes who will put the liberal RINO John Boehner out of a job. Polling shows a majority of his constituents would vote for a REAL conservative!. Before he strikes again on amnesty, another tax hike, or by passing another cut to earned pensions for our military and disabled veterans, will you sign the REMOVE Boehner petition and donate at least $5 to ensure John Boehner is no longer Speaker of the House? Thank you. Im counting on you. Sincerely, Rusty Humphries Primary Boehner Chairman P.S. Ask yourself: what have you gotten out of his leadership? Bigger government, amnesty, and Obamacare. But is this what you want? So please, sign and make an immediate contribution of $25 so well have the resources to primary John Boehner now. Thanks - Rusty ABOUT THE TEA PARTY LEADERSHIP FUND The Tea Party Leadership Fund is a leader in this freedom movement putting your nationwide support into local action. Learn more. TheTeaPartyLeadershipFund Paid for by The Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. Contributions from foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. TheTeaPartyLeadershipFund This message was intended for: redm5954@rocketmail You were added to the system March 12, 2013. For more information click here. Update your preferences | Unsubscribe
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:56:48 +0000

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